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[资料] Rise of the Argonauts:Boss FAQ / 武器盔甲选择介绍 / 全雕像地图









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发表于 2009-2-16 14:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Rise of the Argonauts

                                     Boss FAQ

Each boss operates like a super tough enemy, with certain exceptions. While
some have lifebars, they do not necessarily "die" in the way enemies do.
However, since they have "life" to be drained, the spear Redemption often
works, healing Jason in the midst of a boss battle (hence simalcrum often opts
to complete the island of Saria first).

For the basics of battle, the sword is the best for racking up huge amounts of
damage on a target that's slow and not attacking (Nessus for example) since it
has the highest number of hits in its weak combo (BLUE x4 or SQUARE x4). The
mace is the best all-arounder for weaker enemies but not so much for bosses
since it lands fewer (though more damaging) hits (often the YELLOW x2 or

The spear is possibly the worst weapon against most bosses (hence the reason
why Jason fights Achilles with it -- so Liquid Entertain can fuck with your
sense of fair play); however, the spear Redemption is possibly the only way to
get by on some of the harder difficulties until you've earned the aspects of
Apollo to regenerate health quickly (and learn the God Power Healing Beacon).

Don't forget, Jason can dodge while blocking. While blocking "traps" Jason in
one spot, he can move awkwardly by dodging. Block against enemies (especially
Achilles) since letting them hit Jason on anything but Human will generally
mean he splats quickly. At the very least, Jason takes some weird rag-doll
ground slide with minor injury when his block breaks, but not blocking means
he turns into something that looks like that came out of your ass.

Iolcan Bosses

Xeno, Thessalannokian party-crashing, loud-mouthed swine
Interestingly enough all human type enemies are easy to defeat (except for
that goodamned Phaedon). So easy in fact, you can use your mace and smash his
face in repeatedly like Alceme's assassin until the head looks like a big
jumbo marshmallow squeezed to the size of a .177 caliber BB pellet.

Cave of Almethea shadow Minotaur
Although these guys are quite common later, the initial one using just Jason's
default weapons are not a good idea. Try to grab the Iolcan War Armor, Xeno's
mace, the Oathsworn lance, and Captain Ida's veterans blade before challenging
the cave, or Jason will be pretty dead.

Sarian Bosses

Hep Na'Je, manticore den-mother
This thing warps around the arena and hits Jason and his band o'buddies from
the back. Rededmption helps immensely if you're low on life, but generally
speaking, you can let your allies do a lot of the damage and still get the
deed (for most story-related deeds, you can let your allies suck up the
damage). Pan and Atalanta are good range players since they never get close to
the action, so you won't confuse who is who. Avoid the mace on the boss -- it
is too slow.

Nessus, the dude who tried rapin' Deianira but is here for some

Nessus will force you to change from spear (or sword) as he charges you to
sword or mace when he summons ghosts to pummel Jason from afar. Dodge the
centaur charge and hit back with something long (spear and Lethal Attack) or
get close and sword attack (some of Hermes' aspects increases the damage from
sword attacks after dodges, but aren't needed).

When the ghosts appear, just avoid the ghosts (if you keep building on
Apollo's aspect tree, you can increase Jason's resistance so high you can run
through the ghosts and only take damage but no knockback). Attack the
stationary Nessus with the sword and keep the hacking going. The game is
glitchy enough that Hep Na'Je will sometimes stand stock still and never
attack. When Nessus blows bkac Jason, the only effect is knockback (not
damage). Run past the ghosts again and repeat the attack until Nessus is dog-
food (or glue, depending on what part of the world you're from).

Myceneaen Bosses

The Jack-Ass Hand-taker.
Use the sword and rip his face off. Should be easy. Note that if you do not
defeat him personally, you might not get the deed.

Achilles, killed at Troy by Paris' arrow
This guy is annoying since you don't have Redemption and no choice of armor.
Simalcrum got around this by dodging to the side and using a single Lethal
Attack spear thrust to Achilles' back. Occasionally, there is a bloody strike.
Blocking is rather tedious, since Achilles atacks so fast, but that's another
way to do it, according to some guy on the Xbox360Achievements.Org site. The
only difference is, after blocking, attack twice (the spear only does two
hits, three with the lethal ender) with the Wounding Attack.

Once this man is defeated, chances are you won't want him around anyway, since
he has about as much character as Brad Pitt's "Achilles" from the 2004 version
of "Troy". It should be interesting to note that in the classical Iason and
the Argonauts legend, Achilles' father was one of the sailors on the Argo, and
the sum'bitch wasn't even born yet.

