It followed me home,
- 贡献度
- 175
- 金元
- 26770
- 积分
- 3377
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2007-1-25
“Beware what treasure ye seek…
When finding it, one sees the truth of what ye are truly searching for…”
Summersky, High Priestess of the Mnymer
Ravens Eye Productions Presents
"The Heart of the Dead"
Description 说明
You approach the beggar slowly, the man’s sickly smile reminding you of the horrors of living on the street. “Spare a coin?” He asks. Reluctantly you toss him a gold piece and tell him to go get dinner. “Ah, what mercy,” the man says. “You might be just the one I’m looking for…”
Thus begins “The Heart of the Dead”, an 10+ hour quest adventure that will take you across the length of Cyrodiil in search of a rare Ayleid artifact. Visit old places with new twists, crawl along ancient dungeons and ruins, and follow the trail of clues as it leads you ever closer to the item known only as the Heart of the Dead.
The basic setup is this: The player is hired by a dying beggar to find an ancient Ayleid artifact called the Heart of the Dead. Armed only with a single clue, the player must head all over the continent, finding clues that lead him deeper into the mystery of what the Heart is, and what it’s capable of. Along the way, he’ll meet up with Kat, a freewheeling thief who holds a dark secret, Dublin, a dark elf mage who’s looking to find his dead sister again, and Wintermoon, the Mystic Elf with a hidden connection to the Heart.
The quest will take the player to hidden places inside well known locations, as well as to all new lands and dreamscapes, as he tries to uncover the mystery of the Heart of the Dead...
- 10+ hours of in-depth storytelling and dozens of new dungeons, along with many different puzzles and riddles, to create a grand adventure in the vein of Indiana Jones or National Treasure.
- 10小时以上引人入胜的深度剧情游戏,伴随对新地城的探索、各种谜题的解决,为您带来犹如《印第安纳琼斯》和《国家宝藏》般电影似的冒险体验。
- Dozens of new NPCs with over a thousand lines of dialog in a character-based quest
- 十位以上拥有总数超过千条对话的NPC,为您带来一系列基于游戏角色的任务体验。
- Three fully realized NPCs, with their own personalities, who might become your companions, depending on your actions and interactions with them. Share their joys and tears, and maybe even fall in love…
- 三位特别设计的NPC ,每人的角色个性各不相同,在您的游戏进行和选择的影响下,都有可能成为您的同伴。您的角色将与他们分享欢笑与泪水,还有可能与他们中的一位坠入情网…(译者:囧)…
- New weapons and armor
- 全新的武器与铠甲
- Dozens of unique artwork, used with permission by dozens of the best modders in the community. Some you’ll recognize, and some will surprise you…
- 几十种特别的美工设计,在取得许可的情况下,整合数十位论坛内MOD高手的原创素材。您可能会认出其中一些作品,并讶异于全新的设计……
- A new unique home, with plenty of storage and surprises.
- 一个拥有高容储量的全新玩家住宅,里面还有许多小秘密等待玩家发掘
BONUS: Also included is an extra music pack, for those who want to listen to pieces that are appropriate to this quest.
- 附带:专属音乐包,配合本MOD使用来获得更加的临场效果。
Requirements 需求
The Heart of the Dead requires that Shivering Isles must be installed
Also recommended is a character 15th level or higher. A character lower than 15 can still play, but the quest can get quite tough for beginning levels.
Change log
祝大家玩儿的愉快~[em25] |