原贴地址:http://www.havenandhearth.com/fo ... 050fab0edc880d49675
New Implementations
- Added Pickling
- 添加了泡菜。
- Craft a "Pickling Jar".
- 制作一个“泡菜罐”。
- Craft "Pickling Brine", and fill the jar with it. The amount of fluid the jar can hold decreases when items are placed in it.
- 制作“泡菜盐水”,并将其装满罐子。当放入物品时,罐子能容纳的液体量会减少。
- Put Beetroots, Carrots, Eggs, Herring, Olives, Cucumbers, or Onions in the "Pickling Jar". Over some time they will transform to pickled versions.
- 将甜菜根、胡萝卜、鸡蛋、鲱鱼、橄榄、黄瓜或洋葱放入“泡菜罐”中。随着时间的推移,它们将转变为腌制版本。
- Pickled goods can often be used in the same recipes as their non-pickled versions.
- 腌制食品通常可以用与非腌制食品共享食谱。
Key Fixes
- Added support for having specific "Icon Settings" per buddy list category of players, meaning you can set specific notification sounds and settings for various buddy groups.
- 添加了对每个玩家好友列表类别具有特定“图标设置”的支持,这意味着您可以为各种好友组设置特定的通知声音和设置。
- Custom clients can now save custom hotbelt configurations on the server.
- 自定义客户端现在可以在服务器上保存自定义快捷键配置。
Small Fixes
- Redrew several icons, primarily under the "Production & Processing" and "Siege Equipment" build submenus, in 4x resolution.
- 以4x分辨率重新绘制了几个图标,主要位于“生产和加工”和“攻城设备”构建子菜单下。
- Minimap icons for most animals now reflect their being alive or dead, and display and notification settings can be configured for either such state of being. (Requires an up-to-date client.)
- 大多数动物的迷你地图图标现在反映了它们是活着还是死了,并且可以为这两种状态配置显示和通知设置。(需要最新的客户端。)
- The status of toggles are reflected in their icons, both in the action menu and if put on the hotbelt. (Requires an up-to-date client.)
- 切换的状态反映在它们的图标中,无论是在操作菜单中还是在热带上。(需要最新的客户端。)(意义不明)
- Lumberjack bonus is properly taken into account for the Sawmill.
- 锯木厂适当考虑了伐木工人奖金。(似乎是指伐木工信条对水车工坊的锯木机生效)
- Construction object outlines now reflect the shape of the object being built more accurately.
- 构造对象轮廓现在更准确地反映了正在构建的对象的形状。
- All list-widgets are now smooth-scrolling.
- 所有列表小部件现在都可以平滑滚动。(意义不明)
- Fixed a number of UI scaling bugs.
- 修复了一些UI缩放错误。