Construction Options
Road(道路):Buildings and docks must be connected to the road network. (所有建筑物和码头都必须有道路连接。)
Construction Tent(建筑师帐篷):These are needed to construct all buildings except flimsy timber and chuck tents.(所有建筑物都需要它才能被建造,除了伐木场和简易的饭馆。?)
Chuck Tent(简易的饭馆):Captives come here to eat slop cooked from corn.(俘虏们在这里吃些玉米做的粗食。)
Pirate Housing Plot(海盗们的居室规划) irates will build their own houses once there are plots. (海盗们会在你为他们划分的这些区域里安居。)
Bunkhouse(简陋的小屋):Working captives may rest here. (有活干的俘虏们可以在这里休息。)
Black Market(黑市):The market provides a pricey but reliable way to equip your ships.(一个高价但是可靠的装备你的战舰的方法。)
Pirate Cave(财宝收藏地?):You stash your secret hoard here. (秘密财宝收藏在此。)
Smugger's Cove(走私犯的窝?):This sells surplus weapons,rum,beer,pastries and cigars,if traders are employed.(如果交易者被雇用,他们会提供多余的武器,朗姆酒,啤酒,糕点和雪茄。)
Corn Farm(玉米田):Corn makes slop for captives,plus beer and sea rations for pirates. (玉米用来作粗食,还可以制作啤酒和航海食品。)
Sugarcane Farm(甘蔗田):Sugarcane is needed to make rum. (甘蔗是制造朗姆酒的必须品。)
Tobacco Farm(烟草田):Tobacco can be made into cigars,which pirates enjoy when relaxing.(海盗们休息时需要雪茄,所以你需要烟草。)
Banana Farm(香蕉树林):Bananas make very tasty pastries at the bakery,or eat them raw.(香蕉可以在糕饼店被制成美味的糕点,或者干脆就这么吃。)
Papaya Farm(木瓜树林) apayas make very tasty pastries at the bakery,or eat them raw.(木瓜可以在糕饼店被制成美味的糕点,或者干脆就这么吃。)
Iron Mine(铁矿):Iron ore is needed for pirate cutlasses,muskets and cannons.(铁矿石是制造海盗弯刀,步枪和大炮的必须原料。)
Sawmill(锯木厂):Wood becomes lumber and is stored here.Lumber is essential for buildings and ships.(树木变成木材在这里储存,木材是制造建筑物和船只的必须品。)
Blast Furnace(鼓风炉): Use iron ore from the mines to make pig iron for you weapons.(铁矿石在这里变成生铁,可以用来制造武器。)
Blacksmithy(铁匠房) ig iron is made into cultasses here. (生铁在这里被制成弯刀。)
Gunsmithy(军械车间):This building makes muskets from pig iron. (生铁在这里被制成步枪)
Cannon Foundry(大炮制造厂):Cannons are made here from pig iron and wood. (生铁和木头在这里被制成大炮。)
Brewery(酿酒厂):Bring corn here to brew beer for the entertainment establishments! (玉米在这里发酵成啤酒,供应给娱乐部门。)
Rum Distillery(朗姆酒蒸馏间):Rum is made from sugarcane here! (甘蔗在这里被制成朗姆酒。)
Bakery(糕饼店店):Here papayas and bananas are used to make the tasty fruit tarts pirates demand.(木瓜和香蕉在这里被做成美味的馅饼,以满足海盗们的需要。)
Cigar Factory(雪茄工厂):Workers at this building roll tobacco into cigars.(工人们在这里把烟草制成雪茄。)
Smuggler's Dive(走私犯的下等酒吧):Bananas,papayas and beer are served here to pirates who aren't picky.( 香蕉,木瓜和啤酒在这里被供应给那些低等级的海盗们。)
Animal Pit(斗兽场):The lowbrows find this is a great place to gamble.(对于小混混们来说这里显然是一个赌钱的好去处。)
Wench & Masseuse(服务行业):Here is found rank and file massage and wenching for rank and file pirates.(这里发现普通成员按摩并且适合普通成员海盗有性交易。 )
Gambling Den(赌场):This building provides mid-scale gambling combined with with beer and cigars.(这个设施提供中等程度的赌博娱乐,需要啤酒和雪茄。)
Cheap Eatery(低级餐馆):This building serves beer and pastries prefered by the mid-ranking pirates.(这个设施供应中级海盗们喜欢的啤酒和糕点。)
Tavern(小型酒馆):Pirates on the rise like the rum and beer served here.(高等级的海盗们喜欢的朗姆酒和啤酒在这里供应。)
Brothel&Salon(妓院&沙龙):This building provides the wenches and manicures prefered by mid-ranking pirates.(中级海盗们喜爱到这里找妓女和按摩师娱乐娱乐。)
Casino(高级赌场):Upscale gambling,alone with rum and cigars,are to be had here.(提供高等级的赌博娱乐,同时也需要朗姆酒喝雪茄。)
Courtesan&Spa(温柔乡):Your higher-ranking pirates prefer a Courtesan&Spa.(高等级的海盗们很喜欢到这里来。)
