. e leading force.
proudly presents
Ship Graveyard Simulator 2
Games Incubator
16-08-2023......Release Date Protection.................Steam
Adventure..........Game Type Disk(s)...................1 DISC
Dust off your torch and hammer - it's time to get back to work,
you have a new job to do. Visit e new beach coast wi e
largest, biggest ship graveyard in e world, dismantle huge ship
parts and collect tons of precious steel. Roll up your sleeves,
it's time to get back to e busine .
Regarding Judgment-EMPRE release nfo content, we wanted initially
to delay is response until our next D crack, but here we go:
We are actually not surprised to see at e tranny cracking queen
of P2P got triggered by our Denuvo releases, having a madne seizure
and spewing out all his frustration combined wi blatant lies towards
us in his nfo.
It seems like a recurrent routine for is disturbed individual, which
started spreading his fil y talk some time ago,in e release
"Star Wars BattleFront Celebration Edition", where he even disclosed
some information which shouldn't be available for general public.
So we felt e need to go street on is deranged cunt, cause it seems
is is e only parlance he is actually understanding.
Before we start, let's get a proper introduction, shall we, and since
you're so eager to reveal secret infos...
Us .... SKIDROW " e Pa etic Force", as written in ur nfo...
You, currently known as EMPRE , a totally fake identity, posing as a
bi-sexual woman, wi a wet pu y and big titties bouncing, while u
furiously crack D after D.... what a sexy image is at, isn't it?
Perfect picture to incite e imagination of juvenile P2Pers all over
e world,only good for feeding your maniacal ego and your digital
But is is not who you really are, isn't it?
YOUR REAL IDENTITY is "Voksi e Bulgarian",
former P2P cracker(until u got buttfukkered by Denuvo),
former *PAID* cracker of CODEX(you did all eir hard cracks,
in your own words on IRC ... "CODEX can't crack shit wi out me",
former *PAID* cracker for o er Scene grps),a dude so addicted to
getting money in order to pursue his supreme hate towards Denuvo, at
he would actually pimp his own girl on e streets of Dimitrovgrad,
Bylgaria, if at would do it.
is modern Don Quixote of Bulgaria, in his endle fight against e
proverbial "windmills" of DRM, became delusional as e original
character in e story.
e crazine of his nfos contents is more an enough to make a sane
person check in e closest mental asylum.
Now, we wonder who is e "Pa etic" one? A guy who poses as a fake
bisexual tranny, begging money on Internet to destroy legitimate
developer work, cursing everybody non-stop, and advocating e craziest
shit in e world? Or us?
Voksi, you fukkin prick, DRM exists for a reason in is world, it
protects legitimate interests of actual hard working people, at are
entitled to get a decent income from eir hard effort!!!
But how could you ever understand at, you fukkin lousy .bg beggar?
You haven't created any game/software in your life at would benefit
e P2P ma es out ere, all you can do is beg and steal o er's work!
You must be very proud of yourself, especially when u pack up all is
shit in a golden foiled philosophy.
Your "support" expre ed in nfo for JK Rowlings was laughably epic, by
cracking Hogwarts game and depriving her of her rightful income, I bet
at she really appreciated at, lol.
At least Scene grps are not hypocritical about is, ey do it for
competition and own ego.
And gue what, ur ego is in fact 1000x times larger an Scene's and
as soon as someone is taking e spotlight away from u, u go
looney-balloney (like ur drama wi at P2P repacker getting credit
for ur stuff or now wi us doing Fe game).
ere would be much more to say about ur nfo shits, but we would leave
is for ano er time, is nfo is becoming already a novel.
Regarding e Judgement game nfo, not only it is full of lies, of
ings taken out of context and of usual bullshit, but it demonstrates
some ing even worse, which we wouldn't have expected from a
supposedly leet cracker like you:
at u actually don't understand how our crack was done and how it
Let's take your allegations one by one:
- "...your me age to p2p is hilarious and pa etic.."
- you're taking words out of context,our me ages are not meant
for P2P as a whole,but towards some P2P INDIVIDUALS(some on
reddit) at constantly rash talk whenever ey can, despite
e fact ey didn't create any ing in eir life at would
justify such an attitude towards us. But we can definitely see
why u got triggered by one of e me ages, after all u're
e biggest P2P.TRASH.TALKING.BITCH on e Internet, lol
- "You never touched e actual denuvo..."
- you're a sucker, e Denuvo in Fe game has 2 components,
1 component is in Native.dll and ano er component is in
Csharp-A enbly.dll. If you bo er to decompile e
Csharp-A embly.dll, u will see ere is a ton of D shit ere,
lots of it wi non-trivial logic, making e connection wi
aprox 1500 D funcs in Native.dll, where e meat is.
In a normal Unity game, game code resides in Csharp-A embly.dll,
but in Fe, protected game code resides in Native.dll. We restored
e game logic from Native.dll and reconstructed it back into
A embly-Csharp.dll,so no need for Native.dll anymore.
Prolly ur "expert" analysis made u ink at Native.dll has few
exports and erefore maybe we did a quick crack. Upon fur er
investigation, u will see at e "dllt" export of Native.dll
is in fact a proxy entry for aprox 1500 D funcs which contain
actually legit game code in obfuscated form, all of eir logic
had to be restored in order for game to work properly.
- "All you did is exploit unity engine's backend using mono to
restore some generic code in A enbly-Csharp.dll"
- HAHA , LOL , is cat is cluele as fuck
WTF is is sentence supposed to mean anyway?
what do u mean by "generic code"? ( at dll contains game code)
u wrote is monumental analysis out of ur a ?
We won't even bo er to answer is, we kindly ask someone in
P2P wi decent knowledge of .NET/IL/C# specific to Unity, please
explain e basics to is moron.
- "You never devirtualized a single byte in your pate ic life"....
- u're a fukkin liar, if what u say it's true, how were we able
to remove virtualization completely from games like "Tramsim
Vienna, Tramsim Munich or Beyond Enemy Lines Remastered"
(all of em ADEROW, don't get confused cause we didn't do exe
reconstruction , if u zero out e virtualized sections of game
u will see at games still run ok).
- "Why don't u try e same near non-Unity engine game?"
- CHALLENGE ACCEPTED, but wi one condition
You will confirm in your next .nfo at if SKIDROW removes
Denuvo completely from a native executable, you will make a
public XXX movie wi yourself fully naked and bouncing your
tities while cracking Denuvo!(no need to show ur ugly face
in e video)
- "caught multiple times stealing, bla,bla"
- e Internet reports are overly exagerated!(sigh) :-D ,
don't believe e hype
All ur cracks need software coded by o er ppl and u accuse us of
- "no ing to do about pride now..."
- which pride u're talking about? Gay pride or what?
Nigga, please
You know very well at in is world, a Denuvo pre is e
next closest ing to a miracle, so when u do one, all your
past sins/transgre ions are forgotten. ^_^
- "Scratch your a beside e toilet"....
- Google Translate failed u on at one or what?
at's all folks, until next crk
PS: We ki your big bouncing titties and remember to
NEVER SKIP your daily prescribed dose of PROZAC
SKIDROW e Leading Force
1. Unpack e release
2. Mount or burn image
3. Install
4. Block e game in your firewall and mark our cracked content as
secure/trusted in your antivirus program
5. Play e game
6. Support e companies, which software you actually enjoy
To all friends of e family and honorable rival groups
ascii art by e
godlike & terrific duo
malodix + irokos
titan artdivision