Docon, some masked reject from Mortal Kombat
Use the mace and bash his face in like you did with Xeno on Iolcus. Like the
Hand-taker, personally take his face and wear it, since if you miss out, you
may miss a handy deed for increasing your godly favor.

Kythran Bosses

Phaedon, fruity-looking undead guy
This guy is different from most other human bosses since he cannot be knocked
down easily and he has a tendency to move through Jason's ass (damaging him in
the process). Since Phaedon is glowing red most of the time, you can't really
miss him (same fight in Tartaros later). Rely on the sword to counter-attack
(although the game will suggest the mace is best against swordsmen, Phaedon
isn't a normal enemy). Rack the damage using light attacks and guard when
Phaedon starts moving. Don't bother with the power block, but you can try
Redemption if you need the health boost (might get you killed -- use Healing
Beacon to be sure). Accrue enough damage and Phaedon drops dead. Easy.

Medusa, the butt-ugly version
Simalcrum is unsure how to kill Medusa herself -- the gold statue is so much
easier to see and the camera is not helping. Trap the snakes on the sides by
attacking them (one by one, you dumbass) after they each smash Jason in the
face. Use a strong attack or a flurry of weak ones to force them to recede
into their holes to regenerate. Pan will seal them temporarily. When all four
snakes are sealed, Medusa will be vulnerable and drop her statue. Simalcrum
says, lets assemble a harem and smash the statue. Repeat the process until the
statue or Medusa is destroyed. If you do kill Medusa, your crew will take on
Perseus instead (makes sense, they are fraternal twins).

Tartartos Bosses

Docon, some masked reject from Mortal Kombat
Use the mace. With this many deeds/aspects, he should not be a problem.

Phaedon, fruity-looking undead guy
Use the sword. With this many deeds/aspects, he should not be a problem, even
if he moves like the Dark Elf from Dungeons and Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara.
Simalcrum just had a hard-on from remembering that game alone.

Isisyphus, Soulreaver: Legacy of Kain reject #34
The most damaging aspect of this boss is the acid spew it does. Use the dodge
(Quicksilver will increase the length of the dodge) and get near him with the
sword and hack away. You'll be surprised how fast this little bastard goes
down once you've focused on the Fury aspect. You can ignore the minotaurs
conjured, but attack them if they get in the way (counts towards your 'Beasts
Killed' deeds). Finish ripping the face of Isisyphus, then instead of taking
his face, take the Golden Fleece.

Simalcrum just realized a carry-over game would've been possible (and logical)
even if you don't "earn" the deed(s) again. Since you keep your aspects and
aspect points, the game would've polished off the knobs of Ancient Greek
legend fan-men (hardly boys, generally men) in replaying the different
difficulties, etc. Attention Liquid Entertainment: it is possible with a
patch. Blue Dragon added New Game+ via patch, and so can you ...

Iolcan Bosses

Skiav, Black-tongue bad-ass
He always attacks from behind, as the Oracle of Delphi will reveal.

Pelias, a.k.a., Simon Tempelman
Has three phases. Avoid the crawling skulls at all costs on all difficulties
(and all phases). Getting sacked by the crawling skulls means explosive insta-

First phase - Throw the spear using the special attack modifier key and

Second phase - Use the shield to power block the magic missiles back to him.

Third phase - Once Pelias is no longer flying, simply rush the guy and hack
with any weapon (sword is fastest), penetrate the shield and kill his ass.

Rise of the Argonauts

                            Weapons and Armor Locations

All this crap isn't worth 20 gamer points. And apparently, you cannot miss
many of the weapons (and it seems just one armor). "Optional" weapons are now
marked in red while the ones you get simply by cacking the story-
related "obstacle .... to Overlord Simalcrum's fist through your squishy
brains". Some weapons and armor will give Jason God Powers, so if you want to
get ahead and rape the game, you will want to avoid spending aspect points on
powers that need activation. Reserve points for the innate powers that
automatically activate when bought and Jason will be some unstoppable bad-ass
mo'fugger'chugger killing machine.

God Powers To Avoid Buying, cause you get 'em for free:
-- Wind Blast (Hermes)
-- Lightning Seed (Athena)
-- Some electrocution power (forget exact name / Athena)
-- Spirit Trail (Hermes)
-- Brilliannce (Apollo)

Skull Cracker, Shield Breaker, and Menis (all Ares) are okay, since they are
innate powers that work regardless of what you have equipped. The various
maces simply make these powers work overtime.

Spear Collection

Iolcan Spear
Default. This is Jason's default spear. It's still better than that crap in
Frank Milla's 300. Once Athena blesses Jason (in Iolcus, initial version) the
spear will magically teleport to his hand once it is thrown.

