本帖最后由 苜蓿苜蓿 于 2024-12-23 11:17 编辑
原帖地址:https://www.havenandhearth.com/f ... 3459c219edd8523e758
New Implementations
- Added Rat Dungeons. Occasionally a hole in the wall may spawn inside houses, to which is affixed a myserious nail. Incanting the strange words upon the nail, by right-clicking, will allow you to enter the Kingdom-under-the-Floorboards of Ratdom. "Plaguemaw's Chittering Labyrinth of Cheddar", "Gorgobrie's Deathless Nook of Villainy", and "Rennettigan's Rancid Basement of Brie", all await the intrepid adventurer!
- 添加了老鼠地牢。偶尔,房子里可能会出现墙上的洞,上面会贴上一个神秘的钉子。通过右键单击,在钉子上印上奇怪的单词,将允许您进入地板下的王国。“瘟疫肆虐的奶酪迷宫”、“蛇发女怪不朽的罪恶一角”和“凝乳酶发酵的腐烂地下室”,都在等待各位勇敢的冒险家!
- Added "Yule Cracker". A new strange growth has sprouted on trees everywhere in the Hearth, in festive celebration of the season!
- 添加了“皮纳塔”。庆典期间在炉火的每一棵树上生长的新东西,庆祝这个节日!
Small Fixes
- "Candy Cane", "Mulch", "Cucumber", and "Pipeweed Leaf" are now stackable
- “拐杖糖”、“地膜(堆肥)”、“黄瓜”和“烟叶”现在可以堆叠
- Baby Reindeers now give "Suckling's Maw"s when butchered.
- 驯鹿宝宝现在被屠宰时会出“幼兽的胃”。
- Removed armor from "Hussar Wings". Made them gildable. "Hussar Wings" can no longer be equipped in the backpack slot.
- 从“轻骑兵之翼”中移除盔甲。让它们可以镶嵌。背包插槽中不能再配备“轻骑兵之翼”。(意义不明