
- 贡献度
- 6
- 金元
- 4501
- 积分
- 474
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2015-7-22
链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1m-P7KegLrbw7bwqUsNydCQ 提取码:i6oj
0.257 2023-07-28
MAME Testers bugs fixed
- 02005: [Misc.] (taito/changela.cpp) changela: Service mode I/O tests do not work. (hap)
- 08685: [Sound] (midway/astrocde.cpp) wow: Astrocade sound only plays through left speaker. (hap)
- 08687: [Crash/Freeze] (sony/taitogn.cpp) zooo: Emulator crashes during game boot process. (Vas Crabb)
- 08689: [Sound] (exidy/exidy.cpp) hardhat, pepper2, venture: Background music stops unexpectedly during gameplay. (hap)
- 08691: [Graphics] (seta/downtown.cpp) metafox: Graphics are offset horizontally. (AJR)
- 08694: [Crash/Freeze] (midway/vegas.cpp) warfa and clones, sf2049 and clones: Games fail to boot. (Patrick Mackinlay)
- 08698: [Sound] (konami/nemesis.cpp) nemesis: Instrument samples are out of tune. (hap)
- 08699: [Sound] (konami/nemesis.cpp) twinbee: Voice samples are incorrectly truncated. (hap)
- 08702: [Misc.] (taito/qix.cpp) Many sets in qix.cpp: Coin counters are incremented on boot. (AJR)
- 08705: [Misc.] (sega/system1.cpp) Many sets on system1.cpp: Coin counters are incremented on boot. (hap)
- 08707: [Sound] (msx/msx1.cpp) msx systems: Konami SCC sample address does not reset when it should. (hap)
- 08709: [Misc.] (sega/segag80r.cpp) sindbadm: Coin counters are incremented on boot. (hap)
- 08714: [Gameplay] (taito/changela.cpp) changela: Accelerator pedal is not not read correctly. (hap)
- 08715: [Speed] (handheld/hh_tms1k.cpp) vclock3: [possible] Emulated clock runs slower than expected. (hap)
- 08722: [Sound] (vidbrain/vidbrain.cpp) vidbrain: Music does not play. (hap)
- 08729: [DIP/Input] (taito/asuka.cpp) bonzeadv and clones: Joystick left switch for second player doesn’t work. (Balthier)
- 08730: [Graphics] (taito/invqix.cpp) invqix: Visible area is one pixel too large horizontally and vertically (Balthier)
- 08734: [Sound] (misc/beezer.cpp) beezer: Game sometimes runs with no sound output. (hap)
New working systems
Apple Computer Macintosh LC 550 [R. Belmont]
Apple Computer Macintosh Quadra 800 [R. Belmont]
New working clones
Apple Computer Macintosh Centris 610 [R. Belmont]
Apple Computer Macintosh Centris 650 [R. Belmont]
Apple Computer Macintosh LC III+ [R. Belmont]
Apple Computer Macintosh Quadra 610 [R. Belmont]
Apple Computer Macintosh Quadra 650 [R. Belmont]
Counter Run (bootleg set 3) [trol]
Fidelity Electronics Elite Avant Garde (model 6117-7, set 2) [ProteusArts]
Fire Truck / Smokey Joe (ROM version) [Michael Aberle, H is Nice]
Frogger - New Serie 92 (bootleg) [Domenico Cervini]
Fruit Star Bonus (Ver 8.17BGL-3, Burgenland, set 1) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
Fruit Star Bonus (Ver 8.17BGL-3, Burgenland, set 2) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
Fruit Star Bonus (Ver 8.23PSTK, Steiermark) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
Hatris (show version) [twistedsymphony]
Mortal Kombat (Victor bootleg of rev 3.0 08/31/92) [Funny_Dyzieks]
Nemo (Japan 901120, 89625B-1 ROM board) [Corrado Tomaselli, Brian Troha]
New Zero Team (V33 SYSTEM TYPE_B hardware, Zhongguo Shantou Yihuang license) [twistedsymphony]
Scorpion, Ltd. Scorpion ZS-256 TURBO+ [holub]
Terra Force (US, alternate sound) [caius]
Systems promoted to working
Apple Computer Macintosh Quadra 700 [R. Belmont]
Psion Series 3 [Nigel Barnes]
Psion Series 3a [Nigel Barnes]
Psion Series 3c [Nigel Barnes]
Psion Series 3mx [Nigel Barnes]
Psion Siena [Nigel Barnes]
Psion Workabout [Nigel Barnes]
Psion Workabout mx [Nigel Barnes]
Clones promoted to working
Acorn Computers Pocket Book [Nigel Barnes]
