 
- 贡献度
- 107
- 金元
- 10966
- 积分
- 1525
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2007-2-5

Console Commands
OpCode Long Name Short Name Description
0100 Show TST Show global scripts and variables.
0101 ShowVars SV Show variables on object. [player->sv]
0102 ShowQuestVars SQV Show quest variables. [svq QuestID]
0103 ShowQuests SQ List quests.
0104 ToggleCombatStats TCS
0105 ToggleSafeZone TSZ Display the television 85%% safe zone.
0106 ToggleAI TAI
0107 ToggleCollisionGeometry TCG Show collision geometry.
0108 ToggleMaterialGeometry TMG Show material geometry.
0109 ToggleBorders TB Show border lines for each cell.
010A ToggleSky TS
010B ToggleLeaves TLV
010C ToggleWireframe TWF Show the world as wireframe.
010D ToggleCollision TCL
010E ToggleDebugText TDT Show debug numbers on the screen.
010F ToggleMenus TM Hide all the menus. Used for taking screen shots.
0110 TogglePrimitives TPR
0111 ShowScenegraph SSG Create a window with the full game scene graph or the scene graph of the selected reference.
0112 ShowScenegraph SFSG Create a window with the full game scene graph, open to the node corresponding to the selected reference (if any).
0113 ToggleMagicStats TMS
0114 ShowAnim SA Show Animation and Actor status.
0115 Show1stPerson S1ST Show the 1st person Model from the 3rd person camera. If in 3rd person mode it will show both.
0116 Help Show this help.
0117 ToggleNavMesh TNM Toggle blocked display.
0118 TogglePathLine TPL Toggle path display.
0119 PickRefByID PRID Select a reference by id for the console.
011A SetLightingPasses SLP 4 (0/1) values. ambdifftexspec ex: 1010
011B ToggleLODLand TLL
011C SetLODObjectDistance SLOD
011D SetTerminalMenuPos STMP
011E MovePipboyKnob MPK move pipboy knob
011F HighlightBodyPart HBP highlight body part
0120 HighlightAdditionalReference HAR highlight a reference
0121 DeactivateAllHighlights DAH remove all VATS highlights
0122 ToggleGrassUpdate TGU
0123 CenterOnCell COC
0124 SetGameSetting SetGS
0125 SetINISetting SetINI "setting:category" value
0126 GetINISetting GetINI "setting:category"
0127 CenterOnExterior COE
0128 CalcPathToPoint P2P
0129 CalcLowPathToPoint LP2P ignore locks, allow disabled doors, ignore min use
012A SetFog 2 floats, start and end depths
012B SetClipDist float, new clip distance
012C ToggleShadowVolumes TSV
012D SetImageSpaceGlow SISG
012E ToggleDetection TDETECT
012F ToggleHighProcess THIGHPROCESS
0130 ToggleLowProcess TLOWPROCESS
0131 ToggleMiddleLowProcess TMLOWPROCESS
0132 ToggleMiddleHighProcess TMHIGHPROCESS
0133 ToggleAiSchedules TAIS
0134 SpeakSound
0135 BetaComment BC Add comment to [General] 'sBetaCommentFile' file.
0136 ToggleCellNode TCN Toggle 3D for a Cell child node: 0-Actor, 1-Marker, 2-Land, 3-Water, 4-Static, 5-Active
0137 ToggleTrees TT Turn trees on/off
0138 SetCameraFOV FOV Change the camera's field of view (in deg): default 75
0139 Verbose VERBOSE Toggle verbose combat/AI messages
013A ToggleGodMode TGM Toggle God mode
013B RefreshShaders RS Reload HLSL shaders from disk
013C ToggleScripts TSCR Turn Script processing on/off
013D ToggleConversations TCONV Toggle conversation stats
013E ToggleFullHelp TFH Toggle Full Help
013F ShowQuestLog SQL Show Quest Log
0140 ShowFullQuestLog SFQL Show all log entries for a single quest
0141 DumpTexturePalette DTP Dump texture palette contents to file
0142 DumpModelMap DMM Dump model map contents to file
0143 CenterOnWorld COW [COW worldname -10 5]
0144 ToggleGrass TG Toggle grass display.
0145 AddFaceAnimNote AFAN
0146 RefreshINI REFINI Refresh INI settings from file.
0147 ToggleEmotions temo Toggle NPC facial emotions.
0148 AddDecal
0149 TestCode
014A PlayerSpellBook psb Add all spells to player.
