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本帖最后由 zhywdb 于 2015-1-17 16:06 编辑
A spiral bound document with a blue paper title page under a clear plastic cover. The title, "The History of the Desert Rangers - by Ranger Simak," has been printed in 72pt Comic Sans."
一本螺旋装订的书,印在透明的塑料封皮下的蓝色封面上写着—— “沙漠游骑兵的传奇历史” - 作者 游骑兵西马克。这两行字被用72pt大小的Comic Sans字体打印出来。
What comes after the end?\n\nThe story of the Desert Rangers begins at what many would have called the end of all human history - after the nuclear blasts changed the face of the world forever and left human civilization with scars that would never heal.\n\nBut humanity's resilience is its defining trait, and it should surprise no one that pockets of survivors survived the nuclear holocaust. I say pockets speculatively, and some would call me a fool for doing so, for though rumors persist of mutants being cured and turned into humans in Florida, these are obvious fairy tales, and in the century since the nuclear war we here in the Arizona wastes have heard no credible reports of others surviving outside our lonely stretch of desert land. It is therefore fair to assume we're the only ones left.\n
末日后又发生了什么??\n\n沙漠游骑兵的故事开始于大家都称之为的人类文明的末日 - 核爆炸永远的改变了世界的面貌并给人类文明留下了永远无法回复的伤痕。\n\n但顽强便是人类的特征,所以没人会为核弹毁灭下有一小撮幸存者而感到惊奇。我说一小撮是有深思熟虑过的,然而有些人会因此称我为傻瓜,因为虽然有传闻坚持说在佛罗里达州有突变体被治愈,变成了人类,但这明显是假的,因为在核战争后的一个世纪中,我们在亚利桑那州的废土上还从没有听到过从我们这个寂寞的沙漠外传来的任何关于其他幸存者的可信的消息。因此这个世界只剩下了我们的假设是合理的。\n
Who are we?\n\nThe Desert Rangers started as an Army Corps of Engineers battalion, who were deep in the Arizona deserts constructing roads and bridges on that fateful day when the bombs fell. Their isolation saved their lives, but could do nothing for their frightened, broken hearts. One can only imagine the horror they felt as they listened to reports of their home cities and states being obliterated one after the other on their radios. \n\nThe engineers did not know how or why the nuclear war happened, no more than we do today, but their supplies, military training, and knowledge of the region gave them advantages over their fellow survivors during the apocalypse and the chaotic years that would follow. They commandeered a nearby federal prison, being welcomed as saviors by the few remaining prison guards, and in a show of mercy that might have perhaps been better if tempered by wisdom, the Rangers freed the prisoners into the desert. \n\nWhy? Perhaps they felt that the apocalypse had already killed enough people, perhaps they simply didn't want to waste ammo it would have taken to execute them. In any case, the prisoners survived, which lead to a volatile mix of survivors all living together in the wasteland - isolated farming communities, scientists from secretive research facilities, citizens of small towns just looking to get by, but opposite them were not just the rapidly mutating monsters of the desert, but equally monstrous humans, cultists and cannibals. Many of these threats were from the original prison population, as well as formerly law-abiding citizens who saw the end of the world as an excuse to abandon all of civilization's constraints.\n\nFaced with such villains, the army engineers could have hidden in the prison and lived only for their own survival, but they did not. Hearing the cries for help coming from distant radios, they invited many to join them behind their strong walls. They aided other, more established, towns, helping them build walls and protect their homes, training them in the arts of defense and war, and helping them develop into strong, stable communities.\n
我们是什么人呢?\n\n沙漠游骑兵开始是工程兵营的士兵(工程兵是担负军事工程保障任务的专业兵种), 就是当核弹掉落那天那些深入亚利桑那州的沙漠建设道路和桥梁的。他们的隔离挽救了他们的生命,但却无法治愈他们那恐惧而破碎的心。人们只能想象当他们听了他们家乡的城市和州一个接一个地被摧毁后的恐惧。\n\n工程兵们不知道如何或为什么会发生核战争,并不比我们今天知道的多,但他们的供给,军事训练,和对该地区的知识使他们比其他幸存者面对核灾变后的混乱世界更有优势。他们征用了附近的一个联邦监狱,作为拯救者受到剩余的几个狱警的欢迎,为了显出仁慈是最好锻炼的智慧,监狱关押的犯人被释放到了沙漠。 \n\n到底为什么呢?也许他们认为大灾变已经杀了足够多的人,也许他们只是不想浪费弹药来处决囚犯们。不管怎样,囚犯们幸存了下来,导致一个不稳定的幸存者混合体共同生活在废土上-孤立的农业社区,秘密研究机构的科学家,小城镇上得过且过的公民,但他们对面不只在沙漠中快速变异的怪物,还有同样丑陋畸形的人类,异教徒和食人族。许多这些威胁的来由就是原来监狱里的犯人们,除此之外也有一些以前的守法公民看到世界毁灭就以此为借口放弃所有文明的约束。\n\n面对这样的恶棍,陆军工程兵们本可以隐藏在监狱中生活,但他们没有。他们倾听着从遥远的无线电传来的模糊的求救声与哭喊声,邀请了许多人加入他们坚固的高墙之后。他们帮助其他人,建立城镇,帮助他人建造墙和保护他们的家园,训练并教会他们战争与防守的艺术,并帮助他们发展成强大的,稳定的社区。\n
