- 贡献度
- 148
- 金元
- 11951
- 积分
- 1817
- 精华
- 3
- 注册时间
- 2014-2-22
FIRST.复选职业mod 原址:
- You can build a gestalt character with this mod.
- In my opinion, it's not so fun to picked too many classes in one character, but you own your choice.
- You can select multiple classes from the mod menu, and gain one level of every chosen class when you select any class in the level-up screen.
- There are options to auto take the highest stats from chosen classes (turned on in default).
- Or you can turn off those options and only take hit points, skill points, BAB and saves from the class manually picked in the level-up screen.
- The calculation of highest saves is similar to but different from the gestalt rule, it will try to calculate the saves by the highest levels of each class, regardless the order they are picked by player (because the game can not store the order nor store the stats in decimal point format).
e.g. a character on 12th level with 11 Fighter 3 Barbarian 7 Cleric 3 Rogue
fortitude: 11 high (from Fighter) + 1 low = 11 * (1/2) + 1 * (1/3) + 2 = 7.83 (rounded down to 7)
reflex: 3 high (from Rogue) + 9 low = 3 * (1/2) + 9 * (1/3) + 2 = 6.5 (rounded down to 6)
will: 7 high (from Cleric) + 5 low = 7 * (1/2) + 5 * (1/3 ) + 2 = 7.16 (rounded down to 7) - You can get all feats and spells of all applied classes.
- It will not break the spell book, unless you have too many caster classes (up to 5 spell books).
- One class will only gain one level at once, even if you select a class in both the mod menu and the level-up screen.
- You cannot have more than one archetype on one class, and cannot overwrite existing archetype.
- Classes that do not meet the prerequisites will not be applied. (prerequisites could be ignored by cheating options)
- If the selections conflict with each other, the following order will be followed:
the class you pick from the level-up screen > other classes (same order as display list)
- Option to lock the character level, allowing you to gain a class without gaining any character level, hit points, attribute, skill points, saves... etc.
- Options to ignore attribute and skill point limits.
- Options to ignore specific prerequisites.
- Options to ignore specific restrictions.
Compatibility (list of tested versions)
- game version 1.2.5d - 1.3.x / 2.0.x
- UMM version 0.14.1 and above
Mod Conflicts
- "Take Highest Hit Die ..." is incompatible with "Add Full Hit Die ..." (it works but causes incorrect result) - Bag of Tricks
- "Ignore Attribute Cap / Points Remaining (CharGen)" will be overwritten by "Maximal Ability Score At Character Creation" - Bag of Tricks
- "Recalculate Caster Level ..." does not count the level increasing with "Prestigious Spellcaster" feat - Eldritch Arcana
- The Favored Class Hit Points calculation may not be correct because we each implements it in a completely different way - Eldritch Arcana
Recommend Mods
- Respecialization (useful to reset your character if you suffered any bug with this mod)
Known Issues
- This mod takes more than 3s to load, because I used some crazy way to implement it. You have been reminded.
- The game cannot handle more than 5 spell books.
- When ignoring remaining attributes and skill points, the assignment page will be automatically skipped (you can click the tab manually).
- Bloodline level can go higher than character level (if you have more than two classes that increased the same bloodline level).
- If you get more than one caster level from Alchemist, Magus or Wizard at once, all new spells can be selected from the current highest spell level.
- You may lose the favored class HP bonus with "multiple classes" feature, it's not a bug, but you can use an option to get it back. See reference.
简要说明: 游戏版本:1.2.5d - 1.3.x / 2.0.x,UMM版本 0.14.1或更高
1、"Take Highest Hit Die ..."与"Add Full Hit Die ..."mod互相冲突
SECOND:洗点mod"Respecialization" 原址:
Required minimum game version 2.0
Respec allows you to reset level, class, skills, feats, abilities, traits, stats, race, gender, portrait.
After respec level of your hero or companions changes to 0. Equipment, experience and alignment will be saved.
Mercenaries work as if you hire them again. Аfter respec the previous merc will be dismissed and newer will appear on base.
The mod has two reset modes
Light mode
- Can be dropped class, stats and abilities.
Full mode
- Additionally can be reset portrait, appearance, race, gender (MC), alignment, voice (MC) and name (MC).
- After changing gender if your character is not displayed correctly you need to go to the main menu and load a new save game.
- The appearance will reset to default. After respec will appear "Reset doll" button which can return the appearance to original.
- To customize the appearance can use mod Visual Adjustments
Respec does not work on the global map. You can only respec one character at a time.
Known bugs
- Some class feats cannot be reset. Use "Abilities" tool to manually remove them. For some abilities, to see the changes, need to load a save.
- Harrim's Groetus deity cannot be re-selected.
- Conflict with BagOfTricks, adds excessive extra points. Solution.
- Wrong portrait of Regongar. Solution.
- Run the game. Wait for main menu and load your save. Before respecing I recommend to manually save your game.
- Click on any characters in mod options. The operation costs 1000 gold.
- You will see the character creation screen. Choose what you want. Do not change the mode and characters until you complete.
- After character creation your hero looks don't change until you load a new save.
- After respeсing, you should make the new save and reload it.
How to Install
- Download and install Unity Mod Manager
- Download the mod
- Extract the archive and put the mod folder into 'Mods' folder (e.g. "\Steam\steamapps\common\Pathfinder Kingmaker\Mods" or your GOG path).
- Run the game.
简要说明: 需要游戏版本2.0以上
[url=]职业复选:Multiple Classes Per Level - E ...[/url]
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