- 贡献度
- 8
- 金元
- 4281
- 积分
- 460
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2015-5-7
本帖最后由 asqaz1 于 2021-2-14 19:05 编辑
{ {
"Balance Preset": "", “余额预设”:“”,
"Disable Right Click Move": true, “禁用右键单击移动”:是,
"Disable Rocks At Bases": true, “禁用基地的岩石”:是的,
"Enable Smart Evacuation": true, “启用智能疏散”:是,
"Enable Smart Base Selection": true, “启用智能基础选择”:true,
"Enable Scrap Aircraft": true, “启用报废飞机”:是的,
"Enable Extended Agenda Tracker": true, “启用扩展议程跟踪程序”:是的,
"Agenda Tracker Show Vehicles": true, “议程跟踪显示的车辆”:是的,
"Agenda Tracker Show Excavations": true, “议程跟踪器显示挖掘”:是的,
"Agenda Tracker Show Base Defenses": true, “议程跟踪器显示基础防御”:是的,
"Agenda Tracker Hide Status Bar": false, “议程跟踪器隐藏状态栏”:否,
"Agenda Tracker Add Mission Objective": true, “议程跟踪器添加任务目标”:是的,
"Enable UI Enhancements": true, “启用UI增强功能”:是,
"Show Detailed Research And Production": true, “显示详细的研究和生产”:是的,
"Show Recruit Info Inside Zone Tooltip": true, “在区域内显示招聘信息工具提示”:true,
"Show Extended Base Info": true, “显示扩展的基本信息”:是,
"Show Extended Haven Info": true, “显示扩展的避风港信息”:是的,
"Persistent Class Filter": true, “持久类过滤器”:true,
"Persistent Class FilterInit Disabled": false, “持久类过滤器禁用”:false,
"Hide Site Addons": false, “隐藏网站附件”:否,
"Enable Custom Recruit Generation": true, “启用自定义招募生成”:是,
"Recruit Generation Count": 3, “招募人数”:3,
"Ignore Rng Factors For Haven Recruit Generation": true, “忽略生成避风港的Rng因素”:是的,
"Recruit Interval Check Days": 3.0, “招聘间隔检查日”:3.0,
"Recruit Generation Has Armor": true, “新兵有盔甲”:是的,
"Recruit Generation Has Weapons": true, “新兵有武器”:是的,
"Recruit Generation Has Consumable Items": true, “新兵有消耗品”:是的,
"Recruit Generation HasInventory Items": true, “新兵有背包物品”:是的,
"Recruit Generation Can Have Augmentations": false, “新兵有变异改造”:错误,
"Enable Difficulty Overrides": true, “启用难度替代”:是的,
"Difficulty Override Starting Supplies": 800.0, “难以覆盖的起始供应商”:800.0,
"Difficulty Override Starting Materials": 1000.0, “难以覆盖的起始材料”:1000.0,
"Difficulty Override StartingTech": 200.0, “难度优先启动技术”:200.0,
"Difficulty Override Soldier Skill Points Per Mission": 12, “每个任务的难度超越士兵技能点”:12
"Difficulty Override Exp Converted To Skillpoints": 0.02, “将难度替代Exp转换为技能点”:0.02,
"Difficulty Override Min Population Threshold": 5, “难度超控最低人口阈值”:5
"Difficulty Override Starvation Deaths Part": 0.01, “难度超越饥饿死亡部分”:0.01,
"Difficulty Override Starvation Mist Deaths Part": 0.03, “难度超越饥饿薄雾死亡部分”:0.03,
"Difficulty Override Starvation Deaths Flat": 5, “难以克服的饥饿死亡平仓”:5
"Difficulty Override Starvation Mist Deaths Flat": 15, “难以克服的饿死雾死平”:15
"Difficulty Override Disable Death By Starvation": false, “克服难度使饥饿失败失效”:false,
"Enable Experience To Skillpoint Conversion": true, “启用经验到技能点转换”:是的,
"XP to SP Add To Personal Pool": true, “ XP至SP添加到个人池”:是的,
"XP to SP Add To Faction Pool": true, “ XP至SP添加到派系池”:是的,
"XP to SP Conversion Multiplier": 2.0, “ XP到SP的转换乘数”:2.0,
"Enable Return Fire Adjustments": true, “启用回火调整”:是,
"Return FireAngle": 180, “回火角度”:180,
"Return FireLimit": 2, “回火次数”:2,
"Enable Mission Adjustments": true, “启用任务调整”:是,
"Max Player Units Add": 2, “添加的最大玩家单元数”:2
"Always Recover All Items FromTactical Missions": false, “始终从战术任务中恢复所有物品”:否,
