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[新闻] 【官方公告整理】【2024.10.28】 W16 新世界设定









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发表于 2024-11-1 18:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 苜蓿苜蓿 于 2024-11-3 17:43 编辑

原贴地址:http://www.havenandhearth.com/fo ... 050fab0edc880d49675

We've been developing, and here's what's new...
The time to ring out the old, dying world, and ring in a new in its stead is fast approaching. Changes are as follows:

  • The single biggest change of W16 is that the game now supports Valve's Steam, meaning that the game can be downloaded and played from/on Steam.
  • W16最大的变化是游戏现在支持Valve的Steam,这意味着游戏可以从Steam下载游玩。
  • An H&H account may be linked to a Steam account using the "Account Security" page of the H&H Website.
  • H&H帐户可以使用H&H网站的“帐户安全”页面链接到Steam帐户。
  • If the Steam client launches the H&H client, and there exists a linked H&H account for that Steam account, it will automatically be logged in to the linked H&H account.
  • 如果Steam客户端启动H&H客户端,并且该Steam帐户存在链接的H&H帐户,则它将自动登录到链接的H&M帐户。
  • If no H&H account has been linked to a Steam account launching the H&H client, one will automatically be created for it, without a formal name.
  • 如果没有H&H帐户链接到启动H&H客户端的Steam帐户,则会自动为其创建一个帐户,而没有正式名称。
  • Such a nameless account can, whenever, be given a formal name using the "Login" page of the H&H website.
  • 无论何时,都可以使用H&H网站的“登录”页面为这样一个无名帐户命名。
  • All Lore events in the game are treated and implemented as Steam achievements.
  • 游戏中的所有Lore事件都被视为Steam成就并实施。
  • Achievements are authoritatively tracked by the H&H accounts, meaning that if you unlink your H&H account from a Steam account, that account will lose whatever achievements it has. Conversely, linking to an existing H&H account will reflect the achievements on that H&H account to Steam.
  • H&H帐户会权威地跟踪成就,这意味着如果你将H&H帐户与Steam帐户解除链接,该帐户将失去它所拥有的任何成就。相反,链接到现有的H&H账户将反映该H&H账户在Steam上的成就。
  • Some attempt has been made to integrate with the Steam Workshop, and several custom client makers have already uploaded their clients to said Workshop. Having "Subscribed" to custom clients on the Workshop will allow choosing what client to use when launching the game from Steam.
  • 已经尝试与Steam Workshop集成,一些定制客户制造商已经将他们的客户上传到该Workshop。在Workshop上“订阅”自定义客户端将允许在从Steam启动游戏时选择使用哪个客户端。

  • We speculate, with the latest hardware upgrades, that our server capacity stands somewhere between 2500-3000 concurrent players. The historical record is close to 1700. Current Steam Wishlists stand at around 5500.
  • 我们推测,随着最新的硬件升级,我们的服务器可以容纳2500-3000个玩家同时在线。历史最高记录是接近1700个。目前Steam的愿望清单约为5500个。
  • We contemplated multiple servers, considering various variants of travel between them, but we would prefer not to split the playerbase/maintain a multiple server paradigm if that can be avoided.
  • 我们考虑了多个服务器,考虑了它们之间旅行的各种变体,但如果可以避免的话,我们不愿意拆分玩家群体供养更多服务器。
  • We have, thus, decided, after some contemplation, to launch one, and only one, server for W16, and hopefully that should be sufficient to handle the expected launch night peak.
  • 因此,经过一番考虑,我们决定为W16推出一台,也是唯一一台服务器,希望这足以应对预期的开服人流高峰。

  • Food Hunger values have been significantly reworked.
  • “食物饥饿”设定已被大幅修改。
  • Each food item now has, rather than a fixed hunger value, a fixed FEP-to-Hunger ratio.
  • 现在,每种食物都有固定的FEP与饥饿比率,而不是固定的饥饿值。
  • This fixed FEP-to-Hunger ratio is maintained even with crafting buffs applied to the food item, with some exceptions made for some crafting buffs which expliclity wish to modify the FEP-to-Hunger ratio, e.g. "Propolis".
  • 即使撒上调料,这种固定的FEP与饥饿的比率也会保持不变,但对于一些明确希望修改FEP与饥饿比率的道具,例如“蜂胶”,则有一些例外。
  • Most foods have been sorted into five primary tiers of FEP-to-Hunger ratios, namely 5, 6.25, 7.5, 8.75, and 10, FEPs per promille of Hunger respectively. Some exceedingly rare items (e.g. "Troll Ears") belong to higher tiers still, but those are exceptions.
  • 大多数食物被分为五个主要的FEP与饥饿比率等级,即5、6.25、7.5、8.75和10FEP/单位饥饿值。一些极其罕见的物品(如“巨魔耳朵”)仍然属于更高的等级,但这些都是例外。
  • A natural implication of having a constant FEP-to-Hunger ratio would be that increasing item Quality does not improve it, however, we have made it such that; while the FEPs themselves increase by the normal quality factor, the FEP-to-Hunger ratio increaes by the square root of that. The FEP-to-Hunger ratio would, thus, double at Q160. A consequence of this is that Hunger does increase with quality, however at a slower rate than do the FEPs. The minutiae of these changes could be discussed, so feel free to.
  • 拥有恒定的FEP与饥饿比率会导致提高食物质量并不能改善它,然而我们做到了;当FEP本身按正常品质因数增加时,FEP与饥饿比按其平方根增加。因此,在Q160时,FEP与饥饿的比率将翻一番。其结果是,饥饿确实会随着质量的提高而增加,但速度比FEP慢。这些变化的细节可以讨论,所以请随时讨论。
  • +2 FEPs are hunger equivalent with 2 +1 FEPs.
  • 1个+2FEP的饥饿值等同于2个+1FEP。
  • For most foods, this is a significant buff to their historical levels, and an explicit intention is to significantly level the differences between various foods, with the design ambition that players should largely be allowed to eat what they want to produce, rather than have to produce what they have to eat.
  • 对于大多数食物来说,这是对其历史水平的显著提升,明确的意图是显著平衡各种食物之间的差异,设计目标是让玩家在很大程度上可以吃他们想生产的东西,而不是必须生产他们必须吃的东西。
  • Buffed "Salt Crystals".
  • 削弱“盐晶”。

