- 贡献度
- 3647
- 金元
- 44285
- 积分
- 19047
- 精华
- 3
- 注册时间
- 2007-12-1
Xp 下的路径
Cocuments and Settings**your name **Application DataThe Creative AssemblyEmpireDemo2scriptspreferences.empire_script.txt
Vista 下的路径是
C:Userss**your name **AppDataRoamingThe Creative AssemblyEmpireDemo2scriptsreferences.empire_script.txt
write_preferences_at_exit <bool>, Write preferences at exit # 退出时保存设置
app_multirun <bool>, Allow multiple instances of the application # 允许多个程序同时运行,
x_res 1280; # x_res <int32>, Fixed window width # 分辨率
y_res 800; # y_res <int32>, Fixed window height # 分辨率
x_pos <int32>, Window position # 窗口模式下窗口的初始位置
y_pos 0; # y_pos <int32>, Window position # 窗口模式下窗口的初始位置
vfs_log_level 0; # vfs_log_level <int32>, 0 - off, 1 - mod-user, 2 - dev # unit test (for daily build) #
# campaign_unit_multiplier <float>, Set default unit multiplier for campaign #
# gfx_fullscreen <bool>, Run the application in fullscreen or not # 全屏
# gfx_vsync <bool>, vertical synchronization # 垂直同步
# gfx_hdr <bool>, Use high dynamic range rendering pipeline # 高动态范围成像1
gfx_low_quality_shaders true; # gfx_low_quality_shaders <bool>, Use SM2 pixel shader code with SM3 vertex shaders and instancing. # 阴影质量
gfx_shadermodel 1; # gfx_shadermodel <int>, Set shader model, 0-2.0, 1-3.0 # 阴影模型 (数值可以 0-2.0,1-3.0)-
gfx_aa 1; # gfx_aa <int>, Set antialiasing, 0-no, 3-8x # 抗锯齿 (0 = 没有, 3=8x).
gfx_texture_filtering 0; # gfx_texture_filtering <int>, Set texture filtering, 0-bilinear, 5- anisotropic 16x # 材质过滤(0线性,5异性)
gfx_texture_quality 0; # gfx_texture_quality <int>, Set the quality of textures. 0 - lowest, 3 - ultra # 材质质量 (0最低, 3最高
gfx_volumetric_effect false; # gfx_volumemtric_effect <bool>, volumetric fog on sea battle # 立体面效果
# gfx_ssao <bool>, Enable Screen Space Ambient Occlusion buffer # 屏幕空间环境光遮蔽
gfx_distortion false; # gfx_distortion <bool>, Enable Distortion Effect buffer # 变形效果
gfx_depth_of_field false; # gfx_depth_of_field <bool>, Enable Depth of Field effects # 景深5
gfx_hardware_shadows false; # gfx_hardware_shadows <bool>, Enable hardware shadow mapping # 硬件阴影gfx_sky_quality 0; # gfx_sky_quality <int>, Set the quality of sky. 0 - lowest, 3 - ultra # 天空细节 (0最低,3最高f0gfx_unit_quality 0; # gfx_unit_quality <int>, Set the quality of units. 0 - lowest, 3 - ultra # 单位细节 (同上gfx_ship_quality 0; # gfx_ship_quality <int>, Set the quality of ships. 0 - lowest, 3 - ultra # 船只细节 (同上)
gfx_building_quality 0; # gfx_building_quality <int>, Set the quality of buildings. 0 - lowest, 3 - ultra # 建筑物细节 (同上)
gfx_water_quality 0; # gfx_water_quality <int>, Set the quality of water. 0 - lowest, 3 - ultra # 水面细节(同上)
gfx_unit_scale 0; # gfx_unit_scale <int>, Set unit scale. 0 - lowest, 3 - ultra # 部队数量(同上)$ b: S3 V' S: , B: y! {' z
gfx_shadow_quality 0; # gfx_shadow_quality <int>, Set unit scale. 0 - off, 4 - ultra # 阴影质量 (0-4)+ d$ D v2 U0 ^) w* [- d
gfx_tree_quality 0; # gfx_tree_quality <int>, Set unit scale. 0 - off, 4 - ultra # 树木细节(0-4)1 P% T' r6 `$ V9 f/ r
gfx_grass_quality 0; # gfx_grass_quality <int>, Set unit scale. 0 - off, 4 - ultra # 草地细节 (0-4)
gfx_gamma_setting <float>, Set gamma correction # 粒子效果! m' ~3 O2 s- T! m
gfx_brightness_setting 1.3; # gfx_brightness_setting <float>, Set brightness # 光亮
gfx_hardware_shadows false; # gfx_hardware_shadows <bool>, Enable hardware shadow mapping # 硬件阴影
gfx_disable_terrain_ao_gpu <bool>, Disable terrain ambient occlusion term. Supported only on ShaderModel 3.0 #
4 Rgfx_screenshot_folder ./screenshots; # gfx_screenshot_folder <folder>, Folder to where save screenshots relative to Empire directory # 截屏储存位置
gfx_fixed_env_map ; # gfx_fixed_env_map <filename>, cubemap for fixed env.map # 似乎是环境地图?
