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本帖最后由 UGLALA 于 2011-4-26 17:39 编辑
洛根在斩杀大恶魔的时候说了啥? 如果有什么新证词我很感兴趣。 这么说你啥都没忽略? 国王亲信的话没忽略、战前士兵的话没忽略、酒吧洛根亲兵面临死亡要挟时说的话没忽略? 请您先法反驳这些证词. 你只会骂一个国王身边最亲信最知己而且是将死之人是逃兵而已,其他的啥都说不出来。
sirensong 发表于 2011-4-26 17:02
哇靠 我很懷疑你連中文都看不懂了,請問戰前士兵是哪位?
Commander: Well. Look what we have here, men. I think we've just been blessed.
Alistair: Uh-oh. Loghain's men. This can't be good.
Soldier: Didn't we spend all morning asking about a woman by this very description? And everyone said they hadn't seen her?
Commander: It seens we were lied to.
Leliana: Gentlemen, surely there is no need for trouble. These are no doubt simply more poor souls seeking refuge.
Commander: They're more than that. Now stay out of our way, Sister. You protect these traitors, you'll get the same as them.
Warden: What makes you think we're traitors?
Leliana: Teyrn Loghain claims Grey Wardens betrayed the king, or haven't you heard?
Commander: Enough talk. Take the Warden into custody. Kill the sister and anyone else that gets in your way.
Soldier: Right! Let's make this quick!
Leliana: Good. They've learned their lesson and we can all stop fighting, now.
Warden: The Grey Wardens didn't betray King Cailan. Loghain did.
Commander: I was there! The teyrn pulled us out of a trap!
Warden: The teyrn left the king to die!
Commander: The Wardens led the king to his death! The teyrn could do nothing!
連事實都搞不清楚的士兵有必要提他的證詞? |