原贴地址:http://www.havenandhearth.com/fo ... 050fab0edc880d49675
New Implementations
- Added "Sawmill", a mechanically powered machine (i.e. built in wind- or watermills) which automatically transforms logs into boards at a rate of exchange slightly better than that provided by a metal saw.
- 增加了“锯木机”,这是一种机械动力机器(即必须建造在风车或水车内),可以以比金属锯更高的速度与产量自动将原木转化为木板。
Key Fixes
- Added some new animation mechanics to support the Sawmill. (The sawmill will crash clients that have not merged these changes.)
- 添加了一些新的动画机制来支持锯木厂。(锯木厂将使未合并这些更改的客户端崩溃。)
- Updated various internal client interfaces for forward compatibility with some upcoming changes. It would be nice if custom clients merged these.
- 更新了各种内部客户端接口,以与即将到来的一些更改向前兼容。如果自定义客户端合并这些,那就太好了。
- Made the mesh resource format significantly more space-efficient (though this new format won't be used until custom clients have had a chance to merge it).
- 使网格资源格式显著提高了空间效率(尽管在自定义客户端有机会合并之前,不会使用这种新格式)。
- Added server-side support for various other resource formats that have been in the client for long enough to hopefully be merged into custom clients.
- 添加了对各种其他资源格式的服务器端支持,这些格式在客户端已经存在了足够长的时间,有望合并到自定义客户端中。
- Reformed a large number of resources for better forward compatibility with some future changes. I hope this won't affect custom clients too badly, but I also don't think it will.
- 对大量资源进行了重新格式化,以便与未来的一些更改更好地兼容。我希望这不会对定制客户造成太大影响,但我也不认为会。
- Fixed a bug with instancing the tree wind effect which should significantly improve performance with many trees on-screen.
- 修复了实例化树风效果的错误,该效果应能显著提高屏幕上许多树的性能。
Small Fixes
- Remedied the way in which some objects, such as hearthfires, would always animate in-sync with each other.
- 回忆起一些物体(如火线)总是彼此同步动画的方式。
- Fixed the jerking that some sprites, such as windmills, would do when first showing up (or previewing for materials).
- 修复了某些精灵(如风车)在首次出现(或预览材质)时会出现的抖动。
- Fixed a bug where placing some objects, such as trees from treeplanter's pots, would sometimes not show up properly.
- 修复了一个错误,即放置一些物体,如植树者花盆中的树木,有时不会正确显示。
- Probably fixed the bug where the climbing animation would not actually play while climbing. Could not reproduce reliably, so not entirely sure if fixed. Please report if it still happens.
- 可能修复了攀爬动画在攀爬时无法实际播放的错误。无法可靠地再现,因此不完全确定是否修复。如果仍然发生,请报告。