![Rank: 8](static/image/common/star_level3.gif) ![Rank: 8](static/image/common/star_level3.gif)
- 贡献度
- 716
- 金元
- 34146
- 积分
- 6279
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2006-7-14
作为欧洲顶级的电脑游戏制作组织机构和德国电脑游戏的制作的先锋;阿斯科龙(Ascaron Entertainment GmbH)娱乐股份有限公司很早以前就已经致力于发展电脑游戏,这也使得它在德国电脑游戏开发领域表现的较为突出。
并凭借:大航海家(Patrician) 、冲击(ANSTOSS)、维梅尔(Vermeer)、海商王(Port Royale)、暗星一号(DarkStar One)以及原版圣域(神圣纪事)在销售榜上常踞前列,它的总部设立在德国的居特斯洛;并还在波茨坦和亚琛设有工作室,以及一个在英国伯明翰的国际办公部门,截止目前,阿斯科龙娱乐的产品远销至34个国家以及地区并推出多国语言版本,目前适用于Windows PC和设定为2009年3月发布的发布的次世代家用机。
圣域是一款类似于【暗黑破坏神】的方式进行的ARPG游戏,在前作获得2004年美国PCGAMER杂志的最佳RPG的桂冠的4年之后它的最新续作【圣域2:堕落天使(Sacred 2 Fallen Angel)】更是在全方位有了提高并被授予为:2008年最佳国际电脑游戏的称号。
美国NC - cdv软件娱乐和Ascaron娱乐很高兴宣布【圣域2:堕落天使】 荣获了两个奖项和五项提名,并被授予包括享有声望的2008年最佳德国动作类角色扮演游戏开发商的同时还将“德国最佳动作游戏”和“2008年最佳国际游戏”这样重量级的荣誉收入囊中。
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel Named “Best International PC Game of 2008”
December 09, 2008
December 9, 2008, Cary, NC - cdv Software Entertainment USA and Ascaron Entertainment are pleased to announce that Sacred 2:
Fallen Angel has earned two awards and five nominations in the prestigious German Developer awards for 2008. The action-RPG,
currently available for Windows PC and set for a March 2009 release on next-generation consoles, took home awards for “Best German Action Game
and “Best International Game for 2008”at the prestigious European video game awards show, held in Essen, Germany.
Sacred 2 was also nominated in five other categories, including:
? Best Game Design
? Best Story
? Best in-game graphics
? Best sound
? Best German game of 2008
About Ascaron Entertainment, GmbH
Ascaron Entertainment GmbH is one of the pioneers in the development of computer games. It is also one of the leading developers of computer games in Germany and has been prominent in the sales charts for more than a decade with titles such as Patrician, ANSTOSS, Vermeer, Port Royale, DarkStar One and the original SACRED. Ascaron Entertainment is headquartered in G?tersloh, Germany, and maintains an office in Potsdam, a development studio in Aachen, Germany, as well as an international department in Birmingham (UK). Currently, Ascaron Entertainment markets its products in more than 34 countries.
那些每天来骂游戏无聊垃圾的人。你们不觉得无聊吗?强烈BS你们、我很少见到这里太阳级别以上的玩家随便去骂哪个游戏垃圾的。客观评价可以。恶意诋毁就太无聊了。一般骂游戏的都是些没怎么玩过游戏的。玩了下暗黑和WOW之类就以为玩遍单机和网游,还说是资深。真是资深...{为了和谐。这。。。大家都知道是BS倒过来念} |