- 贡献度
- 103
- 金元
- 2836
- 积分
- 696
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2006-6-5
转自游侠游侠荣誉会员 jiahsuan
Sacred2 2.34破解主程式
http://www.rayfile.com/files/410 ... -abbb-0014221b798a/
http://www.namipan.com/d/91dc540 ... 026545de2992ccc7e00
嗈眷詗詒? 葔眷羚
嗈羞詗葔 葀眷羚
亄詗詒? ?詗?葀眷眷羚
? 亄詒? ?葾詄睒詗嗍眷眷眷羚 嗙
嗙 嗙 ?葄 亄詒 嗖?詗詗棰詗嗙詗詘詗蛢眷眷羚 ? 嗙
睚 嗙 停 睚 羞? 嗈詗詗詄睒詒嗲詗詗詗詗詗詗詗眷眷? 睚 睚 嗙
? 睚 ? ? ?睒? 嗖詗詗詗詒嗈葾詗棰詗詗詗詗詗詗詗眷眷?嗙 ? ? 睚
? ? 嗙 嗙 羞嗖詗詗詗詗嗖詄睒詗詘詗詗詗詗詗詗詗蛢眷 睚 睚 ?睚 ?
睚 睚睚 睚 瑊詗詗詗習 葾詗嗖詗詗詗蛢葀詗詗詗詗眷翌 ? 葄 停 ? ?
?嗙 葄? 葄 葾羞詗詘 葾詗詗詗詗? 葀詗詗眷捲? 睚 睚 停睚 睚
?? ? 葄 亄詘?葀詗詄 ?亄詗詗習詗翌 ? 嗖詗眷?嗈詗??嗙 ?? ?
?葄?葄 ?睚嗙 葔詗?葀蛢嗈詗詒蛢?睒詗葄嗈詗蛢習 亄詒? 葄 ?嗙 葄??
葄 ??嗙葾詘 葄葄詘睒楸?羞習葄嗖? 羞詗嗈葔蛢?嗙睒椽詘葄?嗖詒葄 ??嗙
嗈 ?嗙 嗈 葔嗍棰蛢椳?睚睧嗖詗習 葀詗詗詘萫睚 羞瑊詄睚嗙?嗈 葄 嗈
?旋嗈詗詘 眷?嗈嗖習瑊 嗙 嗖詗詗嗍嗲嗖嗲嗈詗詗詗詘 葄 翌葀詘嗈 亄?亄詗嗈羞 ?
葔??葾詄 葑棰詗? 詒詗棰椽葔嗈葄亃嗈葄嗙嗈葔習詗棰詗葾 葾詄瑄?睒詒 ?嗙?
嗈?亄詘 ??嗙 葔蛢嗖 翎睧睧椳詅詄葔椳詄詗睚詒 詘羞葔 葄 ?? 嗖詘 葄?
旎? 羞椽嗖 睚睒嗍??葾 詄詄蛢睖椽嗍詅嗈睖椽睒 詒 ?睚嗖棰?詘嗍旋 葠?
葀詘 瑄詒? 葄嗈? 詘詒 葄嗙葄葄葔 葄葔嗙嗈? 詗嗖 葄嗈? 葔詗? 亄詒
詒 葔?coax!CPH 亄? 葔詗詗詗詗蛢葔 葀? 習? 葾
? 嗈嗈亄詒? 葔蛢葔 葔羞嗈嗈? ?
?嗈盛詒葔? 嗈嗈嗈嗈睖嗈?嗈 詘 嗈 嗈 嗈 嗖 嗈 嗈? 葔葔羞詘??
亄羞葔 羞葾詒葾睒 蛢 葔 詗 詗 葔 詗 詗 詗葾葾? 葔盛詘
亄羞? 葔 詗 葠詒詘 詗 詗 蛢 詗 詗 詗 詗 ?詗 葀旋?
葀詗? 詗 羞 詗 詗 詗嗖?詗 詗嗖?詗 ?詗 亄詗?
葔羞詘嗈 羞 葔 葔 葔 葾? 葔 葔葔 葔 ?詗 嗈亄詗習
葾習羚 嗈嗈 詗 嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈?嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈 蛢 嗈 嗖葔葔?葑嗈
嗈習 嗙瑄? T e a M T R i V i U M P r e s e n t S 瑊楸嗙羞楸嗙羞?
亄詒 嗍椽習 嗈詒葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葾嗈 葾嗍?葀??旋?
瑊?嗙 蛢?嗙? 葔?羞 瑊椽葠習
葀楸嗍詒 ? 葄 亄葠椽?
葄睚葾? 葠? ?喜?
嗙?? 詄 Sacred 2: Fallen Angel (c) Akella 葀?蒆嗍?
睚亶?嗖? 葔亶嗙
葄喝葔 ?
? RELEASE DATE ..................... : 01/2009 ?
? RELEASE SiZE ....................... : 1 rar ?
? PROTECTiON ......... : SecuROM 7.38 + Custom ?
? ?