Oathsworn Lance
Optional Weapon
Iolcus (initial version). Speak to the dead guard's brother, offer to speak to
the father on surviving son's behalf, and accept the offering of the standard
bearer's spear from the bereaved father.

This spear has Jason taking less damage than normal and greatly increasing his
resistance to physical blows. It is better than the default spear, so it would
be a good idea to get this weapon before getting your ass killed on a
different island. You should try and get this weapon before completing the
Cave of Almethea on Iolcus (initial version).

Saria (Atalanta's chapter). While solving the mystery of the island and
delivering last rites, Atalanta will offer Jason her father's spear. It is in
her domicile in the Nisyrus village.

This spear absorbs the lifeforce of enemies and when filled, it will
simultaneously heal Jason and fire the Brilliance God Power (at level 1). This
is one of the best spears in the game (better than Spear of Virtue),
especially since you can use it to heal Jason in mid-fight (except against
bosses who are never stunned).

Cold-Iron Pike
Optional Weapon
Mycenae (Achilles' chapter). Speak to Daedelus each time you're able between
bouts (for the trial-by-combat, not the tournament) at the gladiator arena and
ask about the wings on his workshop wall. After the round with Achilles, ask
Daedelus about the wings a final time and he will offer you this spear.

This spear can damage armor and shields to a greater degree than other spears.
Not sure about this weapon if it is optional or not, but it would be foolish
not to pursue the obvious Hermes-aligned choices available to Jason on Mycenae.

Spear of Virtue
Kythra (Pan's and Medusa's chapter). Simply defeat the chapter boss (lenient
or Ares-laden death) and get this weapon from Perseus. Just a note, to
accumulate a suitable harem, simalcrum opted to spare Medusa's life at the
cost of her vanity (you may not get this weapon if you make like the old-timey
Perseus and cack Medusa).

Enemies slain by this spear will leave a puddle of lightning on the ground,
electrocuting other enemies who step on these magic traps. The armor gives
Jason a similar power, so you may not want to mess around with this spear
unless it is just to see how bad ass you really are.

Sword Collection

Iolcan Xiphos (Sword)
Default. This is Jason's default sword and nothing special. Note if you opt to
take the spear after throwing it in the initial tutorial, Jason gets another
spear (or sword) from the dead guy on the stairs.

Veteran's Blade
Optional Weapon
Iolcus (initial version). Speak to Captain Idas in the village after a
successor is chosen. He will give Jason this sword.

This sword damages armor and shields better than normal, and often deals
crippling (slowing movement and attack) wounds to living enemies. Until you
have unlocked any Crippling Wounds aspect from Hermes, this is a good weapon
to have around.

Wind Shear
Saria (Atalanta's chapter). Receive this sword from Hermes after defeating the
boss on Saria. He's on the beach near the island's docks.

With this sword, the God Power meter regenerates faster. Each time an enemy is
killed, it may also cast the Wind Strike God Power (at level 1). This sword is
the best one in the game, given what you have to face. Although sword combat
can make you lazy, you can easily get your 50 kills with the Sword deed using
this weapon.

Damascus Steel
Mycenae (Achilles' chapter). During the tournament, speak with Daedelus and
assist him in getting rid of the enemy agent (Damon). When asking about Docon
and the first round, he should offer Jason this weapon.

This sword deals more damage when hitting enemies from behind, much like the
Cunning Strike aspect. This weapon would've been more helpful in the previous
combat rounds (with Pytheas) but not so much in later fights.

Thorn of Hades
Kythra (Pan's and Medusa's chapter). Defeat the boss Phaedon and claim his
weapon. Simple. Effective. And subject to Herakles' "I'm squishing your head

This sword has a small chance of damaging enemies if they block (chip damage).
For all of the crap you have to face, this weapon doesn't let Jason regain the
God Power meter as quickly as Wind Shear, but you can test it out on the
easier difficulties.

Mace Collection

Iolcan Mace
Default. This is Jason's default mace. Is this weapon better than the
Overlord's mace? You decide -- next on Codemasters' Cross-Overs!

Wave Breaker
Iolcus (initial version). Defeat Xeno and his Thessalonkian scum. Claim the
mace as yours after you smash his face in repeatedly on the curb to show
him, "Who's da boss."

This mace may release a small non-lethal explosion each time it hits an enemy,
knocking them to the ground. It also increases the knockback Jason does
attacking with this mace.

Avenger's Maul
Optional Weapon
Saria (Atalanta's chapter). Locate the ghost of Callas in the trail southeast
of the village. Give him last rights by winning the argument with the centaur
Agrios (blacksmith) by persuading him to put Callas in Tartarus. Once Callas'
ghost is dispatched, Agrios will give Jason the murder weapon.

