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【N网搬运】超级卡哇伊!可染色,耳朵会动,猫咪连帽衫!我的猎人不可能这么可爱! https://bbs.3dmgame.com/thread-6025212-1-1.html
Main Menu –> FINAL FANTASY XV - World of Wonder (FFXV)
Astera (Day) –> Valse di Fantastica (FFXV)
Astera (Night) –> Sunset Waltz (FFXV)
Astera (Argosy Intro) –> Starlit Waltz (FFXV)
Astera Gathering Hub –> The Dark Which Illuminates the World (FFXIV)
Seliana (Day) –> Solid (FFXIV)
Seliana (Night) –> Night in the Brume (FFXIV)
Seliana Gathering Hub –> Crimson Sunrise ~Huskybythegeek~ (FFXIV)
Research Base –> Knowledge Never Sleeps (FFXIV)
Quest Alert (Zorah Magdaros) –> Opening Theme (FFXIV)
Quest Alert (Xeno'jiiva) –> Opening Theme (FFXIV)
Quest Alert (Shara Ishvalda) –> In the Light of the Crystal (FFXV)
Room BGM (Private Quarters) –> Hammerhead (FFXV)
Room BGM (Living Quarters) –> What Angel Wakes Me (FFXIV)
Room BGM (Private Suite) –> City Ruins ~Rays of Light~ (Nier)
Room BGM (Seliana Penthouse) –> Oblivion ~Never Let it Go Version~ (FFXIV)
Room BGM (Proof of a Hero) –> Prelude ~Remembrance~ (FFXIV)
Room BGM (A Brand New Day) –> Tomorrow and Tomorrow (FFXIV)
Room BGM (Guidance) –> Grandma (Nier)
Room BGM (The Gracious Villagers) –> The Wretched Automatons (Nier)
Room BGM (Harbor of the Sun - Val Habar) –> Emil ~Sacrifice~ (Nier)
Room BGM (Moga on the Sea) –> Shadowbringers (FFXIV)
Room BGM (Black Impact) –> ARDYN II (FFXV)
*NEW Room BGM (The Lovely Feast) –> Home Sweet Home (FFXV Prompto)
*NEW Room BGM (Bustlin' Dundorma) –> Amusement Park (Nier)
*NEW Room BGM (To the Ones with Life) –> Theme of Guts (Berserk 1997)
*NEW Room BGM (Brutish - Indigo Brachydios ~Sound Room Remix~) –> Metal - Brute Justice Mode (FFXIV)
*NEW Room BGM (The Merry Band ~The Sound Room Remix~) –> Crystalline Chill (FFXV)
*NEW Room BGM (Proof of A Hero ~Sebastian Schwartz Remix~) –> Main Theme of FINAL FANTASY (FFXV)
*NEW Room BGM (Spark of Blue - Zinogre ~Sebastian Schwartz Remix~) –> Party Around the World (FFXV)
*NEW Room BGM (The Great Desert Post, Loc Lac) –> A Quick Pit Stop (FFXV)
*NEW Room BGM (A Day in the Town) –> Dancing Mad ~Movement IV~ (FFXIV) *Sadly, had to cut out the organ intro *
Ancient Forest (Quest Intro) –> Civilizations (FFXIV)
Ancient Forest (Battle) –> Emil ~Despair~ (Nier)
Ancient Forest (Chase) –> Emil ~Karma~ (Nier)
Wildspire Wastes (Quest Intro) –> Omen (JoJo)
Wildspire Wastes (Battle) –> Shoot Towards the Decisive Battle (JoJo)
Wildspire Wastes (Chase) –> Approach (JoJo)
Coral Highlands (Quest Intro) –> Dewdrops at Dawn (FFXV)
Coral Highlands Large Monster (Battle) –> APOCALYPSIS AQUARIUS (FFXV)
*NEW Coral Highlands Medium Monster (Battle) –> Veiled in Black (FFXV)
Coral Highlands (Chase) –> Spelldaggers (FFXV Ignis)
Rotten Vale (Quest Intro) –> The Hand that Gives the Rose (FFXIV)
Rotten Vale (Battle) –> Hunting for a Thrill (FFXV COMRADES)
Rotten Vale (Chase) –> Rebellion to Despair (JoJo)
Elder's Recess (Quest Intro) –> Under the Stars (FFXIV)
Elder's Recess (Battle) –> The Blazing Tactician (FFXV Ignis)
Elder's Recess (Chase) –> Insomnia Ablaze (FFXV)
Hoarfrost Reach (Quest Intro) –> Inception (FFXIV)
Hoarfrost Reach (Battle) –> Footsteps in the Snow ~Rearranged~ (FFXIV)
Hoarfrost Reach (Chase) –> Lost in the Snow (FFXV)
