- 贡献度
- 65
- 金元
- 6969
- 积分
- 957
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2009-3-4
23518, A Garetian hand-and-a-halfer from the house of Adersin.
23535,Tumlarbrag在人类语言中被称为Widowmaker(寡妇制造者)。得到它的人,必将实现lives up to its promise
Tumlarbrag, known as the widowmaker in the human language, lives up to its promise.
23552,The universal sidearm of almost all Aventurians."
obsolete_entry_donottranslate" (这个词条多处出现,暂且没有翻译)
23563,Ironwood弩是一种连发机制的弩,可以在发射中自动装填新的弩箭,省去了拉弓的过程,因此有效的提高了射击速度。nn装填速度: 2 CR"
An Ironwood Crossbow is a crossbow with a repeat mechanism that, when pulling back the built-in goat's foot, automatically releases fresh bolts into the track. The loss in pull is, therefore, compensated for by the considerable increase in the rate of fire.nnReload time: 2 CR"
23632,Giant fireflies are always hungry and tend to swarm. They are also known as dragon bugs and are a plague for humans and livestock alike."
23749,This light magician's épée is considered a prestige weapon which conforms to the regulations of the Codex Albryricus."(这柄有着显著名声的施法者弯刀是严格按照Albryricus标准规定所锻造的。)
23750,A light rapier which conforms to the regulations of the Codex Albryricus and which is highly prized by magicians."(符合Albryricus标准锻造出的轻型弯刀被众多施法者所喜爱)
Due to its short length, the Partisan is also known as the short pike
Malgorra summoned this monstrous shellfish because its powerful pincers and tough shell make it a difficult foe.
23968,制作增强武器时,必须用到平衡石。A Weightstone needed to make improved weapons."
23969,平衡石经常被用作制造剑的pommel,使其更容易使用。锻造组件。A Weightstone is often built into a sword's pommel, making it easier to wield. A component of Blacksmithing."
23970,A pommel用来连接剑刃和剑柄。锻造组件。"
24004,Linnorm的幼体会在这里发育成熟。 |