濤羞詒葾詘嗈嗈嗈? 嗈嗈嗈嗈詒葔詗羚?
亄詗詒? 嗈 葄 葀?葄嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈?嗖?嗙 嗈? 葾詗羚
葀羞詄 葄 葄 睚 葀? RELEASE NOTES 嗖? 睒 ? 嗙 睒蛢習
睚葀羞嗈 葔嗈 嗖 嗈詒 葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔?葾嗈 詗 嗈葔 嗖蛢習睚
葄睖 詒羞詘嗈詗葔葔 葔葔羞嗈亄詗葾 嗲嗙
葄喊 葄 葔詒 葾葔 嗙 蛦嗙
蛦楸嗈詘? 葄羚嗙瑋?
葄? 葄?
? ?
? Sacred 2: Fallen Angel is an Action RPG with a rich story ?
? that takes place in a giant, open-ended and seamless world. ?
? This world contains hundreds of dungeons, treacherous ?
? opponents and a variety of challenging quests. Intelligent ?
? enemies, steadily adapting in number and difficulty based on ?
? player progress, challenge in heroic single- and multiplayer ?
? battles. ?
? ?
? Sacred 2: Fallen Angel provides numerous unique items that ?
? can be gathered in this mystical world. A deep reward system ?
? further enables advancements of character, individual ?
? attributes and character-specific fighting styles, each ?
? designed to keep players returning to the world of ?
? Sacred 2: Fallen Angel to discover what is around the next ?
? bend. Drop-in styled cooperative multiplayer gameplay ensures?
? players will enjoy the game alone or seamlessly with friends ?
? at any time. Five unique multiplayer modes round out the ?
? experience and offer a refreshing, first-class gaming ?
? experience in Sacred 2: Fallen Angel. ?
? ?
? ?
? ?
? Features: ?
? ?
? - A huge, seamless and dynamic world that allows for ?
? free-form exploration ?
? - Two campaigns: play as the "Light" or "Shadow" side, ?
? complete with distinct skills, rewards and story-elements ?
? tailored to the chosen path ?
? - Six exceptional, playable characters, each with a distinct ?
? look, capabilities and in-game motivation ?
? - Modifiable combat arts: change and upgrade your alter ego's?
? combat skills as you make choices throughout the game ?
? - Fight effectively from the back of a number of mounts under?
? your control ?
? - Deities offer unique combat disciplines to players ?
? - The ultimate multiplayer experience - seamless transition ?
? between single- and multiplayer gaming modes via the ?
? Internet or Xbox Live ?
? analyze your game ?
? - Captivating online modes of play challenge gamers in ?
? cooperative and PvP play ?
? - Extraordinary, cutting-edge graphics utilize the latest ?
? technologies ?
? ?
? 亄詘 亄詘? ?
濤羞詒葔詘嗈嗈嗈? 嗈嗈嗈嗈習葔葾羚?
亄羞詒? 嗈 葄 葀?葄嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈?亄?嗙 嗈??葾詗羚
葀羞詄 葄 葄 睚 葀? UPDATE NOTES 亄? 瑊 ??葄?睒詗習
睚葀羞嗈 葔嗈 嗖 嗈詒 葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔?葾嗈 詗 嗈葔 嗖詗詒睚
葄睖葾葀詗嗈嗖詒葔? 葔葔羞嗈亄詗葾葄椽?
葄喊 葄 葔詒 葀葔 嗙 蛦嗙
蛦楸嗈詘? Version 2.34.0 includes the following: 葄羚嗙瑋?
葄? 葄?
? ?
? New Content: ?
? ?
?* New area with 24 aboveground sectors and about 6 additional ?
? underground sectors ?
?* New textures and objects to create a snowy landscape ?
?* Additional sounds for the snowy landscape ?
?* 20 new creatures ?
?* New NPCs ?
?* New full quest chain ?
?* Additional armor set for each character ?
?* New armor items and weapons ?
? ?
?Hint: The Christmas Island is shrouded in mystery so you ?
? can't see it on the world map. To begin your journey to ?
? it, find and speak to the Kobold in Thylysium, then sail?
? to the port he unlocks. ?
? ?
? Fixes: ?
? ?
?* It was not possible to load an old save after patching, if ?
? the character in the old save had an item in their hand ?
? (held by the mouse pointer) at the time the save occurred. ?
?* Characters over lvl 61 were unable to create game channels ?
? (only able to join them). ?
?* Sometimes after rebirth at a resurrection monolith, the ?
? character started at an incorrect position on the map ?
? leading to a dead end. ?
?* The fourth Guardian of the Big Machine could sometimes be ?
? killed while it still idled. This skipped the end boss fight?
?* Crystal Monster: The lightbeam adjustment didn't rotate ?
? which led to confusion about why the hero was stunned. ?
?* When tabbing out of the game then going back, the position ?
? of the mounted hero had changed. ?
?* Temple Guardian's "Amplifying Discharge" with Mods 1b & 2b ?
? "Ricochet": Rebounding projectiles did not cause further ?
