本帖最后由 gfcyl123 于 2022-9-6 22:25 编辑
FS22 Animal Production v1.0.0.3 Added a couple basic things to this instead of creating a tiny mod to do one little thing. Changes in v1.0.0.3:
Added the one line husbandry limit increasing code (64 max husbandries)
This will not interfere with the other one, but you do not need both
Increased the amount of animals you can move at one time to 1000 (up from 60) This mod allows you to send animals to production placeables/facilities in order to make meat products, etc. Designed to be used with placeables set up to use this feature. Currently 1 animal = 1 liter of fillType as far as production goes. I have plans for future versions to take more things into account, so there is an incentive to use properly raised mature animals over cheap animals straight from the dealer. Animal fillTypes can now be renamed in the map fillTypes.xml. Otherwise, this mod will automatically give them proper titles. Animal subTypes are also categorized by their main type as well, allowing you to use fillTypeCategories=”” instead of fillTypes=”” in your unloadTrigger line(s) if you so choose. I’ve also added a sdk folder to this mod with an example xml snippet and a generic animal trigger to help you set up your own animal production facilities. This mod is currently being used with many PV placeables. For some examples on how to set up an animal production, head over to simgamealliance and check it out. Like always, if you have any issues or suggestions, drop a comment below. FS22 动物生产 v1.0.0.3 为此添加了一些基本的东西,而不是创建一个小模型来做一件小事。 v1.0.0.3 中的变化: 增加了一条线的饲养上限增加代码(最多64个饲养) 这不会干扰另一个,但你不需要两者 将您一次可以移动的动物数量增加到 1000 个(从 60 个上调) 这个模组允许您将动物送到生产放置物/设施,以制作肉制品等。设计用于与设置为使用此功能的放置物一起使用。 目前,就生产而言,1 只动物 = 1 升 fillType。我计划在未来的版本中考虑更多因素,因此有动力使用适当饲养的成熟动物而不是直接从经销商处购买的廉价动物。 现在可以在地图 fillTypes.xml 中重命名动物填充类型。否则,这个模组会自动给他们适当的标题。动物子类型也按它们的主要类型分类,如果您愿意,允许您在 unloadTrigger 行中使用 fillTypeCategories=”” 而不是 fillTypes=””。 我还在这个 mod 中添加了一个 sdk 文件夹,其中包含一个示例 xml 片段和一个通用动物触发器,以帮助您建立自己的动物生产设施。 该模组目前与许多 PV 可放置物品一起使用。有关如何建立动物生产的一些示例,请前往 simgamealliance 并查看。