- 贡献度
- 114
- 金元
- 6778
- 积分
- 1134
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2016-1-26
Note that this product will have a maximum devtime of 12, but the optimal is set to 25, so the player won't have enough features to reach 100% submarket satisfaction, especially since the features doesn't cover all submarkets properly. You can use the TEST_DEV_MOD console command to make sure your software type can satisfying its submarkets.
Name "Test Software"
Category Testing
Description "This is part of a test mod. If you develop a perfect version, 50% of the population will want it for about $50, but less than 10% might randomly not want it."
Random 0.1
IdealPrice 50
OptimalDevTime 25
OSSupport Computer
OneClient False
InHouse False
SubmarketNames [ TestMarket1; TestMarket2; TestMarket3 ]
Name "Test category"
Description "This is a test category"
Popularity 0.5
Submarkets [ 1; 3; 1 ]#20%, 60%, 20%
Retention 24
TimeScale 1
Iterative 0.75
NameGenerator testgen
Name "Test feat 1"
Spec System
Description "This feature represents the system aspect of the product and cannot be deselected"
DevTime 3
CodeArt 1
Submarkets [ 1; 0; 1 ]#50%, 0%, 50%
Name "Test subfeat 1"
Description "This feature requires a level 1 System designer/programmer to be finished"
DevTime 3
Level 1
CodeArt 1
Submarkets [ 0; 1; 0 ]
Name "Test subfeat 2"
Description "This feature will cost the owner $1000 per day when it is released"
DevTime 2
Level 3
CodeArt 1
Submarkets 0 #No submarkets needed for level 3 features
Script_EndOfDay "Product.DevCompany.MakeTransaction(-1000, Bills, \"Owned\");"
Name "Test feat 2"
Spec Audio
Dependencies "Audio Tool"
Optional True
Description "This feature can be deselected, completely removing Audio features and Audio Tool dependencies from the product"
DevTime 4
CodeArt 1
Submarkets [ 0; 1; 3 ]#0%, 25%, 75%
} |