  • Quests no longer yield local quality increases as a potential reward.
  • 任务不再将提高当地质量作为潜在的奖励。(指日常树木石头NPC交任务的时候不会出现当前区块蒲公英品质永久+1这种坑爹奖励了)
  • The quality noise fields of foragables and animals drift every new moon, with animal quality drifting faster than herb quality.
  • 每年新月,采集物和动物的品质节点都会漂移,动物质量漂移的速度比草药更快。

  • Aiming with ranged weapons can no longer be canceled, meaning you have to stand still for some time if deciding to aim with a ranged weapon, hopefully enforcing more intentionality in training your aim on targets.
  • 远程武器瞄准不能再被取消,这意味着如果你决定用远程武器瞄准,你必须停下来一段时间,希望在训练目标瞄准时能更加有意图。
  • Restored the old behavior by which attacks will in general imply the initiation of pursuit mode on the attack target, with specific exceptions made for "Take Aim" and "Think", which do not initiate pursuit mode if the target is in range.
  • 恢复了攻击通常意味着对攻击目标启动追击模式的旧行为,但“瞄准”和“思考”有特定例外,如果目标在射程内,它们不会启动追击模式。
  • Increased IP cost of "Storm of Swords" from 2 to 4.
  • 风暴之剑的优势点需求从2增加到4。
  • SUGGESTION: It has been suggested that it would be good if the block weight were reduced when moving (as it was in Legacy). If there is some consensus that this would be a good change, it is one we are willing to entertain. Feel free to opine.
  • 建议:有人建议,在移动时减少块的重量会很好(就像在Legacy中一样)。如果大家一致认为这将是一个很好的改变,我们愿意接受。请随意发表意见。

  • Provinces are now generated in shapes other than Voronoi regions, attempting to find natural borders, rather than simply being a function of distance.
  • 自然行省的疆域现在会在生成的时候尝试找到自然地形的边界,而不仅仅只是单纯生硬的区块覆盖。
  • Realms may construct "War Flags" to vie for control of unclaimed "Thingwalls" during every challenge window, rather than only during those challenge windows which would apply for the Thingwall were it claimed by a Realm. This change should allow for faster Realm expansion over unclaimed Provinces.
  • 王国可以在每个挑战窗口中构建“战争旗帜”来争夺无人认领的传送树的控制权,而不仅仅是在那些挑战窗口中,如果一个王国声称拥有传送树,这些挑战窗口将适用于传送树。这一变化应该允许在无人认领的省份更快地扩展国境。

  • Removed build preventing obstacle from around Cave Entrances in the overworld. It is now, again, possible to build near Cave Entrances.
  • 移除了天然洞穴入口周围的建筑限制。现在,再次可以在洞穴入口附近建造。
  • Mine Pyres now have some soak.
  • 矿洞预烧火堆现在有一些浸泡(看不懂 或许是说可以被浇灭?)
  • Slightly reworked metal progression, but you'll have to find out how for yourselves.
  • 对金属工艺进行了轻微的修改,具体请自行摸索。

  • Reduced default crafting timer by 20%.
  • 将默认制作时间减少20%。
  • Reduced Animal feed requirements by 25%..
  • 动物饲料需求减少25%。
  • Characters turning "Roasting Spit"s will finish the roasting significantly faster. The aim being to increase throughput of spitroast food and reduce the need for constant botting.
  • 角色转动“烤叉”将大大加快烤完的速度。目的是提高烤肉的产量,缩短挂机时间。

Do note that this list is not necessarily final or exhaustive. If you have pet peeves you'd like to see fixed before launch, or if there is some change stated above that you disagree with, feel free to opine!

Most changes have been left to the joy of discovery, and out of this document.

TLDR: We will aim to launch the...

W16 server @ 20:00 UTC, Friday November 1st, 2024
世界16 @ 北京时间 2024年11月2日 凌晨4点


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