- 贡献度
- 480
- 金元
- 8020
- 积分
- 2822
- 精华
- 10
- 注册时间
- 2006-9-9
Creating a new patch.vpp_pc file You'll want to extract common.vpp_pc and patch.vpp_pc to their own directories using Gibbed.SaintsRow2.ExtractPackage.exe. The common and patch packages contain the majority of files any modder will want to edit.
You will want to set up a directory structure similar to:
- moddingextractedcommon -- containing extracted contents of common.vpp_pc
- moddingextractedpatch -- containing extracted contents of patch.vpp_pc
- moddingmodified -- containing files that you have edited
This tree does not have to be in the game directory (this is how I prefer it).
To make things simple, create a new text file named build.txt in the modding directory, put the following in it: (adjust it if you've changed the directory structure)
Gibbed.SaintsRow2.BuildPackage.exe "patch.vpp_pc" "modified" "extractedpatch"
Now rename build.txt to build.bat.
This batch file will build a package named patch.vpp_pc, using the directories modified, extractedpatch for files. Files in modified will override files in extractedpatch. Gibbed.SaintsRow2.BuildPackage.exe was made this way so that you didn't have to deal with copying files around to make a single directory. You want to add the original contents of the patch.vpp_pc since we are replacing it.
Running the batch file should generate a patch.vpp_pc file that you can now copy to your game directory. Be sure to back up the original patch.vpp_pc file!
主要是红字部分的,谢谢:) |