本帖最后由 苜蓿苜蓿 于 2024-11-1 16:01 编辑
Comrades, Citizens, Hearthlings!
Yesterday we announced that we have been laboring to bring the game to Steam, however, some aspects of the changes did not sit well with the proletarian class consciousness of the Hearth, and, hence, the central committee has pivoted to new, revolutionary, insights, presented as follows;
- The time has come to ring out the old, dying World 15, and ring in a new in its stead.
- 是时候送走垂死的旧世界15了,取而代之的是一个全新的世界。
- We intend to make the new World 16 available on Friday, November 1st, 2024, @ 20:00 UTC.
- 我们打算在UTC时间2024年11月1日星期五20:00(北京时间2024年11月2日周六凌晨4:00) 发布新的World 16。
- With the release of World 16, we intend to initiate an experiment with more, and more frequent, worlds. Thus, some roughly six months after the release of W16, we intend to deploy another, new, world, without resetting World 16, but rather running the two worlds in parallel.
- 随着《世界16》的发布,我们打算对更多、更频繁的世界进行实验。因此,在W16发布大约六个月后,我们打算部署另一个新的世界,而不重置世界16,而是并行运行这两个世界。
- With the release of W16, we will also be releasing the game on Steam, where we will update its status to that of an "Early Access" game.
- 随着W16的发布,我们还将在Steam上发布这款游戏,我们将把其状态更新为“抢先体验”游戏。
- Steam integration will function mostly as a method of authentication. As such;
- Steam平台将主要作为一种身份验证方法。像这样的;
- The client, when launched on Steam, will automatically attempt to authenticate with the active Steam account, and, if it has not previously been used with Haven & Hearth, a new Haven & Hearth account will automatically be created for it.
- 在Steam上启动时,客户端将自动尝试使用活动的Steam帐户进行身份验证,如果之前没有在Haven&Hearth上使用过,则将自动为其创建一个新的Haven&Heath帐户。
- Haven & Hearth accounts automatically created via Steam authentication can, later, be given a proper Haven & Hearth account name, should one so desire.
- 通过Steam身份验证自动创建的Haven&Hearth帐户稍后可以根据需要获得适当的Haven&Hearth帐户名。
- Any Haven & Hearth account with a proper account name can, whenever, link or unlink a Steam ID for the purposes of aforesaid authentication.
- 任何具有正确帐户名的Haven&Hearth帐户都可以随时链接或取消链接Steam ID,以便进行上述身份验证。
- Steam accounts and ordinary Haven & Hearth accounts are, thus, equally eligible to play W16, and you will be able to authenticate existing Haven & Hearth accounts via Steam, should you so desire, by linking them.
- 因此,Steam帐户和普通的Haven&Hearth帐户同样有资格玩W16,如果你愿意,你可以通过Steam链接现有的Haven&Hearth帐户进行身份验证。
- We have attempted to integrate with the Steam Workshop to allow for custom client support on Steam. Please contact loftar if you wish to prepare your custom client for Steam integration in advance of the release. Also, see the thread on the subject.
- 我们已尝试与Steam Workshop集成,以便在Steam上提供自定义客户端支持。如果您想在发布之前为Steam集成准备自定义客户端,请联系loftar。另外,请参阅关于此主题的帖子。
- Haven & Hearth's Steam page is here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3051280/Haven__Hearth/
- Haven&Hearth的Steam页面 ↗
- We are eager to accept contributions to the game's Storefront page on Steam, in terms of screenshots and/or videos, especially content which displays large groups of players and or impressive villages and constructions. Do note that we need content that is larpy and aesthetic in order to be able to use it. Prefer the default camera, shadows on, &c. Please and thank you!
- 我们渴望接受对Steam游戏Storefront页面的贡献,包括截图和/或视频,特别是显示大量玩家和/或令人印象深刻的村庄和建筑的内容。请注意,我们需要内容活泼美观才能使用。更喜欢默认的相机、阴影等。感谢!
- I also assume we gratefully accept wishlistings and such. It would be nice to have some gauge on the general interest before release.
- 我也假设我们感激地接受愿望清单等。在发布之前,最好能了解一下公众的兴趣。
- Consider this thread your opportunity to chime in on this subject however you may wish to do so. What do you think would make the release as successful as it can be? There is plenty of time for us to pivot on pretty much anything regarding this, and we want to be open to feedback and suggestions.
- 考虑到这条线索,你有机会就这个话题发表意见,但你可能希望这样做。你认为什么会使这个版本尽可能成功?我们有足够的时间来关注这方面的几乎所有事情,我们希望对反馈和建议持开放态度。
- Spread the word! The more the merrier!
- 传播这个!多多益善!
- All subscriptions are, effective immediately, paused until the launch of World 16.
- 所有会员剩余时间都将立即停滞,直至World 16发布。
TLDR: We will aim to launch the...
W16 server @ 20:00 UTC, Friday November 1st, 2024
世界16 @ 北京时间 2024年11月2日 凌晨4点
You can, Lord willing, play via Steam if that tickles your fancy.
The Party has always believed and boldly proclaimed these truths, and any talk to the contrary is counter-revolutionary propaganda aimed at undermining the revolutionary spirit of the Hearth! Boundless longevity to Chairman loftar!
The masses can -- nay, must! -- see this thread as an open invitation to partake of the ongoing dialectic and the further advancement of the science of Hearthism!