本帖最后由 悲催的小说家 于 2020-4-10 16:41 编辑
https://bbs.3dmgame.com/thread-6027093-1-1.html by temple910518
内置汉化补丁 by lcsy
使用方法:用记事本打开"Config.xml"文件,根据我的翻译设置后,保存即可 蓝色为可修改数值以及原版数值,绿色为可修改方式以及选择内容。 首先选择mod使用方式,然后修改对应的蓝色可修改数值。 大家改完后尽量回复一下,不然刷下去后面的人就看不到了。
<!-- Crafting Stamina Tweaks -->铁匠耐力调整
<MaxCraftingStamina>400</MaxCraftingStamina> <!-- Native value is 100 -->最大铁匠耐力 原版数据100
<CraftingStaminaGainAmount>10</CraftingStaminaGainAmount> <!-- Native value is 5 -->每小时恢复铁匠耐力 原版数据10
<!-- Native value is 0. In native you do not regain crafting stamina if you are not in a settlement. If you want to reduce the amount of stamina you gain when not in a settlement, set below 1 (but above 0). -->在原版游戏中,铁匠耐力只能在居民点中休息时增加,这一项可以让你在野外同样增加耐力。假如你想要低于在城镇中增加的耐力数量那么请设置(0.0-1)之间,1以上为在城镇中增加耐力的倍数。
<!-- Battle Rewards Tweaks -->战斗加成调整
<BattleRenownMultiplier>2</BattleRenownMultiplier> <!-- Native value is 1 -->战斗声望值调整 原版数据1
<!-- Party Size Bonus Tweaks -->部队规模加成调整
<!-- The bonus amount is the given percentage of your skill value.这项加成通过你的技能进行部队规模的加成
For example, if you have a leadership of 100 and the bonus value is 0.3,
you will get a bonus of 30 to your party size.
Do not set this value below zero, or weird things will happen.
<LeadershipPartySizeBonus>0.3</LeadershipPartySizeBonus> <!-- Native value is 0 -->设置奖励加成(0.0-1.0)原版数据0
<StewardPartySizeBonus>0.3</StewardPartySizeBonus> <!-- Native value is 0 -->设置奖励加成(0.0-1.0)原版数据0
<!-- Tournament Rewards Tweaks -->竞技大会奖励调整
<TournamentRenownAmount>8</TournamentRenownAmount> <!-- Native value is 3 -->经济大会声望调整 原版数据3
<TournamentGoldRewardAmount>500</TournamentGoldRewardAmount> <!-- Native value is 0 -->竞技大会金币奖励 原版数据为0
<TournamentExperienceEnabled>true</TournamentExperienceEnabled> <!-- Native is false -->选择是否开启竞技大会经验加成(true,false)原版为关闭
<ArenaExperienceEnabled>true</ArenaExperienceEnabled> <!-- Native is false -->选择竞技场经验加成(true,false)原版为关闭
<TournamentMaxBetAmount>300</TournamentMaxBetAmount> <!-- Native value is 300 -->竞技大会最大赌注设置 原版数据为300
<!-- Hero Skill Multiplier Tweak -->英雄技能倍数调整
<HeroSkillExperienceMultiplierEnabled>false</HeroSkillExperienceMultiplierEnabled> <!-- Native value is false -->是否打开英雄技能倍数调整(true,false)
<HeroSkillExperienceGeneralMultiplier>-1</HeroSkillExperienceGeneralMultiplier> <!-- Use this to override the default experience curve. To disable, set below 0. To enable, set above 1.-->
<!-- Hideout battle troop limit tweak -->藏身处己方士兵数量
<HideoutBattleTroopLimit>9999</HideoutBattleTroopLimit><!-- Native value is 9 or 10. Maximum value is 90 .-->藏身处己方士兵数调整 原版数据为9或10,最大可设置数据为90
<LoseHideoutBattleOnPlayerDeath>false</LoseHideoutBattleOnPlayerDeath> 玩家时候藏身处攻击失败调整(true,false)<!-- Native value is true. If set to false, your troops will be told to charge and finish off the enemy. The boss fight is disabled if you die. -->原版数据为开启,如果设为关闭,那么在你死后你的士兵会继续进行冲锋并消灭敌人。但是boss战会被取消。
<LoseHideoutBattleOnPlayerLoseDuel>false</LoseHideoutBattleOnPlayerLoseDuel> 玩家决斗失败后藏身处攻击失败调整(true,false)<!-- Native value is true. If set to false, your troops will avenge you! -->原版数据为开启,假如设置为关闭,那么在你决斗失败之后,你的士兵会为你报仇!
