本帖最后由 gfcyl123 于 2024-7-5 11:02 编辑
All-in-1 Underground Facility v1.0.1.0 LS22 Introducing the All-in-1 UndergroundFacility. Changelog v1.0.1.0:
– Added ability to use silo extensions with the Farmhouse Silo.
– Added liquid filltype category to the silo. You can now store all liquids.
– Added unrealistic capacity Farmhouse at additional cost.
– Added Free Electric Charging Station via solar panels.
– Added Underground Large Vehicle Garage.
– Repositioned Coffee table so you may walk between it and the couch.
– Moved the cat.
– Removed many dynamic object flags from small decorations around the Farmhouseto reduce slot count. You can still throw the loaf of bread.
– Corrected Fuel Tank orientation so that the pump handles face out.
– Updated Moddesc to reflect that the silo is multifruit. You can store all ofyour crops, windrows, animal feeds, solid fertilizer, lime ect.
Picture this: A subterranean marvel ofengineering and design that combines practicality, convenience, and futuristictechnology—all hidden beneath the earth’s surface. Our All-in-1 UndergroundFacility is more than just a farmhouse; it’s a sanctuary for the modern farmer.Imagine waking up to the gentle hum of tractors and the smell of freshly tilledsoil in your very own cosy underground farmhouse. Which boasts a comfortablecouch, wardrobe, and amenities you have only dreamt of having. Whether you’recatching some Z’s after a long day in the fields or planning your next croprotation, you will find the living quarters will suit your needs.
The luxury doesn’t stop there! Equipped with a full-functioning silo. With astaggering capacity of 650,000 litres, it stores all your base gamecrops—golden wheat, vibrant sunflowers, and everything in between. But that’snot all! It also holds diesel and water, ensuring your farm runs like awell-oiled machine.
Thought that was all? When your trusty machinery needs a little TLC, our repairshop steps up. Equipped with what you need to fine-tune your combine harvester,and tweak your implement configurations you will find little reason fordowntime.
Venture below the surface, where the real magic happens. Our facility extendsdeep into the earth, providing a secure haven for your farming endeavours. It’slike having a secret lair but with more tractors and grains. And hidden beneaththe soil lies our grain silo—a treasure chest filled with golden kernels,waiting for the right moment to be sold. And it even has a viewing window tocheck on your stock!
It gets even better… Those sleek antennas on the roof aren’t mere decorations.It tracks weather formations and keeps your updated in real-time so you canaccurately plan your harvests.
This state-of-the-art facility doesn’t stop there… Our underground garage is avehicle enthusiast’s dream. It can house the largest tractors, combines, and evensome semi trucks. With two separate floors accessible via an automatedelevator, your equipment will be safe while you sleep or during your offseasons.
The facility is locked down from the outside and complimented with anintegrated camera and video recording system.
So, fellow farmer, are you ready to takeyour farm to the next level? The All-in-1 Underground Facility awaits! All in 1 Underground Facility:
Stores 650,000 Total Liters: Multifruit and all Liquids.
Initial placement includes 5,000 liters of diesel and 45,000 liters of water.
Priced at $500,000 plus installation.
Located in Farmhouse build category. All in 1 Underground Facility Unreal:
Stores 1,500,000 Total Liters: Multifruit and all Liquids.
Initial placement includes 5,000 liters of diesel and 45,000 liters of water.
Priced at $775,000 plus installation.
Located in Farmhouse build category. Underground Large Vehicle Garage:
Priced at $175,000 plus installation.
Located in Tools build category. Tips:
Do NOT free place. You MUST allow terrain deformation while placing.
Vehicles may “float” while lowering the vehicle storage racks, this is normal,due to the nature of the physics engine of FS22.
This is a large facility, and it extends deep into the ground. Some maps mayhave water planes below the surface, for disciplined financial walkthroughs Irecommend saving before placing the facility. Just in case of any issues withheight.
It is recommended to level the terrain beforehand for the best results. Becautious if using mods on PC that allow you to terraform anywhere. As the holecreated is just large enough for the facility. General Information:
There is an icon toggling switch on the main floor just before the elevator.
Next to that is the main light switch. There is a second switch for this mainlight on the 1st subfloor with the living quarters.
There is a light switch on each subfloor, the first subfloor light switch isbeside the arcade machine.
The lowest or second subfloor light switch is located just at the bottom of thestairs.