014B PrintAiList pai Printed Ai Lists.
014C ShowQuestTargets SQT Show current quest targets
014D HairTint 3 ints, RGB
014E SaveGame save SaveGame <filename>
014F LoadGame load LoadGame <filename>
0150 TestAllCells TAC Test All Cells (0 - stop, 1 - start, 2 - interiors, 3 - current world)
0151 RenderTestCell rtc runs Render Test on player's current parent cell
0152 RenderTestHere rth runs Render Test on player's current position
0153 SaveWorld Save hkWorld <filename>
0154 ReloadCurrentClimate rcc Reloads values from the current climate
0155 ReloadCurrentWeather rcw Reloads values from the current weather
0156 TestSeenData tsd Visually displays the current seen data
0157 TestLocalMap tlm Simulates the local map. (1 or 0 for FOW on or off)
0158 MoveToQuestTarget movetoqt Move player to current quest target (optional param: target number).
0159 PrintNPCDialog pdialog Prints NPC dialog
015A ShowSubtitle show all dialog subtitles (1 shows always, 0 hides always)
015B ShowRenderPasses srp display render passes for the next frame
015C FreezeRenderAccumulation fra only re-render geometry visible during this frame
015D ToggleOcclusion tocc toggle occlusion query for geometry
015E OutputMemContexts omc Output Mem Context info to a file
015F OutputMemStats oms Output Mem Stats info to a file
0160 ToggleDetectionStats tds Show the detection stats of the current seletected Ref.
0161 SetTargetRefraction str Sets the refractive value of the target
0162 SetTargetRefractionFire strf Sets the refractive fire value of the target
0163 ToggleRefractionDebug trd Toggles refraction debug render texture
0164 ToggleCharControllerShape TCCS Toggle char controller shape type.
0165 ShowHeadTrackTarget SHeadT Show the head track target if set from look function
0166 SetSkyParam SSP Sets various values for the sky
0167 SetHDRParam SHP Sets various values for the HDR shader
0168 ShowPivot SP Puts a temporary yellow plus at the pivot point of the selected reference.
0169 PrintHDRParam PHP Prints current HDR settings.
016A ToggleHDRDebug THD Toggles HDR debug textures.
016B RevertWorld rw Revert the world
016C OutputArchiveProfile oap Output Archive profile info to a file
016D QuitGame qqq Exit game without going through menus.
016E SaveIniFiles saveini Writes all the .ini files.
016F SetDebugText sdt Sets which debug text is shown.
0170 ToggleLiteBrite tlb Toggles lite brite render mode.
0171 RunMemoryPass rmp Runs a cleanup memory pass
0172 ResetMemContexts rmc Reset Max Mem Contexts
0173 ToggleWaterSystem TWS Toggles the water system
0174 ToggleWaterRadius TWR
0175 ShowWhoDetectsPlayer SWDP Show who detects the player
0176 ToggleCombatAI tcai Toggles ALL Combat AI
0177 ToggleFlyCam tfc Toggles the Free Fly camera (UFO cam).
0178 ModWaterShader mws Modifies water shader settings
0179 WaterShallowColor shallow Modifies water shallow color
017A WaterDeepColor deep Modifies water deep color
017B WaterReflectionColor refl Modifies water reflection color
017C BeginTrace bt Creates a trace file (Xenon only)