Holding Back the Tide\n\nThough the Desert Rangers never gained the numbers to patrol the wastes in their entirety, it is thanks to their efforts in the century that followed that many communities in the wasteland flourished. They helped protect the community of Highpool until it could rebuild the pre-war defenses that now make it the most well protected source of water in the wastes. The Rangers helped the Rail Nomads repair their trains and expand their rail lines, allowing them to establish a thriving trading and transportation network. They also helped the residents of the Agricultural Center go from a tiny farming community to a food research facility that has the potential to lead the wasteland into a greener, healthier future. \n\nBut despite these various successes, there was always a sense that the rangers were doing little more than holding back the tide, and that, were they to relax for but a moment, the raiders and madmen who lived on the fringes of Ranger territory would flood in and drown the young civilization before it had time to grow and stand on its own two feet. \n\nAnd then, almost a full century after the end of the war, in 2087, a new threat rose that threatened this tenuous equilibrium more than any danger the Desert Rangers had faced before.\n
\nThe library register in the front of this volume shows "Dr. E. Tidemann" as the last ranger to have checked this out.\n\nHell Razor, Angela Deth, Thrasher and Snake Vargas\n\nFour Rangers – now legend – were sent out on a fairly standard assignment, patrolling and aiding the communities that the Desert Rangers had sworn to protect. They started in Highpool, a thriving community by now, but at that moment in need of a new generator for their water purification system. While helping the town to fix this problem, they saved a young boy from a rabid dog. Accounts differ as to what happened next, but apparently the owner of the dog – a young man named Bobby – attacked the rangers for killing his pet, and they were forced to kill him in self-defense.\n\nThe next few stops on their patrol were much less fraught with drama - they saved Ag Center from an animal invasion, bought an engine from the Desert Nomads, saved the Mayor in Quartz by defeating a mob boss named Ugly John, and freed a young mechanic named Ace, who joined them, and who has proven an asset to the Desert Rangers ever since.\n\nBut the wasteland is a place of madness and desperation, and insanity is not long in rearing its head. Which it did in the next town they visited: Needles. There they encountered the Servants of the Mushroom Cloud – who worship the nuclear holocaust itself – and the discovered the Temple of Blood. At this point rumors began to reach their ears that "something was wrong in the desert”, but they could not get any clear word on what, only that they would find the answer in the cesspit known as Las Vegas.\n\nIn Vegas, the polite but dangerous crime lord Faran Brygo told them that killer cyborgs had been threatening the town, and that his right hand man Max knew more about them, but had disappeared. Further investigation led the rangers to the Las Vegas branch of the Servants of the Mushroom Cloud. Before she would talk to them, their leader, Charmaine, sent the rangers back to Needles to retrieve the Bloodstaff from the Temple of Blood. Once they brought it to her, she told them to search for Max in the sewers of Vegas.\n\nIt is here that the rumors the Rangers had been hearing were proved true. The sewers were swarming with androids! Metal monstrosities of all shapes and sizes roamed the underground, attacking on sight. After a brutal fight with the androids, the rangers found Max - or rather pieces of Max - as he turned out to be a lifelike but disassembled artificial human. Max had hoped to negotiate peace with the cyborgs, but was ripped apart for his troubles. Though not before he had learned where they had been coming from - an ancient, pre-apocalypse military facility called Base Cochise.\n
