本帖最后由 三岁打飞机 于 2020-9-12 07:33 编辑
原文地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2215193970Stats and YOU You chose your starting school? Great, amazing, excellentchoice! Now that you know WHO you're playing with and HOW you'replaying, it's time to get into the nitty gritty of this magnificent game: Stats,Stats, Stats.
Stats are the what make or break your character and, by extention, yourstrategy and build. There are 5 Stats, following the famous Pentagon graphspread and they influence a myriad of variables on your character includingDribble Running and Shot Charge Up time.
The following table was created based on what the game tells you, and whatcountless matches and forum discussions have dug up until now, it can changeand most probably will be in constant flux until the devs or a dataminertells us exactly how these values work. Stat Description Technique TEC affects your Shot and Pass charging speed,pass-centered and "Striker" Midfielders need this stat to compensatefor the little time they will have to find a space to breathe and prepare toattack. The second property of this stat, is to influence Long-Distance effectshots, like Pierre's or Tsubasa's. This stat replaces Power when using EffectShots and it's what your Dribbles use for their success chance against tackles.This stat can get you that animation in which the shot just blazes through theGK, leaving him standing there, dumbfounded. Offense Affects how effective your offensive moves are. OffensiveDribbles and Straight Ground Shots benefit a lot from this stat. It's your mostimportant stat for your FW alongside Power and one of the two secondary statsfor your MF if you choose to be a more "aggressive style" MF Power The most straightforward stat, It's the base damage ofyour Shots and Power Tackles, and how much damage the Goalie and DF willrecieve once the Defense calculation passes. This is the main stat for StraightGround Shots, like Schneider's Fire Shoot or Kluivoort's Stinger and for BruteForce Defenders like Jito or Alberto Speed Your "GOTTA GO FAST" stat. Directly affects yourDribbling Dash speed and it's the secondary stat that a shot uses. Does thatmean it's important for a FW? No, it's actually somewhat better to focus on TECfor a power focused Forward, as Offense is more valuable and TEC let's you playdribbles a lot more safer. It's amazing for a MF if you want to quickly interceptpasses and to get you to a safe place quicker than the opponent can react. Defense The single most important stat for a DF, but do not thinkit's useless for FW and MF, this stat clashes directly against Power andOffense. It's your damage reduction stat. You want a decent amount in this statif you want to survive the Defensive Tackles or to get that amazingInterceptions against Shots and Super Shots.
With this table in mind, the next question should be easy enough, right? Whatare the stats I need to focus if I want to excel in my chosen role?
And this is when I tell you: THAT'S HELL YOU'RE WALKING INTO.Because, not only you will need to know what stats to focus, but you will alsoneed a lot of items and team skills (The skill you get once you fill the UniqueTeam Resource) to maximize your gains. That coupled with the fact that you NEEDcertain players to get extremely useful skills, shoots and dribbles can makethis road a living hell for you in the long run. So be ready, be cautious, andmore importantly: KNOW WHEN TO TAKE A BREAK.
With that out of the way, let me help you:
- FW: Power and Offense are the name of the game. You want power to shatter the GK (Looking at you Muller and Zino, you guys can suck my nuts) and you need the offense to get into the penalty box using your offensive dribbles to maximize the damage your shot does. The ideal combination is: Long Pass from your dedicated Passing MF (with passives, of course), two dribbles to get in The Zone, and then a Super Shot. Unless you are Carlos.
However, what comes next might surprise you: Where is the speed? For you, a Ground Straight Shot FW God of the field, Speed is not really that important. In fact, you can almost argue that it shares it's place with Technique. Both are means to an end: To reach the goal in the most efficient way possible, but they are inferior to Power and Offense, two stats that give you the greatest chance to achieve your objective: To score a goal in the least amount of tries.
So, in order of importance: Power > Offense > Technique/Speed > Defense
- MF: Be it a Pass-centered MF or a Pseudo-Striker one, you want as much Technique as you can afford. Technique will allow you to charge your pass/shot in a blink to engage in ferocious counterattacks or brilliant offensives. It's what you excel at and what you must embrace to become the real god of the middle field.
So, no power this time? No, absolutely not. For you, the king of the middle field, your Technique is your power. You live and die by it and you must stick to it. DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT USE POWER/OFFENSIVE BASED DRIBBLES AND STRAIGHT GROUND SHOTS. They do not and will not play to your strenghts and you will feel like a wet noodle kicking a ball made of concrete.
So, what's next? It's a coin toss between Offense and Speed. Both are good with you, and you can work with them if your dribbles supply the one you want to leave behind a little bit. Long Story short, find a balance between the two and use your dribbles to finish this triumvirate of stats to get the most out of your MF. If you do this, you'll be better than Diaz and Tsubasa in no time.
Finally, Power? Not really. It's better to focus more on defense. You need your spirit as high as possible at all times to be able to Dribble anyone and spam your passes or Super Shots at all times. a 5-2 point gap between the two should do the trick just nicely.
Order of Importance: Technique > Offense/Speed > Power/Defense
- DF: This is the only position that I can't, for the love of everything, grind efficiently enough to tell you how to work with it. So, I'll just say this: DEFENSE, DEFENSE, DEFENSE. WIth high enough defense and proper skills, you might be able to take Schneider's High Fire Shoot and survive to tell the tale.
Then it's your choice to get Power to Pack a Punch every time a fool comes to your house, thinking it can steal your stuff, or a combination of Speed and Technique to deal with more elusive players.
Order of importance: DEFENSE > ALL
Ever wondered what the words alongside the boost in your skills mean? Well,after a lot of testing and some help from outside members, there is a prettyunified consensus of what is the actual % of those skills. (Thanks a lot toDrashir for this part)
Skill says:
A great deal = 15% increase
By some = 6% increase
A little = 4~5%
Dribble says:
Great boost = 27% increase
Added small boost = 3%
Large boost= 25 %
Added boost= 8%