"Enable Plentiful Item Drops": true, “启用大量物品掉落”:是的,
"Item Destruction Chance": 10, “物品毁灭几率”:10,
"Allow Weapon Drops": true, “允许武器掉落”:是的,
"Flat Weapon Destruction Chance": 30, “扁平化武器销毁机率”:30,
"Health Based Weapon Destruction": true, “基于健康的武器销毁”:是的,
"Allow Armor Drops": true, “允许掉落盔甲”:是的,
"Skip Intro Logos": true, “跳过简介徽标”:是的,
"Skip Intro Movie": true, “跳过简介电影”:是的,
"Skip Landing Sequences": true, “跳过着陆顺序”:是,
"Enable Facility Adjustments": true, “启用设施调整”:是,
"Medical Bay Base Heal": 8.0, “医疗湾基础治疗”:8.0,
"Living Quarters Base Stamina Heal": 4.0, “生活区基础体力恢复”:4.0,
"Vehicle Bay Aircraft Heal Amount": 4, “车辆湾飞机的治疗量”:4
"Vehicle Bay Vehicle Heal Amount": 40, “车辆湾车辆的修复量”:40,
"Mutation Lab Mutog Heal Amount": 40, “突变实验室Mutog的治疗量”:40,
"Training Facility Base Experience Amount": 2, “培训设施基础经验量”:2,
"Training Facility Base Skill Points Amount": 2, “培训设施基本技能点数”:2
"Fabrication Plant Generate Production Amount": 4.0, “制造工厂产生的生产量”:4.0,
"Research Lab Generate Research Amount": 4.0, “研究实验室产生研究量”:4.0,
"Food Production Generate Supplies Amount": 0.5, “粮食生产产生供应量”:0.5,
"Bionics Lab Generate Research Amount": 4.0, “仿生实验室产生研究量”:4.0,
"Mutation Lab Generate Mutagen Amount": 0.25, “突变实验室产生诱变量”:0.25,
"Fabrication Plant Generate Materials Amount": 1.0, “制造工厂产生的材料量”:1.0,
"Research Lab Generate Tech Amount": 1.0, “研究实验室产生的技术金额”:1.0,
"Enable Soldier Adjustments": true, “启用士兵调整”:是,
"Max Augmentations": 3, “最大增幅”:3,
"Personal AbilitiesCount": 5, “个人能力计数”:5
"Max Strength": 30, “最大强度”:30,
" Max Will ": 20, “最大意志”:20,
"Max Speed": 20, “最高速度”:20,
"Enable Ability Adjustments": false, “启用能力调整”:否,
"Enable Vehicle Adjustments": true, “启用车辆调整”:是,
"Aircraft Blimp Speed": 300.0, “飞机飞艇速度”:300.0,
"Aircraft Thunderbird Speed": 400.0, “飞机雷鸟速度”:400.0,
"Aircraft Manticore Speed": 550.0, “飞机蝎狮速度”:550.0,
"Aircraft Helios Speed": 700.0, “飞机太阳神速度”:700.0,
"Aircraft Blimp Space": 10, “飞机飞艇空间”:10,
"Aircraft Thunderbird Space": 8, “飞机雷鸟空间”:8
"Aircraft Manticore Space": 7, “飞机蝎狮空间”:7
"Aircraft Helios Space": 6, “飞机太阳神空间”:6
"Aircraft Blimp Range": 4000.0, “飞机飞艇射程”:4000.0,
"Aircraft Thunderbird Range": 3000.0, “飞机雷鸟射程”:3000.0,
"Aircraft Manticore Range": 2500.0, “飞机蝎狮射程”:2500.0,
"Aircraft Helios Range": 3500.0, “飞机太阳神射程”:3500.0,
"Occupying Space Mutog": 2, “占领太空杂物”:2
"Occupying Space Armadillo": 2, “占领犰狳”:2
"Occupying Space Scarab": 2, “占领太空圣甲虫”:2
"Occupying Space Aspida": 2, “占领太空飞蛾”:2
"Enable Economy Adjustments": true, “启用经济调整”:正确,
"Resource Multiplier": 0.75, “资源乘数”:0.75,
"Scrap Multiplier": 0.5, “废料乘数”:0.5,
"Cost Multiplier": 0.5, “费用乘数”:0.5,
"Disable Ambushes": true, “禁用伏击”:是的,
"Retain AmbushesInside Mist": true, “在雾中保留伏击”:正确,
"Disable No thing Found": true, “禁用未找到任何东西”:是的,
"Pause On Destination Set": true, “在目标位置暂停”:true,
"Pause On Exploration Set": false, “暂停探索集”:否,
"Pause On Recruits Generated": true, “暂停产生的新兵”:是的,
"Pause On Healed": true, “暂停治疗”:是的,
"Center On Haven Revealed": true, “展示避风港中心”:是的,
"Center On Excavation Complete": true, “开挖中心完成”:是的,
"Debug": true, “调试”:是的,
"Debug Dev Key": "" “调试开发密钥”:“”
} }
(出处: 3DMGAME论坛)