? damage after the first rebound. ?
?* Temple Guardian's "Combat Alert" with Mod 1a "Assault": The ?
? increase in attack value was not shown on the tooltip. ?
?* Temple Guardian's "Dedicated Blow": The damage conversion ?
? for "prone to ice" for fire elementals converted damage into?
? poison. ?
?* High Elf's "Blazing Tempest" dealt too much damage. ?
?* High Elf's "Fire Demon" with just achieved mod "Enliven": ?
? The increased damage was only visible after changing the CA ?
? slots. New damage is now instantly shown. ?
?* High Elf's "Glacial Thorns" dealt too much damage and ?
? caused massive frame rate fall off when used on bosses. ?
?* The "Fire Demon" and "Moribund Animus" buffs restarted ?
? automatically. Now you need to reactivate them again ?
? manually. ?
?* Inquisitor's "Ruthless Mutilation" didn't work properly with?
? ranged weapons. ?
?* Shadow Warrior's "Rallied Souls" with Mod 1a "Armament" ?
? resistance values were too high. ?
?* Seraphim's "Archangel's Wrath" with Mod 1b "Salve": ?
? Additional fireball was added but damage didn't decrease. ?
?* At the end of a combat-art move the Dryad erroneously shot ?
? another round of shuriken/knifes. ?
?* Dryad's Hireling "Moribund Animus" no longer lies down every?
? few seconds. ?
?* It was possible to forge high-level items into low-level ?
? weapons and armor. This could lead to overpowered items. ?
? Now the highest level of the forged items will be the new ?
? level of the item. ?
?* Slot boni on forged items didn't work properly. Now silver ?
? slots give 7 % bonus and gold slots give 15 % bonus. ?
?* Item bonus "+x to all CA's" didn't work correctly. ?
?* Monster attacks had a motionblur-effect that lasted too long?
?* The audio option "Character Effects on Center" had no effect?
? on playback in 5.1 surround sound. ?
?* Several sound issues fixed for boss music, ?
? deathsplatter-effect and unique items. ?
?* Missing sound profiles added for T-mutant Human and High ?
? Elves as well as for new mini-bosses. ?
?* All sounds were initiated with a short snapping sound. ?
?* Singleplayer CoOp: When you started an SP game and opened ?
? the game as MP, the server started without a name. Now the ?
? name is CharacternameXXXX where XXXX stands for a random 4 ?
? digit number. ?
?* Rivers had dust clouds instead of water splashes. ?
?* Inventory picture for "Celdrahil's Gloves" was missing. ?
? ?
? 亄詘 亄詘? ?
濤羞詒葔詘嗈嗈嗈? 嗈嗈嗈嗈習葔葾羚?
亄羞詒? 嗈 葄 葀?葄嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈?亄?嗙 嗈??葾詗羚
葀羞詄 葄 葄 睚 葀? iNSTALL NOTES 亄? 瑊 ??葄?睒詗習
睚葀羞嗈 葔嗈 嗖 嗈詒 葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔?葾嗈 詗 嗈葔 嗖詗詒睚
葄睖葾葀詗嗈嗖詒葔? 葔葔羞嗈亄詗葾葄椽?
葄喊 葄 葔詒 葀葔 嗙 蛦嗙
蛦楸嗈詘? - Unpack 葄羚嗙瑋?
葄? - Install the game 葄?
? - Update the game to version 2.34 ?
? - Copy the cracked content from the TRiViUM folder ?
? - Enjoy ;) ?
? ?
? 亄詘 亄詘 ?
濤羞詒葔詘嗈嗈嗈? 嗈嗈嗈嗈詒葔詗羚?
亄詗詒? 嗈 葄 葀?葄嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈?亄?嗙 嗈 嗙詗蛢?
葀羞詄 葄 葄 睚 葀? GROUP NOTES 亄? 睚 嗙 嗙 睒蛢習
睚葀羞嗈 葔嗈 嗖 嗈詒葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔詘?詘 嗈葔 嗈蛢習睚
葄睖 詒羞詘嗈詗葔葔 葔葔詗嗈嗖蛢葾 嗲嗙
葄喊 葄 葔詒 葾葔 嗙 蛦嗙
蛦楸嗈詘? Fizkultpreved to kakella ^^ 葄詘嗙瑋?
嗙嗙 葄葄
詄 睒
亄羞 睚 亄葔? 嗙葀? 睚 蛢羚
葀詗? 嗙 亄?嗈嗖嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗖嗈?葀?葄 嗖蛢?
葔羞詘嗖葔葔葔葔葄 ASCii By CoaXCable/CoolPHat 嗙葔葔葔葔詘嗖蛢葔
睚 嗙 葄葔嗈嗈嗈?葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔?葄嗈嗈嗙葄?葄 睚
?葄 ??嗙睧嗈睖嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈嗈椽嗙楸???嗙 ?
葄嗈葔葄 ??NFO UPDATE 01/01/2009 * By: TRiViUM ??嗙葔嗈嗙
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