本帖最后由 qq272532103 于 2021-10-20 22:54 编辑
转自:[REQ] The Riftbreaker - FearLess Cheat Engine (fearlessrevolution.com)
Quick mod, mostly quality of life edits, except for the wind turbine which is incredibly cheaty. I love this game, its so underrated, like a mix of factorio and Starcraft.
OP cheaty wind turbine(not my mod/edit, stole it from someone from discord, but the rest of these edits are my personal edits)
Longer length energy connector so you have to place less of them along a route
Large capacity AI Hub so you dont have to place a hundred of them
Further travel distance of repair facility bots so you dont have to place a hundred of them
Faster research of communications hub, I didnt like the instant research via debug console, felt too cheaty....i know...ironic right? probably still too fast though, needs tweaking/nerfing.
Place the "zz_cheat_mod_v1" zip file inside \The Riftbreaker\packs and DO NOT unzip it, its meant to stay zipped thats how the game reads it.
NOTE: TL R- Dismantle/sell all vanilla/unmodified buildings affected by this mod(energy connector, AI hub, Repair facility, Comm Hub, Wind Turbine) from saved game, save the game, then use this mod.
This mod will crash your game if you load a saved game with these modified buildings up and try to place another building of the same type one. You need to sell/destroy/dismantle those buildings before you do anything else, or simply start a new game.
For example, if you have a vanilla/unmodified communications hub built in your saved game, load up the game with my mod and try to create an additional modded communications hub, the game will crash. You need to dismantle the previous unmodified/vanilla communications hub first, and any building thats been affected by the modification of my mod.
直接放到游戏目录\PACKS 里,不要解压,不要解压,不要解压
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