This mace works with the Menis aspect. If enemies are defeated in rapid
succession, its knockback power grows rapidly. Handy until you complete the
Mycenae or Kythra chapters.

Fist of Ares
Mycenae (Achilles' chapter). Simply complete the chapter. Lycomedes will give
this weapon to Jason afterwards.

This mace damages shields and armor greatly and can instantly destroy a shield
on rare occasions. This is one of the two best maces in the game. While it
breaks shields, it may not stun enemies (another deed) as easily. Depending on
what you're after, you may want to do your knockdowns and stuns in Tartaros or
your shield-breaking in Tartaros. Keep in mind the infinite enemies in
corrupted Iolcus may not always have shields (about 50%).

Fulcrum of Justice
Optional Weapon
Kythra (Pan's and Medusa's chapter). Save the mead-maker (east of the city)
from the Ionians, then talk to the old temple guards at the fountain (the font
is near the Ring of Virtue). The guardsman named by the mead-maker will be
appreciative and the old guards will give Jason this weapon.

This mace works with the Skull Cracker aspect. Enemies hit by this mace are
often stunned. This is the other "best mace" in the game. While it may not
break shields easily, it stuns enemies quickly, allowing Jason to decapitate
them on the next lethal blow. Play with your deeds and stats and go with the
mace that lets you do the deed you need in Tartaros, then switch for corrupted

Otherwise, the Fulcrum is slightly better if you have equal (or greater)
amounts of Shield Breaker to Skull Cracker (Ares' blessings). Jason will
eventually break shields, but he will always be able to stun enemies better
than average.

Armor Collection

Ceremonial Armor
Default. Jason's default armor, used for ceremonial functions, but can still
protect his wiener from being stabbed.

Iolcan War Armor
Optional Armor
Iolcus (initial version). Locate this armor after finding Medea at the
Warrior's Shrine. You will need to actively explore to pick this armor up.

This armor greatly increases Jason's knockback resistance and his maximum
health. Note if you miss this, you will be in for one heckuva time later.

Nisyros Tribal Armor
Saria (Atalanta's chapter). Defeat the last boss on Saria and Lykas will give
this armor to Jason before he leaves.

This armor may sometimes create a phantom decoy (as the Spirit Trail God
Power) if Jason is damaged. The cost of using God Powers is also reduced.

Gladiator Harness / Champions Mighty Fury
Optional Armor (Champion's Mighty Fury only)
Mycenae (Achilles' chapter). Speak to Daedelus each time you're able between
bouts at the gladiator arena (during the trial-by-combat fights, not the
tournament) and ask about the wings on his workshop wall. After the round with
Achilles, ask Daedelus about the wings a final time and he will offer you this
armor. Speak with Daedelus once he's aboard the Argo and he will upgrade the
non-Russell Crowe Gladiator armor to something better (the name will change to
reflect the version forged).

In its original form, this armor lets Jason regain some health by slaying
enemies (and it is automatically given as part of the trial-by-combat
sequence). As Champion's Fury, it lets Jason recover a lot of life from
slaying enemies. As Champion's Might, it lets Jason recover only a little life
from defeated enemies, but increases his power and resistance as well. Note,
you can refuse to speak with Daedelus at all (until you need to for the ending)

Guardian's Plate
Kythra (Pan's and Medusa's chapter). Simply defeat the chapter boss (lenient
or Ares-laden death) and get this armor from Perseus. Just a note, to
accumulate a suitable harem, simalcrum opted to spare Medusa's life at the
cost of her vanity (you may not get this weapon if you make like the old-timey
Perseus and cack Medusa).

This armor bestows Jason's attacks with the Lightning Seed God Power (at level
1) if he is not hit when attacking (and racking up a combo). Be sure to not
buy that God Power if you want to economize your crap. This armor (or the
Champion Armor) are both handy, but coupling the Guardian Plate with a sword
makes Jason some electrified zombie hero dude in Tartaros. Stack this armor
with Wind Shear and you can stack Wind Blast and Lightning Seed together for
some fun times.

Golden Fleece
Tarataros (Enemy-infested chapter). This is the ultimate armor, available to
Jason once he destroys the boss in this penultimate chapter. Once it is
equipped, it cannot be removed for the rest of the game.

This armor increases power, damage, resistance, and defence greatly. It also
bestows health regeneration and recovers the God Power meter quickly. Animal
fur isn't murder -- it's the ultimate fashion statement.



(For the final Herm, the party needs to assemble at the Gate of Despair with the descendants; it is in the area circled)Mycenae:




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