<!-- Troop battle experience multiplier (Only affects experience gained from fighting) -->士兵战斗经验倍率(仅仅影响士兵战斗时的经验加成)
<!-- Native value is false. Only affects battles you actually fight, not auto-calculate ones. -->原版数据为关闭,此项只影响你实际参与战斗所得经验,坐镇战斗以及自动结算经验加成无效。
<TroopBattleExperienceMultiplier>3.0</TroopBattleExperienceMultiplier> <!-- Native value is 1.0 -->原版数据为1.0
<TroopBattleSimulationExperienceMultiplierEnabled>false</TroopBattleSimulationExperienceMultiplierEnabled> 模拟战斗经验加成倍率调整(true,false)
<!-- Native value is false. Only affects battles that are auto-calculated (Affects ALL auto-calculated battles, including NPC vs NPC ones.)-->这一项调整只影响坐镇指挥等模拟战斗的经验加成。(注意,此项对所有模拟战斗均有效果,包括npc之间,ai之间)
<TroopBattleSimulationExperienceMultiplier>1.0</TroopBattleSimulationExperienceMultiplier> <!-- Native value is 1.0. -->原版数据为1.0
<!-- Workshop tweaks -->工厂调整
<BaseWorkshopCount>2</BaseWorkshopCount> <!--Native value is 1 -->基础工厂数量 原版数据为1
<BonusWorkshopsPerClanTier>1</BonusWorkshopsPerClanTier> <!-- Native value is 1 -->家族等级增加工厂数量 原版数据为1
<WorkshopBaseCost>10000</WorkshopBaseCost> <!-- Native value is 10,000. This value is used as a base to calculate the total cost. Reduce to reduce cost of workshops.-->原版数据为10000,这个值可用于计算购入工厂成本的基数,以此来降低工厂成本。
<!-- Companion Limit tweak -->同伴上限调整
<CompanionLimitBonusPerClanTier>1</CompanionLimitBonusPerClanTier> <!-- Native value is 1. This value is multiplied by your clan tier. -->原版数据为1 每升1级增加同伴上限(此数据真实量为设置数据x家族等级)酌情调整
<CompanionBaseLimit>3</CompanionBaseLimit> <!-- Native value is 3 -->基础同伴数量 原版数据为3
<!-- Settlement militia bonus tweak -->居民点民兵加成调整(此调整AI和玩家通用)
<!-- This tweak is applied to the militia growth rate of all settlements.
It is intended to increase the size of settlement militia's to try and stop
factions from being steamrolled. Pair it with the settlement food bonus tweak
to stop settlements from starving. Food is used by the game to create a soft cap on militia
and garrison amounts.-->此调整AI和玩家通用。增加民兵的增长率以此来防止派系过快的吞并另一方。一定要将其和居民点食物调整配合使用。食物在游戏中被用来限制驻军人数。
<CastleMilitiaBonus>4.0</CastleMilitiaBonus> <!-- Native value is 0 -->城堡民兵加成 原版数据为0
<TownMilitiaBonus>6.0</TownMilitiaBonus> <!-- Native value is 0 -->城镇民兵加成 原版数据为0
<!-- This provides a bonus to the spawn rate for elite troops in militias, meaning
they have a higher chance to receive elite troops each day instead of ordinary troops. -->这一项加成用于增加更高级兵种民兵出现的概率,民兵将有更高的几率接受高级兵种,而不是普通兵种
<SettlementEliteMeleeSpawnRateBonus>0.15</SettlementEliteMeleeSpawnRateBonus> <!-- Native value is 0 -->近战高级民兵产量加成调整 原版数据为0
<SettlementEliteRangedSpawnRateBonus>0.1</SettlementEliteRangedSpawnRateBonus> <!-- Native value is 0 -->远程高级民兵产量加成调整 原版数据为0
<!-- Settlement food bonus -->居民点食物加成(此调整AI和玩家通用)
<CastleFoodBonus>2.0</CastleFoodBonus> <!-- Native value is 0 -->城堡食物加成 原版数据为0
<TownFoodBonus>4.0</TownFoodBonus> <!-- Native value is 0 -->城镇食物加成 原版数据为0
