23 May V4 Added Unit ID changer for Battle/War/Siege
Add Get All and Lost All to Basepoint/基地-城堡,Infinite Money/无限的金钱/Test
Friendship changes to Max when get value/最大限度的亲密接触,Fix Gate HP/城堡的最外层区域
Character Editor for Battle skills/War skills/Other/Famous Place/Title 对决/战役/其他/著名的地方/职称
20 May Unmarked Ver Uploaded.
21 May V2 (2nd quick update today) added Battle and War Data,win lose count for battle
Victory is assured when the All enemy's HP is reduced to zero.
When the acquisition of enemy information during a war doesn't work.
If you designate an enemy general, the enemy data will be up to the fifth from there.
(I may revise it later with different hook.)
F11=Force Pause,F12=0.25 multiplied speed for minigame
May 22 V2.5 added Ninja Village,Navy Fort,Contribution to Imperial court,some information for editor
Ability and Age Editor,War data for Movepower and Act Flag ang Ability Point
Siege Data-Skill,Ability point,Current HP
Be aware that many numbers are not as they appear, especially HP.
Which is complicated by the inclusion of other factors.
22 May V3 added New warlord Editor,Gate HP Editor,Highlight Social Position Editor
I couldn't edit the ability in the new warlord edit, so I made it possible to do so freely.
I created an editor because I was having trouble raising the social status of generals under my control.
When editing a gate, be sure to set the end digit to 1.
If you set it to 0, you won't be able to attack for some reason.