Red Dead Redemption 2在OpenIV 4.0中,我们引入了对Red Dead Redemption 2的最基本的支持。首先当前没有编辑功能。使用OpenIV 4.0,您将无法编辑任何RDR 2文件。 由于这是我们的第一个发行版,支持Red Dead Redemption 2,因此可用功能也非常有限。使用OpenIV 4.0,您可以: - 打开并查看RDR 2 RPF存档。(并非所有文件名都可用,请参见下文)
- 打开并查看RDR 2纹理(.ydr)
- 打开并查看RDR 2 META / PSO文件(.ymt,.ymf,.yas,.ych,.ymap .ytyp)
- 打开并收听RDR 2音频文件(.awc)
- 打开并查看RDR 2语言文件(.yldb)
在以后的版本中将扩展对Red Dead Redemption 2的支持。 RDR 2 RPF存档支持您需要了解的几件事: - 新的RPF8归档文件没有名称,只有散列。
- 可以从游戏本身中获取文件名。与GTA V一样,RDR 2具有许多META,XML和PSO文件,其中包含文件和档案的名称。我们已经有了一些已知所有文件名的档案。
- 当前,OpenIV 4.0的文件名数据库非常有限,我们希望以后使用每个新更新来增加已知名称的列表。
RDR 2 META / PSO支持与GTA V不同,在RDR 2中,我们使用了不同的方法来支持PSO文件。当前,您可以打开和查看XML格式的所有PSO文件。但是,对于大多数这些文件,缺少许多名称和字符串。生成的XML的格式也尚未完成,因此游戏将无法像在GTA V中处理某些文件那样以XML格式加载这些文件。 PSO文件中有很多数据需要分析,可以从中提取许多文件名。我们将在以后的更新中进行此操作。目前,这只是您研究的基本支持。 在将来的版本中,我们将合并GTA V和RDR 2 PSO代码,以便可以查看GTA V中的所有文件,并提供RDR 2 PSO文件的编辑功能。 OpenIV 4.0中的常规更改,改进和修复我们在OpenIV设置中添加了新选项,以跳过“选择游戏和平台对话框”: 你可以找到变更日志此版本对我们的错误跟踪器在这里。 UI本地化我们提供了有关如何将OpenIV翻译成您自己的语言的说明,并且呼吁您这样做。您可以在GitHub上找到本地化指南。对于现有的本地化,这是3.2和4.0之间的差异列表。 特别感谢我们的支持者我们想对Patreon和其他平台上的所有支持者表示感谢。 此版本受以下支持: 谢谢。
Today we are happy to announce the release of OpenIV 4.0, first version with Red Dead Redemption2 support. Please, take a look: Red Dead Redemption 2With OpenIV 4.0 we introducing very basic level of support for Red Dead Redemption 2. First of all, currently, there is no editing capabilities. With OpenIV 4.0 you will not be able to edit any RDR 2 files. Since this is our first release with Red Dead Redemption 2 support, available features also very limited. With OpenIV 4.0 you can: Open and view RDR 2 RPF archives. (Not all file names are available, see below) Open and view RDR 2 Textures (.ydr) Open and view RDR 2 META/PSO files (.ymt, .ymf, .yas, .ych, .ymap .ytyp) Open and listen to RDR 2 Audio files (.awc) Open and view RDR 2 Language files (.yldb)
Support for Red Dead Redemption 2 will be expanded in the future versions. RDR 2 RPF Archives supportFew things you need to know: New RPF8 archives does not have names for their entries, only hashes; It is possible to harvest file names from the game itself. Just like GTA V, RDR 2 has many META, XML and PSO files that contain names of the files and archives. We already have some archives where all the file names are known. Currently OpenIV 4.0 has a very limited database of the file names, we are hoping to grow list of the known names with every new update in the future.
RDR 2 META/PSO supportUnlike GTA V, with RDR 2 we are using different approach for supporting PSO files. Currently you are able to open and view all PSO files in XML form. However, for the most of those files many names and strings are missing. The format of the resulted XML is also not finished yet, so the game will not be able to load those files in the XML form as you can do with some files in the GTA V. There is a lot of data in the PSO files that needs to be analyzed, many file names can be mined from them. We will do this in the future updates. For now, it is just basic support for you to research. In the future releases we are going to merge our GTA V and RDR 2 PSO code so it will be possible to view all the files in GTA V and provide editing capabilities for RDR 2 PSO files. General changes, improvements, and fixes in OpenIV 4.0We added new option into OpenIV settings to skip “Select game and platform dialog”:
You can find change log for this version on our bug-tracker here. UI LocalizationWe have an instruction how to translate OpenIV into your own language and we are calling for you to do so. You can find the localization guide on GitHub. As for existing localizations, here is the list of differences between 3.2 and 4.0. Special thanks to our supportersWe want to say thank you to all our supporters on Patreon and other platforms. This release is supported by: Jay S. KeGaming And many others…
Thank you.