游戏介绍 《流放者柯南》是由Funcom制作并发行的一款沙盒动作角色扮演游戏,本作的一大特点是游戏将发生在一个开放性的世界。玩家将在游戏中体验一把生存斗争,在荒野中找寻食物,搭建庇护所,抵抗野生动物的侵害。游戏模式将包括单人模式与联机模式。 包含DLC- Conan Exiles - Barbarian Edition Content - Conan Exiles - The Imperial East Pack - Conan's Royal Armor - Conan's Atlantean Sword - Conan Exiles - Jewel of the West Pack - Conan Exiles - The Savage Frontier Pack - Conan Exiles - Seekers of the Dawn Pack - Conan Exiles - Treasures of Turan Pack - Conan Exiles - Year 2 Season Pass - Conan Exiles - Complete Edition - Conan Exiles - The Riddle of Steel - Conan Exiles - Blood and Sand Pack - Conan Exiles - Debaucheries of Derketo Pack - Conan Exiles - Riders of Hyboria Pack - Conan Exiles - Isle of Siptah - Conan Exiles - Architects of Argos Pack - Conan Exiles - Exclusive Early Access War-torn Rhino - Conan Exiles – People of the Dragon Pack 中文设置SETTINGS-GAMEPLAY-LANGUAGE-简体中文 版本介绍v4.2.0|容量105GB|官方简体中文|支持键盘.鼠标.手柄|赠多项修改器 下载地址
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