PowerTools v1.0.2 (权力工具)
With the PowerTools menu you have quick and easy access to some “quality of life” features. Especially useful if you are a modder or content creator. Using a single key/button (default F12) you activate the PowerTools menu. From there you can quickly navigate to the different functions without the need for a mouse or navigating through multiple menus. 权力工具为您提供了一系列便捷的“实用工具”功能入口,尤其适合模组制作者和内容创作者。通过一键操作(默认按键为F12)即可激活PowerTools菜单,之后无需使用鼠标或逐层打开多级菜单,即可快速切换到不同功能模块。
(原帖地址:PowerTools v1.0.2 FS25 | Farming Simulator 25 Mod)