Guiding Lands (Quest Intro) –> Upon the Rocks (FFXIV) *currently only plays for the Rajang & Stygian Zinogre Special Assignment*
*NEW Guiding Lands Large Monster Battle (Battle) –> Battle on the Big Bridge (FFXV Gladiolus)
*NEW Guiding Lands Medium Monster Battle (Battle) –> Veiled in Black ~Arrangement~ (FFXV)
Guiding Lands (Chase) –> Shield of the King (FFXV Gladiolus)
Nargacuga (Battle) –> Invidia (FFXV)
Nargacuga (Chase) –> A Long Fall ~Huskybythegeek~ (FFXIV)
Brachydios (Battle) –> Locus ~Huskybythegeek~ (FFXIV)
Brachydios (Chase) –> Moebius ~Orchestral~ (FFXIV)
[Stygian] Zinogre (Battle) –> Twice Stricken (FFXIV)
[Stygian] Zinogre (Chase) –> Thunder Rolls ~Personal Mix~ (FFXIV)
Rajang (Battle) –> モブサイコ降臨! [Mob Psycho Descends!] (Mob II)
Rajang (Chase) –> モブ・除霊 [Mob・Exorcism] (Mob)
[Seething] Bazelguese (Battle) –> A Beautiful Song (Nier)
[Seething] Bazelguese (Chase) –> Bipolar Nightmare (Nier)
[Savage] Deviljho (Battle) –> Grandma ~Destruction~ (Nier)
[Savage] Deviljho (Chase) –> Weight of the World ~Prelude Version~ (FFXIV)
[Acidic] Glavenus (Battle) –> Battle to the Death (FFXIV)
[Acidic] Glavenus (Chase) –> The Corpse Hall (FFXIV)
[Brute] Tigrex (Battle) –> Starved (FFXIV)
[Brute] Tigrex (Chase) –> Blood for Blood (FFXIV)
[Scarred] Yian Garuga (Battle) –> Fallen Angel ~Huskybythegeek~ (FFXIV)
[Scarred] Yian Garuga (Chase) –> Sunrise ~Huskybythegeek~ (FFXIV)
Zorah Magdaros –> Magna Insomnia ~Movement I~ (FFXV)
Xeno'jiiva (Phase I) –> OMNIS LACRIMA (FFXV)
Xeno'jiiva (Phase II) –> OMNIS LACRIMA (FFvXIII)
*NEW Safi'jiiva Phase I –> Somnus ~Boss Fight~ (FFXV Ardyn)
*NEW Safi'jiiva Phase II –> From the Heavens (FFXIV)
Kushala Daora (Battle) –> RAVUS AETERNA (FFXV)
Kushala Daora (Chase) –> The Aggressors (FFXV)
Teostra (Battle) –> Hellfire (FFXV)
Teostra (Chase) –> Hellfire ~Movement IV~ (FFXV)
Lunastra (Battle) –> Nightbloom (FFXIV)
Lunastra (Chase) –> Lunacy (FFXIV)
Namielle (Battle) –> Blinding Indigo (FFXIV)
Namielle (Chase) –> Wreck to the Seaman (FFXIV)
[Blackveil] Vaal Hazak (Battle) –> Dark Souls 3 (Dark Souls III)
[Blackveil] Vaal Hazak (Chase) –> Soul of Cinder ~Phase II~ (Dark Souls III)
*Adjusted [Ruiner] Nergigante (Battle) –> The Maker's Ruin ~Huskybythegeek~ (FFXIV)
[Ruiner] Nergigante (Chase) –> Insatiable ~Huskybythegeek~ (FFXIV)
Velkhana (Battle) –> Return to Oblivion (FFXIV)
Velkhana (Chase) –> Oblivion (FFXIV)
Shara Ishvalda (Phase I) –> Landslide (FFXIV)
Shara Ishvalda (Phase II) –> Ultima (FFXIV)
[Extreme] Behemoth (Phase 1) –> Force Your Way (FFXIV)
[Extreme] Behemoth (Phase 2) –> Answers x Beyond Redemption ~Personal Mix~ (FFXIV)*Cannot be modified at this time
Ancient Leshen (Battle) –> Ash Crow (Berserk)
Ancient Leshen (Chase) –> Dragonslayer ~My Brother~ (Berserk)
Special Arena –> Up for the Challenge (FFXV)
Canteen (Quest & Gathering Hubs) –> That's It! ~Personal Mix~
Faint –> Treasured Times (Nier)
Quest Failed –> Somnus (FFXV)
Quest Complete –> A Victory Fanfare Reborn (FFXIV)
*NEW Quest Complete -Special Victory- (World) –> STONE WORLD ~Rock Version~ (Dr. STONE)
Quest Complete -Special Victory- (Iceborne) –> STONE WORLD ~Rock Version~ (Dr. STONE)
Quest Complete (Ancient Leshen) –> 灰よ Hai Yo [Oh Ashes Ash King] (Berserk)
Return From (Quest & Expedition) –> Relax and Reflect (FFXV)