在这卷成一团的图书登记簿的第一页上写着“博士E. 泰德曼”是最后一位检查这部登记簿的游骑兵。\n\n地狱剃刀,安吉拉黛丝,长尾鲨和蝰蛇瓦加斯\n\n四名游骑兵 – 现在的传奇 – 被派出去执行一个相当标准的任务,巡逻和协助沙漠游骑兵曾宣誓要保护的社区。他们从现在已经是繁荣社区的高塘开始,但在那时高塘的水净化系统缺少一个新的发电机。在游骑兵们帮助城镇来解决这个问题时,他们从一只患有狂犬病的狗口下救了一个小男孩。关于以下发生的事情说法不一:据说这只狗的主人–一个叫鲍比的年轻人–因为游骑兵杀死了他的宠物而攻击了他们,他们出于自卫被迫杀死了他。\n\n下几个巡逻点就没这么充满戏剧性了,他们从动物的侵袭中拯救了Ag中心,从沙漠的铁路游牧民族那里买了个引擎,在石英镇打败了一个叫丑约翰的黑帮老大并救了市长,并释放了一个名叫艾斯的年轻技工,他加入了游骑兵,并从之后的服役中证明了自己对于沙漠游骑兵来说是个有用之才\n\n但是,废土是一个充满疯狂和绝望的地方,而你永远不用花太久去发现疯子的疯狂之处。这句话应验在了游骑兵们下一个访问的城市:needle。他们在那里遇到了蘑菇云的仆从–崇拜核弹毁灭本身的人–并发现了鲜血之寺。在这时谣言传到了游骑兵们耳中:“沙漠有些不对头”,但他们无法得知具体发生了什么,只知道他们将在一个被叫做拉斯维加斯的下水道中找到答案。\n\n在拉斯维加斯,礼貌但危险的地头蛇法兰布兰科告诉他们,杀手机器人已经威胁到了城镇,他的得力助手马克斯知道更多关于他们的事,但马克斯已经失踪了。进一步调查将游骑兵引向蘑菇云之仆在拉斯维加斯的分支。他们的首领夏尔曼让游骑兵回到needle的鲜血之寺取回血之权杖来交换情报。当游骑兵替她取回权杖后,她告诉他们要在拉斯维加斯的下水道寻找马克斯。\n\n正是在这里,游骑兵听到的谣言被证明属实。下水道里挤满了的机器人!各种奇形怪状的金属怪物在地底漫游,见到人就攻击。经历了与机器人残酷的战斗后,游骑兵发现了马克斯-或者说是马克斯的一部分-他已经被改造成一个栩栩如生的可拆卸的人造人。马克斯曾希望与机械人和平谈判,但却被打成碎片。尽管不久前他已经知道了它们来自一个古老的,被称为科奇斯基地的战前军事设施。\n
Finster and Cochise\n\nArmed with this information, the rangers marched off to end the cyborg menace, but it wasn't going to be as easy as walking through Base Cochise's front door. To fight the androids the rangers were going to need more and better equipment. To that end, they explored another old facility known as the Sleeper Base, where an automated training program taught them how to fly helicopters. \n\nFrom there, they traveled to Darwin Village, yet another ancient military facility. To their horror, they found another major threat to the wastes here, as the former director of the facility, an insane cyborg by the name of Irwin John Finster, was creating dangerous mutated creatures that he hoped would inherit the planet once the cyborgs and a dangerous plague he'd developed had wiped out all humans. Unable to reason with Finster, the rangers decided to end this threat before it truly started, and destroyed him and the base.\n\nSoon after, the rangers learned that the keys that would allow them to enter Base Cochise were held by a dangerous, xenophobic sect known as the Guardians of the Old Order, who were obsessed with preserving technology and keeping it out of the hands of the common people. When the Guardians responded to the rangers request for the keys with unnecessary force, the rangers assaulted their fortress, the Guardian Citadel a massive facility built into the side of a mountain. We now call the place Ranger Citadel. \n\nIn the end, Hell Razor, Angela Deth, Thrasher and Snake Vargas battled their way to the Guardians' inner sanctum, uncovering a cache of power armor and a functional Attack Helicopter, which they flew to Base Cochise, wiping out the android patrols sent to destroy them and landing on the roof. Inside the base, they found a malevolent computer known as the Base Cochise AI mass-producing the robot scourge. \n\nThe rangers tricked the AI into creating an administrative robot they named Vax, and with Vax's help, they dismantled the robot-making machinery. But knowing that the base would eventually repair itself - that they had only stopped the robot horde temporarily - they plunged into the heart of Base Cochise and fought through a gauntlet of mechanical madness to start a chain reaction of explosions that finally wiped the base off the map.\n
From Guardian Citadel to Ranger Citadel\n\nIn the 15 years since, the Desert Rangers have moved their headquarters from the old prison facilities that had served them for a century to the larger and more secure Guardian Citadel. Initially there was some thought given to keeping the Prison staffed and returning it to its original purpose, but this would have required manpower that the Rangers needed to keep patrolling the wastes for remnants of Base Cochise's cyborg army and Finster's monstrosities. For while those threats were averted, the mark they left on the wasteland has not entirely faded. \n\nAnd so, with their greatest danger passed, the Rangers are now a strong and well-respected force in Arizona, fully capable of fulfilling their promise to their fellow survivors of the apocalypse - that they will be ever-vigilant defenders of the wastes, and strive with hearts, minds and strength of arms, to bring about a new and better era of human civilization.\n\nAfterword: I undertook this task of writing an accurate history of the Desert Rangers due to an incurable fascination with history. While much historical writing survived the apocalypse, it pains me to think how much human accomplishment from that point onwards has not been written down, and could easily be forgotten. \n\nThat being said, though I did my best, I perhaps underestimated the difficulty inherent in historical writing, and dare not claim every word in this book is true, but only that it is the most accurate history of the wasteland I could construct.\n\nRanger Simak\n