<!-- Castle buildings bonuses -->城堡建造加成(此调整AI和玩家通用)
<!-- Training Fields -->训练场
<CastleTrainingFieldsXpAmountLevel1>30</CastleTrainingFieldsXpAmountLevel1> <!-- Native value is 1 -->一级训练场提供经验 原版数据为1
<CastleTrainingFieldsXpAmountLevel2>70</CastleTrainingFieldsXpAmountLevel2> <!-- Native value is 2 -->二级训练场提供经验 原版数据为2
<CastleTrainingFieldsXpAmountLevel3>150</CastleTrainingFieldsXpAmountLevel3> <!-- Native value is 3 -->三级训练场提供经验 原版数据为3
<!-- Granary -->谷仓
<CastleGranaryStorageAmountLevel1>30</CastleGranaryStorageAmountLevel1> <!-- Native value is 10 -->一级谷仓提供粮食 原版数据为10
<CastleGranaryStorageAmountLevel2>45</CastleGranaryStorageAmountLevel2> <!-- Native value is 20 -->二级谷仓提供粮食 原版数据为20
<CastleGranaryStorageAmountLevel3>60</CastleGranaryStorageAmountLevel3> <!-- Native value is 30 -->三级谷仓提供粮食 原版数据为30
<!-- Gardens -->花园
<CastleGardensFoodProductionAmountLevel1>3</CastleGardensFoodProductionAmountLevel1> <!-- Native value is 1 -->一级花园提供粮食 原版数据为1
<CastleGardensFoodProductionAmountLevel2>6</CastleGardensFoodProductionAmountLevel2> <!-- Native value is 2 -->二级花园提供粮食 原版数据为2
<CastleGardensFoodProductionAmountLevel3>9</CastleGardensFoodProductionAmountLevel3> <!-- Native value is 3 -->三级花园提供粮食 原版数据为3
<!-- Militia Barracks -->兵营
<CastleMilitiaBarracksAmountLevel1>2</CastleMilitiaBarracksAmountLevel1> <!-- Native value is 1 -->一级民兵提供民兵数量 原版数据为1
<CastleMilitiaBarracksAmountLevel2>4</CastleMilitiaBarracksAmountLevel2> <!-- Native value is 2 -->二级民兵提供民兵数量 原版数据为2
<CastleMilitiaBarracksAmountLevel3>8</CastleMilitiaBarracksAmountLevel3> <!-- Native value is 4 -->三级民兵提供民兵数量 原版数据为4
<!-- Siege tweaks -->攻城调整(此调整AI和玩家通用)
<SiegeConstructionProgressPerDayMultiplier>0.85</SiegeConstructionProgressPerDayMultiplier> <!-- Native value is 1. Set this below 1 to make sieges take longer to set up. Hopefully will help to stop factions being steamrolled. Don't set below 1-->原版数据为1,将此数据设置为(0.0-1),将会减缓攻城器械建造时间,以此来防止势力过早被灭
<SiegeCollateralDamageCasualties>1.75</SiegeCollateralDamageCasualties> <!-- Native value is 2. Set lower than native to reduce casualties from sieges. -->攻城附带损失(主要指对城镇的经济物资的损伤)原本数据为2,设置更低的值来减少这种损伤
<SiegeDestructionCasualties>4.5</SiegeDestructionCasualties> <!-- Native value is 5. Set lower than native to reduce casualties from sieges. -->攻城破坏(主要指对城镇建筑物的损伤)原本数据为5,设置更低的值来减少这种损伤
<!-- Clan parties tweak -->家族军队数调整
<BaseClanPartiesLimit>1</BaseClanPartiesLimit> <!-- Native value is 1 -->基础家族军队数量 原版数据为1
<ClanPartiesBonusPerClanTier>0.5</ClanPartiesBonusPerClanTier> <!-- Native has a calculation for this: 1 party for under tier 3, 2 parties for under tier 5, 3 parties for over tier 5. This value is multiplied by you clan tier. A value of 0.5 will give a bonus of 1 party per two clan tier levels, which equates to the same as native.-->每一级增加家族军队数量(此项计算方式为,所设置数值X家族等级所得结果加入基础值)原版数据为0.5,当家族等级为3时,会加入一个数量军队。等级为5时会加入两个军队数量,五级以上加入三个军队数量。当值为0.5时,每两级加入一个军队数量。