Acorn Computers Pocket Book II [Nigel Barnes]
Arkanoid (Phoenix Electronics Co. license) [Darran, Sean Riddle, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Psion Series 3a (2M) [Nigel Barnes]
Psion Series 3a (2M) (German) [Nigel Barnes]
Psion Series 3a (2M) (Russian) [Nigel Barnes]
Psion Series 3s [Nigel Barnes]
New systems marked not working
21 Up (Bellfruit) (Black Box) (5p Stake, £1 Jackpot) [SomeRandomGuyIdk]
ASUS CUBX [The Retro Web]
Bell Star Plus [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
Bell-Star+ (Vip2 v.25.02.02) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
Bell-Star+ (Vip2 v.30.1.02) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
Bell-Star+ 5 (Vip2 v.3.6.02) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
Bell Trail (Bellfruit) (Black Box) (5p Stake, £1 Jackpot) [SomeRandomGuyIdk]
Bingo Roll (209 / 19-1-95) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
Bingo Roll (Vip2 v26.02.02) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
Bingo Roll 2001 (v22.1) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
Dora Neco BanBan [buffi]
Doraemon (Power Link) [hammy]
Double It (Bellfruit) (Black Box) (10p Stake, £2 Jackpot) [SomeRandomGuyIdk]
Fire Cracker (Bellfruit) (Black Box) (10p Stake, £2 Jackpot) [SomeRandomGuyIdk]
Galileo Factory (main) [Darksoft, MetalliC, rtw]
Golden Spin (BWB) (Black Box) (MK1.5, 5p Stake, £50 Jackpot) [SomeRandomGuyIdk]
Love Pi Chan (Power Link) [Recreativos Piscis]
Mitsubishi Trium Eclipse [archive.org]
Motorola M8120 [Xolod]
Name Club Ver.4 (J 971202 V1.000) [TeamEurope]
Nudge Climber (Bellfruit) (Black Box) (5p Stake, £1 Jackpot, all cash) [SomeRandomGuyIdk]
The Nudge Machine (ADMC) (Black Box) (5p Stake, £1/£2 Jackpot) [SomeRandomGuyIdk]
Oranges And Lemons (Bellfruit) (Black Box) (10p Stake, £2 Jackpot) [SomeRandomGuyIdk]
Quick & Crash (V2.200) [CoolFox, DragonMinded, The Dumping Union]
Rolling Joker [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
Rolling Joker (v.99.7) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
Rolling Joker (v23.11.91) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
unknown 'VIP 2000' game (set 2) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
unknown 'VIP 2000' game (set 3) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
unknown golf game [hammy]
Upstairs 'N' Downstairs (Bellfruit) (Black Box) (5p Stake, £1 Jackpot) [SomeRandomGuyIdk]
New clones marked not working
21 Up (Bellfruit) (Black Box) (10p Stake, £2 Jackpot) [SomeRandomGuyIdk]
AUVA VIP 800 [fdiskitup]
Bare Knuckle III (bootleg of Mega Drive version, protected) [H4M573R, hammy]
Crackerjack (Bellfruit) (Black Box) (5p Stake, £2 Jackpot) [SomeRandomGuyIdk]
Cue Ball Wizard (older display rev.) [PinMAME]
Daioh (prototype, earliest) [Recreativos Piscis]
Elvis (CPU 1.00, display A1.00) [inkochnito, PinMAME]
Fiesta (Associated Leisure) (Black Box) (2p Stake, £1/£2 Jackpot) [SomeRandomGuyIdk]
Hyundai Super 16 T [sequoia]
Hyundai Super 16 TE [sequoia]
Magic Bomb (Ver. A3.6A) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
Magic Bomb (Ver. A4.0A) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
Mr. and Mrs. PacMan (set 2) [caius]
NCR PC6 [eggimac]
Nixdorf 8810/20 [MajorMaxdom]
Octec XT-286 motherboard [ozzyrules]
Odin (prototype) [Stephan Semmler, PinMAME]
Player's Edge (PK0846-PC098) Standard Draw Poker [Brian Troha]
Player's Edge (PK1017-PC041) Standard Draw Poker [Brian Troha]
Reel Gambler (Bellfruit) (Black Box) (10p Stake, £2 Jackpot) [SomeRandomGuyIdk]
Spin Up (CTL) (Black Box) (10p Stake, £3 Jackpot) [SomeRandomGuyIdk]
Upstairs 'N' Downstairs (Bellfruit) (Black Box) (5p Stake, £1 Jackpot, all cash) [SomeRandomGuyIdk]
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