Inn(酒店):This upscale establishment provides tasty fruit pastries and rum.(这个高级设施提供美味的糕点和朗姆酒。)
Sea Ration Factory(航海食品加工厂):This building cooks up corn into sea rations to be eaten by pirates at sea.(这个设施把玉米加工成海盗们出海时吃的食物。)
Dock(码头):One dock is required for each ship.(每艘船都需要一个码头。)
Boatyard(船坞):Boatyard allows construction of the smaller-hulled ships.(船坞可以生产小型的船只。)
Shipyard(大型船坞):Ships of all sizes may be constructed here.(所有型号的船只都可以在这里生产。)
Captives Control(俘虏监控):
Stokade(俘虏拘留营):Unemployed captives are housed in the stockade.(没活干的俘虏们就留在这里。)
Gallows(绞刑架):This impressive structure causes a lot of fear among your captives.(这个令人印象深刻的设施可以让你的俘虏们感到害怕。)
Interrogation Chamber(审讯室):Captives tremble when must pass the Interrogation Chamber.(每个经过审讯室的俘虏都会感到恐惧而颤斗。)
Orderly Shrubs(整齐的灌木丛):Well-trimmed shrubberies create a little order.(修剪整齐的灌木丛能让人感到一点点有次序。)
Scary Decor(骇人的装饰物):Skeletons on poles scare captives.(挂在杆子上的骷髅使俘虏们感到害怕。)
Church(教堂):Religion helps captives accept their lot in life.(宗教信仰能让俘虏们默默地忍受痛苦的生活。)
Hotel(酒店):Wealthy captives sleep at the hotel for an increase in their ransoms.(富有的俘虏们要住在酒店等待足够的赎金以回家。)
Apothecary(药店):The avaliability of medicines makes the isle more orderly.(有效的药品让岛上的人们感到有次序。)
Very Order Decor(非常次序装饰品):Create a lot of order.(对岛上的次序产生很大作用。)
Very Scary Decor(非常骇人装饰品):This frightening decor terrorizes captives.(它使俘虏们感到无比的恐惧!)
Watch Tower(哨塔):Make your pirates feel safe from invasion.(帮助你抵御入侵。)
Fort(堡垒):Forts are the best way to fight off invasions from angry monarchs.(当愤怒的海岛王进攻你的国家时,利用堡垒是最好的防御方法。)
Safe Harbor Anchor(安全港锚?):These anchors make pirates feel better defended.(这些锚能让海盗们感到被保护。)
Anarchy Shrubs(混乱的灌木丛?):These crazy shrubberies create a little bit of anarchy.(杂乱的灌木丛产生一点混乱。)
Observatory(天文台?):An observatory on the island makes pirates feel well-defended.(岛上有个天文台让海盗们有被保护的良好感觉。)
Surgery(诊疗室) irates feel better with a well-equipped surgeon around.(设备精良的外科医生们让你的海盗比较有安全感。)
Protective Cannon(防御炮台) rotective Cannon make pirates feel better defended.(防御炮台能让海盗们感到比较安全。)
Anarchy Decor(混乱装饰物?):Anarchy Decor create a lot of anarchy.(它能制造十分混乱的状态。)
Parrot Aviary(鹦鹉饲育园) arrots bred here can be given to pirates,boosting their courage.(把这里喂养的鹦鹉给你的海盗船长,能增加他们的勇气。)
Hat shop(帽店):Hats made here can be given to pirates,boosting their leadership.(把这里制造的帽子给你的海盗船长,能增加他们的领导能力。)
Carpenter eglegs made here can be given to pirates,boosting their notoriety.(把这里制造的假腿给你的海盗船长,能增加他们的名声。)
4 Graveryard(墓?):Here be Davy Jone's Locker!(在海战中光荣牺牲的人的最终归宿。)
Edict Options:
Individual Attention(个别法令):Give orders concerning individual pirates,captives and ships.(对于个别的海盗,俘虏和船只下命令。)
1 Explore(探险,探索):Command a ship to explore a sea zone with no risk on its next journey.(命令你的一只舰船在下次航程中谨慎地去探索一片海域。)
Raid Settlement(袭击殖民地):Command a ship to raid a settlement for captive laborers on its next sailing.(命令一艘船下次出海时去袭击一个殖民地,抓些俘虏回来做壮丁。)
Kidnap Craftsman(绑架技术人员):Command your ship to kidnap a particular skilled worker on its next mission.(给你的一艘船下次出发的任务:去绑架一个有特别技术才能的人。)
Free Captive(释放俘虏):Release any single captive for no ransom,but for a modest diplomatic gain.(无条件地释放一个俘虏,不用担心亏本,这只是一个狡猾外交手段罢了,你将获得好的名声。)
Educate Pirate(教育海盗):Command a pirate to improve a skill at a school.(命令一个海盗去学校接受教育以改善一项技术。)
Press Gang(壮丁部队?):Convert an unskilled captive to a pirate of rather inferior quality.(转化一个无能的俘虏去干些粗活。?)