camera_move_speed 200; # camera_move_speed <float>, Set camera movement speed # 视角移动速度
camera_turn_speed 6; # camera_turn_speed <float>, Set camera turn speed # 视角转向速度
vdefault_camera_type 1; # default_battle_camera <card32>, default battle camera: 0-totalwar 1-rts 2-debug # 视角类型 (0全战 1RTS 2debug(这算什么
enable_sound true; # enable_sound <bool>, enables all audio content (default = true). If disabled none of the database or sound pack files are loaded. # 开启音效
fix_res true; # fix_res <bool>, Forbid window resizing # 禁止窗口大小调整
fix_window_pos true; # fix_window_pos <bool>, Forbid window repositioning # 禁止移动窗口
mouse_wheel_sensitivity 50; # mouse_wheel_sensitivity <card32>, mouse wheel sensitivity: <0-100> default value = 50 # 鼠标滚轮的敏感度 (0-100, 默认50
invert_cam_x_axis false; # invert_camera_x_axis <bool>, invert camera tilting up/down # 反置视角 x轴
yinvert_cam_y_axis false; # invert_camera_y_axis <bool>, invert camera panning left/right # 反置视角 y轴
local_player_name ; # local_player_name <name>, Name used to identify the local player on network and local battles # 网战时显示的计算机名字
minimised_ui false; # minimised_ui <true|false>, show minimised ui # 显示最小化(用户界面)& ]7 E# f% V* ^6 |
ui_order_button_mode 0; # ui_order_button_mode <0|1|2>, Only applicable with minimised ui. 0 = always, 1 = slide on, 2 = never #
show_selection_markers true; # show_selection_markers <true|false>, Show the selection markers under the units # 高亮被选中的单位
show_path_markers true; # show_path_markers <true|false>, Show paths in naval battles # 显示船只行进路线
" A+ I# h0 a$ |' u: Lshow_target_zones true; # show_target_zones <true|false>, Show firing arcs etc # 显示开火范围& ?8 v, {% F j8 o# q- _
ui_order_button_mode 0; # ui_order_button_mode <0|1|2>, Only applicable with minimised ui. 0 = always, 1 = slide on, 2 = never #
Pui_card_mode 0; # ui_card_mode <0|1|2>, Only applicable with minimised ui. 0 = always, 1 = slide on, 2 = never #5 Pui_radar_mode 0; # ui_radar_mode <0|1|2>, Only applicable with minimised ui. 0 = always, 1 = slide on, 2 = never #4 b- b* {& M3 k: A, P0 j. E* e
ui_land_unit_ids 0; # ui_land_unit_ids <0|1|2>, 0 = always, 1 = on mouse over, 2 = never #
Cui_naval_unit_ids 0; # ui_naval_unit_ids <0|1|2>, 0 = always, 1 = on mouse over, 2 = never ##
ui_mouse_scroll true; # ui_mouse_scroll <true|false>, Allow/disallow scrolling of the map by putting the cursor at the edge of the screen # 允许鼠标滚轮调整视角2 M: s2 o$ } W
battle_time_limit 60; # battle_time_limit <int>, Sets the time (in minutes) for each battle. -1 for unlimited # 战斗时间限制 (-1无线,默认60分钟)
battle_difficulty 0; # battle_difficulty <int>, Sets the handicap for battles. Positive gives advantage. -2 is vhard, -1 is hard, 0 normal, 1 easy # 战术难度(-2最难,-1难,0普通,1简单,默认0)
autoresolve_difficulty 0; # autoresolve_difficulty <int>, Sets the handicap for battles that are autoresolved. Positive gives advantage. -2 is vhard, -1 is hard, 0 normal, 1 easy # 自动战斗难度
campaign_difficulty 0; # campaign_difficulty <int>, Sets the handicap for campaigns. Positive gives advantage. -2 is vhard, -1 is hard, 0 normal, 1 easy # 战役难度5
battle_advice_level 2; # battle_advice_level <int>, Sets advice level in the battle game # 战术顾问级别
# campaign_advice_level <int>, Sets advice level in the campaign game # 战役顾问级别
campaign_time_limit <int>, Sets the time (in minutes) for each round of the campaign. -1 for unlimited # 帝国战役时间限制
show_cpu_moves true; # show_cpu_moves <true|false>, Show/hide the movement of the ai pieces on the campaign map # AI行动跟随
Oautomanage_regions false; # automanage_regions <true|false>, Let the AI manage taxes etc in players regions # AI管理税收
limitless_ammo true; # show_cpu_moves <true|false>, Enable/disable Infinite ammo on battlefields # 无限弹药occupiable_building_markers true; # show_occupiable_building_markers <true|false>, Enable/disable occupiable building markers on battlefields # 高亮战场上可进入的建筑物
subtitles false; # subtitles <true|false>, Display subtitles during movies # 显示字幕
sound_master_volume 100; # sound_master_volume <int>, master sound volume 0-100 # 主音量(0-100)
sound_music_volume 100; # sound_music_volume <int>, music sound volume 0-100 # 音乐
sound_speech_volume 100; # sound_speech_volume <int>, speech sound volume 0-100 # 演说
sound_sfx_volume 100; # sound_sfx_volume <int>, sfx sound volume 0-100 # 音效sound_master_enabled true; # sound_master_enabled <true|false>, master sound enabled # 关闭主音量
sound_music_enabled true; # sound_music_enabled <true|false>, music sound enabled # 关闭音乐
sound_speech_enabled true; # sound_speech_enabled <true|false>, speech sound enabled # 关闭演说
sound_sfx_enabled true; # sound_sfx_enabled <true|false>, sfx sound volume enabled #关闭音效sound_provider 0; # sound_provider <int>, sound provider index (0-?) # 声音提供者(0-?) |