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[新闻] MAME 0.253









Rank: 4

发表于 2023-3-30 16:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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0.253 (2023-03-30)

MAME Testers bugs fixed
- 05777: [Misc.] (commodore/c64.cpp) c64 all systems: C64 [systemm1]: Software disconnect is not implemented. (Curt Coder)
- 05995: [Gameplay] (nec/pce.cpp) pce [macr2036]: Attempting to start a game returns to the title screen. (Angelo Salese)
- 06643: [Sound] (rare/kinst.cpp) kinst, kinst2: DCS audio fade-in effects are not emulated correctly. (mjrgh)
- 07791: [Gameplay] (nec/pce.cpp) pce [madstlkr]: Game freezes on Kogado logo or when starting a game. (Angelo Salese)
- 07972: [Crash/Freeze] (nec/pce.cpp) pce and clones [fzone2]: Emulator freezes and eventually crashes on cutscenes. (Angelo Salese)
- 08562: [Crash/Freeze] (pc/genpc.cpp) ibm5150 and clones [digger]: MAME freezes when the game sets invalid CRTC parameters. (Carl)
- 08564: [Crash/Freeze] (apple/apple2gs.cpp) apple2gs [zanygolf]: Emulated system freezes loading the fourth level. (Peter Ferrie)
- 08570: [DIP/Input] (midway/midyunit.cpp) mkla1, mkla2: Buttons for the second player are labelled incorrectly. (Ivan Vangelista)
- 08573: [Graphics] artwork: Text components are not correctly aligned horizontally. (hap)
- 08578: [Sound] (toaplan/toaplan2.cpp) snowbro2: Oki MSM6295 sound chip clock frequency is incorrect. (hap)
- 08579: [Misc.] (taito/flstory.cpp) flstory, flstoryj: These games are newer and older versions, not regional variants. (Vas Crabb)
- 08580: [Crash/Freeze] (dynax/royalmah.cpp) janyoup2: MAME crashes with an access violation. (Vas Crabb)
- 08582: [Media Support] (commodore/c128.cpp) c128 all variations: Tape data is not received. (Curt Coder)
- 08590: [Sound] (heathkit/h19.cpp) h19: Keyclick sound plays indefinitely. (Mark Garlanger)

New working systems
Akazukin (Japan) [Alberto Salso, Ignacio Seki, Angelo Salese]
Bandai Race Time [hap, Sean Riddle, eggs]
Brother LW-30 [Bartman/Abyss]
Brother LW-840ic [Bartman/Abyss]
CXG Systems / Newcrest Technology Sphinx Galaxy (v2.03) [hap, Mr. Lars]
Electronic Chess (Tryom) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Hot Body I [f205v, Brian Troha, Sean Sutton, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, David Haywood]
Sony NWS-3410 [Brice Onken, Sefano Sanna]
Systemhuset / Loproc Conchess Princhess Glasgow [Mr. Lars]
Texas Instruments My Little Computer [hap, Sean Riddle]
Tiger Punch Your Lights Out [hap, Sean Riddle, Frank Palazzolo]
Tryom Gammonmaster II [hap, Sean Riddle]
Tryom Omar [hap, Sean Riddle]
Vector Graphic Vector 4 [Eric Anderson]

New working clones
Amstrad plc NC100 (Denmark) [Dirk Best]
Amstrad plc NC100 (Germany) [Dirk Best]
Amstrad plc NC100 (Sweden) [CPCWiki]
Amstrad plc NC150 (Italy) [Dirk Best]
CXG Systems / Newcrest Technology Sphinx Galaxy (v1.03) [hap, Mr. Lars]
CXG Systems / Newcrest Technology Sphinx Galaxy (v2.00) [hap, Mr. Lars]
Fruit Star Bonus (Ver 8.2.00ITL) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
Gals Panic SU (Korea, Gals Panic 4 re-release) [turntablism]
Heroes (World ver EM-1) [Domenico Cervini]
Jockey Club II (USA v4.00, bootleg) [hammy]
The Pit (US set 3) [Domenico Cervini]
Sauro (set 4, easier) [Jordi Beltrán, Victor Fernandez (City Game)]
SciSys Kasparov Turbostar 432 (set 2) [Mr. Lars]
Texas Instruments TI-74 Basicalc (set 2) [Frank Palazzolo]
WWF Superstars (Canada) [anonymous]
Yakyuu Kakutou League-Man (Japan, set 2) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]

Systems promoted to working
Baby Suprem [Paul-Arnold]

New systems marked not working
Ballroom Glitz [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
Brother AX-145 [Bartman/Abyss]
Burroughs TD 831 [Wouter's Blog]
Honoo no Invader (main ver. 1.35, video ver. 1.35) [hammy]
Hot Body II [Guru, David Haywood]
Multi Game IV (AMGSK_VA3.85) [TeamEurope]
Psion Series 3a [Nigel Barnes, The Last Psion]
Psion Series 3c [Nigel Barnes, The Last Psion]
Psion Series 3mx [Nigel Barnes, The Last Psion]
Psion Siena [Nigel Barnes, The Last Psion]
Psion Workabout [Nigel Barnes, The Last Psion]
Psion Workabout mx [Nigel Barnes, The Last Psion]
Shimura Ken no Bakatono-sama Ooedomatsuri [hammy]
Sweetheart [Recreativos Piscis]
VJ: Visual & Music Slap [Shiz]

New clones marked not working
Acorn Computers Pocket Book II [Nigel Barnes, The Last Psion]
Bloxeed (bootleg) [Porchy]
Desert Wars (bootleg of Battle Zone) [Javier Blanco Ojeda, ClawGrip]
Flipper Football (v1.03) [Matt’s Basement Arcade, PinMAME]
The Ocean Hunter (Japan, Revision A) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Psion Series 3a (2M) [Nigel Barnes, The Last Psion]
Psion Series 3a (2M) (German) [Nigel Barnes, The Last Psion]
Victor HC-90A (MSX2, Japan) [Daniel Padilla, openMSX]
VJ Dash (Ver 1.0) [Shiz]

特点是优化了Taito F3驱动,Hyper NeoGeo 64驱动。


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