本帖最后由 tkp206093 于 2023-2-24 21:41 编辑

Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered v. 補丁說明
Hey everyone, 嘿大家,
This update for Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered
contains various optimizations and fixes, based on player feedback. We have made changes to improve CPU performance on both Intel Core and AMD Ryzen processors with high physical core counts. This affects AMD Ryzen 7 and Ryzen 9 processors and Intel Core i7 and i9 processors (11th generation and older). We made specific changes to how the game uses the AMD Ryzen 9 7950X and Ryzen 9 7900X processors, to improve performance on systems with these new CPUs.
Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered 的這次更新包含各種優化和修復,基於玩家的反饋。我們進行了更改以提高具有高物理核心數的 Intel Core 和 AMD Ryzen 處理器的 CPU 性能。這會影響 AMD Ryzen 7 和 Ryzen 9 處理器以及 Intel Core i7 和 i9 處理器(第 11 代及更早版本)。我們對遊戲使用 AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 和 Ryzen 9 7900X 處理器的方式進行了具體更改,以提高配備這些新 CPU 的系統的性能。
This patch also includes a change to prevent the game from temporarily freezing while loading textures on certain systems. This behavior could occur at low frame rates in the last two versions of the game. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
We have also fixed a buffer overflow, aimed at addressing crashes to desktop that could occur for some players on Windows 11 systems after loading a save game or retrying a challenge.
我們還修復了一個緩衝區溢出問題,旨在解決某些玩家在 Windows 11 系統上加載保存遊戲或重試挑戰後可能發生的桌面崩潰問題。
Thank you for all your feedback and contributions that helped us improve the game.
Patch Notes 補丁說明
- Optimizations for AMD Ryzen and Intel Core CPUs with high core counts.
針對具有高核心數的 AMD Ryzen 和 Intel Core CPU 進行優化。
- Addressed an issue that could cause temporary freezes at low frame rates.
- Fixed a buffer overflow that could cause crashes for some players on Windows 11.
修復了可能導致 Windows 11 上某些播放器崩潰的緩衝區溢出問題。
- Improved performance and reduced memory usage on systems with less than 3GB available video memory in combination with more than 8GB system memory.
在可用視頻內存少於 3GB 且系統內存超過 8GB 的系統上提高了性能並減少了內存使用。
- Fixed a crash that could occur on Steam Deck when changing settings.
修復了更改設置時可能在 Steam Deck 上發生的崩潰。

Shortly after the launch of this update we temporarily halted the rollout, due to a false positive with Windows Defender for some users. We have resolved the issue and the update is available again. To make sure you have the latest version, please restart Steam. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
在此更新發布後不久,由於某些用戶的 Windows Defender 誤報,我們暫時停止了發布。我們已經解決了這個問題,更新再次可用。為確保您擁有最新版本,請重新啟動 Steam。對此造成的任何不便,我們深表歉意。
CS:Marvels_Spider_Man_Remastered_Update_12_and_13-CS.rar ~ pixeldrain (外国原地址网盘 压缩包密码: cs.rin.ru)
百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1jpIsGvICvu84kSRC75VeUg (已经去除解压包密码)
提取码: 347j
【网盘分流】《漫威蜘蛛侠:重制版》 8号升级档(58MB) + 未加密补丁 [CS] (请熟读操作 及 注意事项须知) [10月12日更新]
11号升级挡-Marvels_Spider_Man_Remastered_Update_11 v1.1212.0.0-CS - 《漫威蜘蛛侠:重制版》