GeForce Hotfix display driver version 546.08 is based on our latest Game Ready Driver 546.01. GeForce Hotfix显示器驱动程序版本546.08基于我们最新的Game Ready驱动程序546.01。
The hotfix addresses the following issues: 修补程序解决了以下问题:
[Alan Wake 2] Addressing gradual stability and performance degradation over extended periods of gameplay
[Alan Wake 2]解决长期游戏中逐渐稳定和性能下降的问题
Windows 10 transparency effects are not displaying correctly after driver update
更新驱动程序后,Windows 10的透明度效果无法正确显示
Random Bugcheck may be observed on certain systems
Click here to download the GeForce Hotfix display driver version 546.08 for Windows 10 x64 / Windows 11 x64
单击此处下载适用于Windows 10 x64/Windows 11 x64的GeForce Hotfix显示驱动程序546.08版本。
These Hotfix drivers represent a lot of additional work by our engineering teams, We hope they provide value for you. 这些修补程序驱动程序代表了我们工程团队的大量额外工作,我们希望它们能为您提供价值。