Ransom Captive(俘虏的赎金):Release a skilled or wealthy captive for their current ransom amount.(释放一个有技术的或者富有的俘虏,当然是在收到等于他们目前身价的赎金之后。)
Donate Money(赠与金钱):Grant money from your treasury to a particular pirate.(从你的国库中拿出前来给一个特别的有贡献的海盗。)
Assassinate(暗杀,行刺):Order the death of a particular person on your island.(让你岛上的某个人从此消失吧,永久地......)
Outfit Pirate(装备海盗们):Assign an accessory to one of your pirates to enhance his or her stature.(给某个海盗分派一件装备,他/她的属性,能力将因此而提高。)
Pirate Policy(海盗们的法规):Set the rules for your pirates.(为你的小喽罗们订些规矩吧!)
Free Beer(啤酒免费供应):Improve pirate drinking satisfaction with complinentary beer.(免费供应的啤酒能提高海盗们关于Drinking方面的满意度。)
Free Rum(朗姆酒免费供应):Improve pirate drinking satisfaction with complinentary booze.(免费供应的朗姆酒能提高海盗们关于Drinking方面的满意度,比啤酒效果更好些。)
Pirate Festival(海盗们的假日):Improve pirate happiness with a big party.(开个大Party能让海盗们心情愉快。)
Rig Gambling Against(赌博禁令):Make more money off your pirates' gambling habit by rigging the odds.(发布赌博禁令能让海盗们改改赌博的坏习惯!不过可能会造成他们的抗议哦。)
Rig Gambling in Favor(放宽赌博禁令):Improve pirate gambling satisfaction by easing the gambling odds.(能提升海盗们关于Gambling方面的满意度。)
Pirate Curfew(宵禁令):Increase order at the cost of some fear and anarchy.(能提高Order等级但是造成Fear和Anarchy等级的下降。)
Loose Lips(噤声令):Increase order and prevent loose talk about your island's location.(提升Order等级而且能防止你的秘密基地的位置外泄!)
Betray Pirates(出卖同伴!) ermit a nation to arrest and hang all pirates of their nationality.(允许一个国家逮捕和吊死所有那个国家国籍的海盗!后果如何大家自己去体会吧。)
Donate Money to Crew(奖励船员们):Grant oney from your treasury to each member of a particular ship's crew.(从国库拿出钱来奖励海盗船员们。应该不包括船长。)
Cruise Orders(出航命令):Give orders to your ships.(给船只的命令)
1 Prohibit English Victims(没有英国牺牲者):Command all your captins not to pursue any English ships.(命令所有船只不要攻击英国船只。)
Prohibit French Victims(没有法国牺牲者):Command all your captins not to pursue any French ships.(命令所有船只不要攻击法国船只。)
Prohibit Spanish Victims(没有西班牙牺牲者):Command all your captins not to pursue any Spanish ships.(命令所有船只不要攻击西班牙船只。)
Walk the plank(在海上处理俘虏):Command all your captains to take on no more captives or recruits on missions.(告诉你的船长们,岛上奴隶已经够了,让他们不必再去抢夺劳动力了,就在海上把那些可怜虫处理了吧。)
Foster War(挑起战争):Command your ship to stage incidents between two nations on its next mission.(让你的手下去挑起某两国之间的战争。就是假扮某一国的船只去攻击另一国的船只啦,然后......呵呵,好毒!)
Recruit Captain(征募新船长):Recruit a new ship captain to command a ship in your fleet.(为你舰队里的一只船任命个新船长。)
Captive Policy(俘虏政策):Manager your captives.(把俘虏控制在手心里!)
Pay for Informants(奖励告密者):Increase order and fear on your island for a high price.(一个高价的提升Order和Fear的方法。)
Free all of Nationality(依国籍释放俘虏):Release all captives of a particular nation for a bouns to relations.(释放某个国家的所有俘虏。)
Random Executions(随意处死岛上的人):Increase fear and anarchy on your island.(能提升岛上的Fear和Anarchy等级,海盗们最喜欢。)
Pirate Guard Patrols(私人护卫队巡逻):Increase order on your island with a patrol policy.(这个政策能提升岛上的Order等级。)
International Diplomacy(国际性的外交政策):
Raise Jolly Roger(升起海盗旗!):Boldly declare your independence from all European nations.(大胆地宣布从所有的欧洲国家中独立出来!)
Announce Peace Policy(发布和平宣言) romise England (or French or Spanish) that your ships will leave'em alone.(允诺英国,或者法国,或者西班牙,你的舰队不会动他们一根毫毛。)
Open Smuggler's Cove(鼓励走私犯):Allow your extra commodities to be sold to a friendly nation.(这样做你的额外的产品就可以卖给一个“友好”的国家。)
Letters of Marque(私掠许可证):Take letters from a warning friendly power authorizing privateering.(从某一个国家获得合法抢劫的证书。还记得《大航海时代》吗?)
Declare Patron(宣布赞助):Create a special relationship with a single friendly nation.(跟一个国家发展特殊的合作关系。) |