夜幕下的猫 发表于 2015-4-2 14:35


merryni110 发表于 2015-4-2 15:56

guo728 发表于 2015-4-1 13:37 手工精翻是个非常耗时间的事。时间太长会遇到两个问题:汉化者热情消退;玩家随着时间延长而离开。 我能理 ... 看楼主的意思,已经意识到这个问题了,打算用前仆后继的方法解决,还有机翻速度版自由别的汉化组去做来解决能玩儿,楼主的想的是解决玩的好

1kb/s 发表于 2015-4-2 22:39


游戏闲人 发表于 2015-4-3 05:39

每天支持一下,对 某个神秘组织的超强支援 非常感兴趣

hastejackal 发表于 2015-4-3 06:48


tacobaby 发表于 2015-4-3 07:07


valkylin000 发表于 2015-4-3 08:06

這真的是大工程,我TOEIC pass了,玩POE還是有點吃力....感謝且獻上我的誠摯祝福給樓主跟翻譯團隊!!

ning198729 发表于 2015-4-3 17:56


xionds 发表于 2015-4-3 18:19

我奇怪为什么天渺不接手 {:3_103:}

sunhanlove 发表于 2015-4-3 21:05


quakekiller 发表于 2015-4-3 22:10

不管有没有最后成功,有这种想法都要来支持下,特别是这种dnd rpg~~~

ligangzhu 发表于 2015-4-3 22:17


robinxb 发表于 2015-4-3 23:34

帮顶,直接放github上吧 嘿嘿

hswzj 发表于 2015-4-4 00:29

大赞楼主 支持楼主 加油 看好你!!!!!

游戏闲人 发表于 2015-4-4 07:21


tacobaby 发表于 2015-4-4 07:32


jincheng91 发表于 2015-4-4 13:50


yoax1231231 发表于 2015-4-4 13:53


jordison612 发表于 2015-4-4 14:03

太猛了必須支持 加油加油加油!!!

青樽醉 发表于 2015-4-4 14:30


dilaidy 发表于 2015-4-4 16:47

wowerdruid 发表于 2015-3-31 11:07 static/image/common/back.gif
Animancy在DND中被翻译成通灵术就是扯淡好吗?这个词就不该被翻译成通灵术,在《黑暗之书》这本书中,英文 ...



The art of Animancy, or Anitheurgy as the practice of Animancy is called, is the magical art with the most discussion surrounding it. While it is not inherently evil, its purview of control is a sensitive subject for many beings. Animancy is the arcane manipulation of magic to achieve effects based around life and death, spirits and souls. In the past, it was also referred to as Necromancy.

Necromancy通译成什么就不用提了。spirits and souls都给扔到鬼堆里也是醉了。

至于TRPG里的定义。。。是soul magic。一般会译成,灵魂学。我个人喜欢“谐灵学”

Animancy is loosely defined as 'spirit magic.' It is the harmonious union of mind, body, and spirit and as such, it is by far the most complicated of the Seven Gifts. Although each animancer possesses a natural inclination toward one aspect of their gift (mind, body, or spirit), they are not limited to that aspect alone. As a matter of course, their greatest spells and skills will be those that spring from this intrinsic preference.

An animancer can communicate with animals, feel the emotions of others, communicate with spirits, dreamwalk, move objects, or (more rarely) shapeshift, depending on their power level and experience. An animancer often tends to have a preternatural awareness of their surroundings. Everything that is done involves an investment of one's own personal energy, the manipulation of their essence.

wasdefg 发表于 2015-4-4 16:59


lichess 发表于 2015-4-4 21:09

本帖最后由 lichess 于 2015-4-4 21:28 编辑

wowerdruid 发表于 2015-3-31 11:07 static/image/common/back.gif
Animancy在DND中被翻译成通灵术就是扯淡好吗?这个词就不该被翻译成通灵术,在《黑暗之书》这本书中,英文 ...

能够对比原文进行独立思考是一件好事。但很多词汇单独对照英文来进行解释是远远不够的,很不巧 Animancy 这个词正是其中之一。Animancy 的词源是 Anima,这是一个拉丁文词汇(为了便于理解,这里只列出了它的主格形式),意思就是 Spirit,Soul,灵魂。那么意思是“研习灵魂之术”的 Animancy 翻译成“通灵术”有什么问题?

另外你所说的,作为“通灵术”更为精确的 Psychic,很遗憾它也不是英语词汇,而是来自希腊语,意思也是 Spirit,Soul,灵魂。

所以我想问你,为什么 Psychic 可以叫“通灵术”,而同样意思的 Animancy 却不能?


qazw6325 发表于 2015-4-4 21:28


fuyun1981 发表于 2015-4-4 21:37


wesley8520 发表于 2015-4-4 23:14


skywalkman 发表于 2015-4-4 23:14


游戏闲人 发表于 2015-4-5 08:26


DHHXHH 发表于 2015-4-5 09:36


三月阳光 发表于 2015-4-5 09:38

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