- 贡献度
- 38
- 金元
- 7822
- 积分
- 934
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2010-8-4
Number of Competitors=40
//Number of Competitors=<1 to 50>
//You may set the number of competitors to any number between 1 and 50.
Competitor Start-up Capital=Moderate
//Competitor Start-up Capital=<Very Low, Low, Moderate, High, Very High>
Competitor Aggressiveness=Very High
//Competitor Aggressiveness=<Very Low, Low, Moderate, High, Very High>
AI Pricing Aggressiveness=High
//AI Pricing Aggressiveness=<Very Low, Low, Moderate, High>
Competitor Expertise Level=High
//Competitor Expertise Level=<None, Low, Moderate, High>
Show Competitor Trade Secrets=Yes
//Show Competitor Trade Secrets=<Yes, No>
AI Friendly Merger=Yes
//AI Friendly Merger=<Yes, No>
Competence of Local Competitors=Very Low
//Competence of Local Competitors=<Very Low, Low, Moderate, High, Very High>
AI Private Companies Percent=15
//AI Private Companies Percent=<0 to 80>
Donations to Rival Political Parties=0
//Donations to Rival Political Parties=<0 to 100>
//捐献给对立Political Parties的比例【需要城市经济模拟DLC】
//You may set the business focuses of the AI companies using the following script lines:
//(The total number of competitors defined here should not exceed the number in the Number of Competitors line.)
//Retail Focused Companies=<1 to 30>
//Stock Focused Companies=<1 to 30>
//Real Estate Focused Companies=<1 to 30>
//Tech Focused Companies=<1 to 30>
//Media Focused Companies=<1 to 30>
//Diversified Companies=<1 to 30>