to fully utilize the cheats, I have to uses all cheats from all channels
official cheats,
Taunts & Cheats – Age of Empires Support, like another cup, inna jiffy, smorgasbord, it was known, make it quick, king size beds, one of us, this is fine, zeleport
wemod, like unlimitd health, one-hit kills, instant construction, instant recruting/research, reset current population
unofficial cheats: spawn units like villagers
use unofficial cheatsprepare the dev files:
download the dev files I uploaded, it contains a lot of *.lua files, or use EssenceArchiveViewer.exe to extract dev files, which is data.sga, x:\xxx\cardinal\archives\Data.sga, and x:\xxx\engine\archives\Data.sga, unzip to the game root folder x:\xxx\
create a shortcut for RelicCardinal_ws.exe, change target by adding suffix like "x:\xxxx\RelicCardinal.exe" -dev -nomovies
microsoft store xbox:
open cmd, use this code, shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.Cardinal_8wekyb3d8bbwe!Game -dev -nomovies, you can replace this Microsoft.Cardinal_8wekyb3d8bbwe!Game with yours, by creating the shortcut from xbox, then right click properties to check the target type for target field
not working:explorer.exe Shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.Cardinal_8wekyb3d8bbwe!Game -dev -nomoviesworking:Start-Process -FilePath "shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.Cardinal_8wekyb3d8bbwe!Game" -ArgumentList "-dev -nomovies"
you must create a game in skirmish mode, by pressing ctrl+shift+` once, type in dofile('dev/cheatmenu.lua'), test the cheat, only then you can use it in campaign mode
open cheatmenu.lua, make some changes, here are some examples I made
villagerserach newelement( "1. Spawn Villager",...
change to newelement( "1. Spawn Villager", "CONTROL+SHIFT+1", "for i=0,100 do SpawnSquadAtMouse( CheatGetLocalRaceSquadType('scar_villager')) end", NO_MP ),
now it will spawn 100 villagers
gaiachange BP_GetSquadBlueprint( 'gaia_herdable_sheep')) to BP_GetSquadBlueprint( 'gaia_huntable_boar')),
now it wil spawn boar instead of sheep
traderwant traders? try newelement( "9. Spawn Trader", "CONTROL+SHIFT+9", "for i=0,100,1 do SpawnSquadAtMouse( CheatGetLocalRaceSquadType('scar_trade_cart')) end", NO_MP )
resourcessearch function CheatSendEconomy(), change to
function CheatSendEconomy()
for i = 100,1,-1
Command_PlayerBroadcastMessage(Game_GetLocalPlayer(), Game_GetLocalPlayer(), 0, "ECONOMY")
now press alt+shift+1, you will get 1000x100 all resoures
my preferencenewelement( "Free 1000 Food Wood Gold Stone Multiplayer", "ALT+SHIFT+1", "CheatSendEconomy()", YES_MP ),
newelement( "Reveal Map Multiplayer", "ALT+SHIFT+3", "CheatSendFoW()", YES_MP ),
newelement( "Instant Build And Gather Multiplayer", "ALT+SHIFT+5", "CheatSendInstantBuild()", YES_MP ),
overriding population cap for all players with number like 800 will cause me trouble like minitary unit stuck in moving, but set it for yourself is safe
for i=1,10,1 do Player_SetPopCapOverride(World_GetPlayerAt(i), 800) end
Player_SetPopCapOverride(Game_GetLocalPlayer(), 1200)
my explorationi try to make changes to CheatDoubleBuildAndGatherRates(), not working.
CONTROL+SHIFT+0 not working
debugalt+shift+`, try some codes
examplefor i,v in pairs(_G) do print(i) end
for i,BP_GetName(v) in pairs(_G) do print(i) end
for i,v in pairs(_G) do print(i.." = "..tostring(v)) end
for i,v in pairs(BP_GetSquadBlueprintsWithType_Internal({},true)) do print(i.." = "..tostring(v)) end
for i,v in pairs(BP_GetSquadBlueprintsWithType_Internal({},true)) do print(i.." = "..tostring(BP_GetName(v))) end
logcheck the output
warnings.log in C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\My Games\Age of Empires IV