Battle Rewards Tweak 战斗加成调整
BattleRenownMultiplier 战斗声望倍数
Castle Gardens Tweak 城镇花园调整
Castle Garden Food production level 1 城镇一级花园食物成产
Castle Garden Food production level 2 城镇二级花园食物成产
Castle Garden Food production level 3 城镇三级花园食物成产
Castle Granary Tweak 城镇谷仓调整
Castle Granary Storage Level 1 城镇一级谷仓调整
Castle Granary Storage Level 2 城镇二级谷仓调整
Castle Granary Storage Level 3 城镇三级谷仓调整
Castle Militia Barracks Tweak 城镇民兵兵营调整
Castle Militia Barracks production Level 1 城镇一级民兵兵营调整
Castle Militia Barracks production Level 2 城镇二级民兵兵营调整
Castle Militia Barracks production Level 3 城镇三级民兵兵营调整
Castle Training Field Tweak 城镇训练场调整
Castle Training Fields Level 3 Experience 城镇一级训练场调整
Castle Training Fields Level 3 Experience 城镇二级训练场调整
Castle Training Fields Level 3 Experience 城镇三级训练场调整
Clan parties Tweak 家族军队调整
Base Clan Parties Limit 家族军队基础数量
Clan Parties Bonus Per Clan Tier 每一级增加家族军队数量
Companion Limit Tweak 同伴数量调整
Base Companion Limit 基础同伴数量
Companion Limit Base Per Clan Tier 每一级增加同伴数量
Crafting Stamina Tweaks 锻造耐力调整
Max Crafting Stamina 最大锻造耐力
Crafting Stamina Gain 锻造耐力恢复
Ignore Crafting Stamina 关闭锻造耐力
Stamina Gain Outside Settlement Multiplier 居民点外锻造耐力恢复
Prevent Smelting Locked ltems 关闭锻造解锁
Hero Skill Experience Tweak 英雄技能经验调整
Hero Skill Experience Overried Multiplier 英雄技能经验增加倍数
Hideout battle troop limit Tweak 藏身处部队数量调整
Hideout Battle Troop Limit 藏身处部队数量限制
Continue Hideout Battle On Player Death 玩家死后继续战斗
Continue Battle On Losing Duel 单挑失败后继续战斗
Party Size Bonus 军队规模加成
Enable Leadership Bonus 开启领导力军队规模加成
Leadership Percentage Bonus 领导力加成
Enable Steward Bonus 开启管家军队规模加成
Steward Percentage Bonus 管家加成
Settlement Food Bonus 居民点食物加成
Castle Food Bonus 城镇食物加成
Town Food Bonus 城堡食物加成
Enable Prosperity Food Malus Tweaks 开启繁荣度食物消耗
Prosperity Malus Divisor 繁荣度消耗调整
Settlement Milita Bonus 居民点民兵调整
Castle Militia Growth Bonus 城镇民兵增加加成
Town Militia Growth Bonus 城堡民兵增加加成
Enable Militia Elite Spawn Bonus 开启精英民兵产出加成
Elite Melee Militia Spawn Bonus 精英近战民兵加成
Elite Range Militia Spawn Bonus 精英远程民兵加成
Siege Casualties Tweak 攻城伤亡调整
Siege Collateral Damage Casualties 攻城附带损害
Siege Destruction Casualties 攻城破坏伤害
Siege Construction Porgress Tweak 攻城建筑进程调整
Siege Construction Progress Per Day Multiplier 攻城建筑每日增加
Tournament Tweaks 竞技场调整
Enable Tournament Renown Tweak 开启竞技场声望调整
Tournament Renown Reward 竞技场声望调整
Enable Tournament Gold Tweak 开启竞技场金币奖励
Tournament Gold Reward 竞技场金币奖励
Enable Tournament Max Bet Tweak 开启竞技场最大赌注
Tournament Maximum Bet Amount 竞技场最大赌注
Troop Battle Experience Tweaks 对战经验调整
Troop Battle Experience Modifier 对战经验修正
Troop Battle Simulation Experience Multiplier 模拟对战经验修正
Troop Battle Simulation Experience Multiplier 模拟对战经验修正
Workshop Tweaks 工厂调整
Enable Max Workshop Limit Tweak 开启最大工厂数量调整
Base Workshop Limit 工厂基础数量
Bonus Workshops Per Clan Tier 每一级增加工厂数量
Enable Workshop Cost Tweak 开启工厂成本调整
Workshop Base cost 工厂成本调整