The reason for having to reset the elevator lift is due to animation keyframeclipping. This is the way. 一体化地下设施v1.0.1.0 LS 22 介绍一体化地下设施。 Changelog v1.0.1.0: - 添加了将筒仓扩展与农舍筒仓一起使用的能力。 - 向筒仓添加了液体填充类型类别。您现在可以存储所有液体。 - 以额外的成本增加了不切实际的容量农舍。 - 通过太阳能电池板添加免费充电站。 - 增加地下大型车库。 - 重新放置咖啡桌,以便您可以在它和沙发之间行走。 - 移动了猫。 - 从农舍周围的小装饰品中删除了许多动态对象标志,以减少老虎机数量。你仍然可以扔面包。 - 更正燃油箱方向,使泵手柄向外。 - 更新Moddesc以反映筒仓是多果的。您可以储存所有农作物、绞盘、动物饲料、固体肥料、石灰等。 想象一下:一个地下工程和设计奇迹,结合了实用性、便利性和未来主义技术--所有这些都隐藏在地表之下。我们的一体化地下设施不仅仅是一座农舍;它还是现代农民的庇护所。想象一下,在您自己舒适的地下农舍里,在拖拉机的轻柔嗡嗡声和新耕土壤的气味中醒来。它拥有舒适的沙发、衣柜和您梦寐以求的设施。无论您是在田地里度过了漫长的一天后捕捉一些Z,还是计划下一次作物轮换,您都会发现生活区都能满足您的需求。 奢华还不止于此!配备功能齐全的筒仓。它的容量高达650,000升,可储存您所有的基本游戏作物-金小麦、充满活力的向日葵以及介于两者之间的所有作物。但这还不是全部!它还装有柴油和水,确保您的农场像一台加油良好的机器一样运行。 以为就这些了吗?当您值得信赖的机械需要一点TLC时,我们的维修店就会挺身而出。配备了微调联合收割机所需的设备并调整您的工具配置,您几乎不会发现停机的理由。 探索表面之下,真正的魔法发生在那里。我们的设施深入地下,为您的农业活动提供安全的避风港。这就像有一个秘密巢穴,但有更多的拖拉机和谷物。隐藏在土壤之下的是我们的粮仓--一个装满金色谷物的宝箱,等待合适的时机出售。它甚至还有一个查看窗口可以检查您的库存! 情况变得更好……屋顶上那些光滑的天线不仅仅是装饰品。它可以跟踪天气形成并实时更新,以便您可以准确地计划收成。 这个最先进的设施不仅限于此.我们的地下车库是车辆爱好者的梦想。它可以容纳最大的拖拉机、联合收割机,甚至一些半卡车。通过自动电梯到达两层独立的楼层,您的设备在您睡觉时或淡季期间将是安全的。 该设施从外部封锁,并配有集成的摄像头和视频记录系统。 那么,农民同胞,您准备好将您的农场提升到一个新水平了吗?一体化地下设施正在等待着您! 一体化地下设施: 总储存量650,000升:Multifruit和所有液体。 初始放置包括5,000升水和45,000升水。 售价50万美元,另加安装。 位于农舍建筑类别。 一体化地下设施虚幻: 商店总1,500,000升:混合物和所有液体。 初始放置包括5,000升水和45,000升水。 售价为775,000美元,另加安装。 位于农舍建筑类别。 地下大型车库: 售价为175,000美元,另加安装。 位于工具构建类别。 提示: 不要自由的地方。放置时必须允许地形变形。 由于FS 22物理发动机的性质,降低车辆储物架时车辆可能会“漂浮”,这是正常的。 这是一个大型设施,深入地下。有些地图可能在地表以下有水上平面,对于有纪律的金融步行者,我建议在放置设施之前节省开支。以防万一身高有任何问题。 建议提前平整地形以获得最佳效果。如果在PC上使用允许您在任何地方进行地球化的模组,请谨慎。因为产生的洞对于设施来说刚刚足够大。 一般信息: 主楼层电梯前有一个图标切换开关。 旁边是主灯开关。在带有生活区的第一层底层有第二个主灯开关。 每个底层都有一个灯开关,第一个底层灯开关在街机旁边。 最低层或第二层地板灯开关位于楼梯底部。 必须重置电梯电梯的原因是动画关键帧剪辑。就是这样。