原贴地址:https://www.havenandhearth.com/f ... 360e531c51d5e592438
Key Fixes
- Added variable materials to "Stone Casket".
- “石头箱子”现在由材质决定外观了。
- Information gleaned when using the "Inspect" action now remains stored for the duration of the game client's knowledge of the object inspected, remaining available in the Inspect-cursor tooltip on the object. So basically, info you have gotten by "Inspect":ing will linger until you lose sight of the object by e.g. moving away from it or into a house, or the like. NOTE: This may cause unupdated custom clients to crash. The client codes were pushed earlier in the week, and most appear to have merged it.
- 使用“鉴定”操作时收集的信息现在会在游戏客户端对所检查对象的了解期间保持存储,并在对象上的检查光标工具提示中保持可用。所以基本上,你通过“鉴定”获得的信息会一直徘徊,直到你看不见物体,例如离开它或进入房子等。注意:这可能会导致未更新的自定义客户端崩溃。客户端代码在本周早些时候被推送,大多数似乎已经合并了它。
- Can "Inspect" setting buildings to find out how much of their damage soak they have built up.
- 可以“鉴定”建筑物,以了解它们的损坏程度。
- Holding Shift-Ctrl when right-clicking to transfer into stockpiles will now transfer only items of the particular type you are currently holding. Useful, for example, to draw all stones of a particular type, but not all stones in general, into a stockpile you want to place.
- 在右键单击转移到库存时按住Shift Ctrl键,现在将仅转移您当前持有的特定类型的物品。例如,将特定类型的所有石头(但不是一般的所有石头)都拉到你想要放置的料堆中。
- Fixed a client bug where "deattaching" from an object (like a cauldron, quern, mount, &c) could/would cause a following movement to jerk for a while.
- 修复了一个客户端错误,即从对象(如大锅、quern、mount等)中“去附件”可能会导致后续移动在一段时间内颠簸。
- Fixed a client bug where network retransmission could cause overlay animations (like combat animations) or other effects of a transient nature to play multiple times.
- 修复了一个客户端错误,即网络重传可能会导致叠加动画(如战斗动画)或其他瞬态效果多次播放。
Small Fixes
- Added an error msg when trying to pickup small animools w/o hunting suggested here
- 在尝试拾取原贴此处链接建议的不带狩猎功能的小型动画工具时添加了错误消息
- Fixed an issue with the shovel sometimes visibly disappearing after walking during survey work.
- 修复了在测量工作中行走后铲子有时会明显消失的问题。
- Made slight astronomical adjustments to ensure that ingame winter falls on RL Christmas. The ingame calendar may shift around a bit.
- 进行了轻微的天文调整,以确保游戏的冬季落在现实的圣诞节。日历可能会稍微改变一下。
- Added some almost visible graphical fur to "Cave Rat".
- 为“洞穴鼠”添加了一些几乎可见的图形毛发。
- Natural "Wellspring"s can now be destroyed using Siege Engines, e.g. Wrecking Balls.
- 天然的“泉眼”现在可以使用攻城器械摧毁,例如蛋锤。