本帖最后由 苜蓿苜蓿 于 2024-11-1 21:01 编辑
原贴地址:http://www.havenandhearth.com/fo ... 050fab0edc880d49675
New Implementations
- Added a Sketch/Custom Image upload GUI to the client. You need no longer manage your custom images via the webpage, and have access to a dynamic preview window which actually renders objects as they would appear ingame with your custom image, can be scaled, rotated, &c. You can also simply copy/paste images from and to the client. Quite neat!
- 向客户端添加了草图/自定义图像上传GUI。您不再需要通过网页管理自定义图像,并且可以访问一个动态预览窗口,该窗口实际呈现对象,就像它们与您的自定义图像一起出现一样,可以缩放、旋转等。您还可以简单地从客户端复制/粘贴图像。很整洁!
- Added support for variable materials and custom sketches to "Carpet":s. Old carpets will still appear as they always have, but new ones can be tailored to your liking!
- 为“地毯”添加了对可变材料和自定义草图的支持:s。旧地毯仍将一如既往地出现,但新地毯可以根据您的喜好进行定制!
Key Fixes
- Added support for "Mute":ing obnoxious players. You can right-click on a player name in a chat channel to mute or unmute them.
- 添加了对“静音”的支持:对讨厌的玩家进行静音。您可以右键单击聊天频道中的玩家名称以将其静音或取消静音。
In the Pipe
- We have taken an extended break from the forums over the summer as you may have noticed. We have, however, been working. New developments are in the pipe. Looking forward to catching up on PMs and such. Glad to be back!
- 正如您可能已经注意到的那样,今年夏天我们在论坛上休息了很长时间。然而,我们一直在努力。新的发展正在酝酿之中。期待着赶上PM等。很高兴回来!
- Again urging any custom client maker who wishes to stay relevant to get with the new rendering times. Support for the old resources will be dropped at some point.
- 再次敦促任何希望保持相关性的自定义客户端创建者适应新的渲染时间。对旧资源的支持将在某个时候被放弃。
- Our primary development direction is toward object-controlled-objects.
- 我们的主要发展方向是面向对象控制对象。
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UPDATE YOUR CLIENTS... for the client custom image GUI to work properly.