017D RunCellTest rct Runs a cell test
017E StartAllQuests saq Starts all quests
017F CompleteAllQuestStages caqs Sets all quest stages
0180 FlushNonPersistActors Flush Deletes all the actors in High who are not persistant
0181 ToggleFogOfWar TFOW Turns fog of war on or off.
0182 OutputLocalMapPictures OLMP Writes out the current local map.
0183 SetGamma sg Sets new gamma ramp.
0184 WasteMemory wm Allocates some memory (in MB).
0185 ClearAdaptedLight cal Clears the HDR adapted light texture
0186 ToggleCastShadows tsh
0187 SetHudGlowConstants shgc Set parameters for HUD glow.
0188 CloseFile
0189 SetTreeMipmapBias stmb Set mipmap LOD bias values for tree billboards.
018A SendSherlockDebugText ssdt
018B DumpMenuPackingInfo dpmi Dump menu packing information
018C DamageWeapon
018D GetWeaponHealth
018E OutputMemStats omsfw Output Mem Stats info to a file
018F PlayExplosion Plays explosion seq in selected obj
0190 SetMaxAniso Sets Depth of Field focal distance
0191 SetDepthOfFieldRange sdofr Sets Depth of Field range
0192 SetTargetDOF stdof Sets the depth of field based on the target
0193 ToggleFullScreenMotionBlur tfsmb Toggles Full screen motion blur
0194 SetMotionBlur smb Set the motion blur params
0195 ToggleFootIK tfik Toggles Foot IK system
0196 SetVel Sets Velocity on a reference
0197 DebugCombatPlan dcp Debugs the combat plan on an actor
0198 SetCombatActionCost scc Sets the cost on a combat action
0199 ToggleCombatDebug tcd Toggles combat debug info
019A ForceGroupStrategy fgs Forces a combat group strategy
019B TogglePathingInfoFunction TPI Toggle pathing information.
019C ShowInventory inv Shows reference inventory
019D ResetPerformanceTimers rpt Resets the performance timers
019E ToggleDebugDecal TDD Toggle debug displays for decal creation : 0-Wireframe, 1-Solid, 2-Occlusion Query, 3-Transform
019F ToggleDecalRendering TDR Toggle decal rendering
01A0 SetImageSpaceModifiersEnable sisme Set imagespace modifiers enable: 0-Off, 1-On
01A1 SetUFOCamSpeedMult sucsm Set speed mult for UFO cam.
01A2 DeleteReference zap Deletes the specified object ref
01A3 ToggleTestLight TTL Toggle test light (radius, magnitude).
01A4 PlaceLocationMarker plm PlaceLocationMarker x y z (optional name) (optional color )
01A5 ClearLocationMarkers clm
01A6 ToggleMultiboundCheck mbc Toggle all Multibound check functionality
01A7 ToggleGrabIK tgik Toggles Grab IK system
01A8 ToggleLookIK tlik Toggles Look IK system
01A9 ToggleRagdollAnim tra Toggles Ragdoll Anim system
01AA AddOcclusionPlane AOP Add Occlusion plane (x size, y size).
01AB SetGlobalRadialBlur sgrb Set parameters for the global radial blur
01AC OutputTextureUseMap OTUM Writes out texture use map data to file.
01AD ToggleVATSLight TVL Toggle VATS Light
01AE ClearScreenBlood csb Clear screen blood
01AF ScreenBloodTest tsbTEST Toggle screen blood debugging
01B0 ResetDialogueFlags rdf Debug resets SayOnce, TalkedToPc, etc.
01B1 ResetAllTerminals rat Debug resets all hacked/locked terminals.
01B2 GetActorValueInfo GetAVInfo Get detailed an actor value info. [player.getav luck]
01B3 CloseAllMenus cam Closes all open menus
01B4 ToggleBoundVisGeom tbvg Toggles bound visualization for a ref
01B5 DebugMilesPS3 dm3 Enumerates Miles samples and streams
01B6 SetConsoleOuputFile scof Sets the given file as target for console output.
01B7 TestRaceSexTerimnal trst Test race/sex menu rendered terminal
01B8 IgnoreRenderPass irp Ignore the given renderpass
01B9 PlayVATSCameras pvc Play this set of VATS cameras for the next VATS playback.
01BA SetTargetFalloff stfo Sets the falloff of the target
01BB ToggleActorMover tam Toggles actor movement through pathing system
01BC CopySaves CopySaves Copy save games from the host machine or a memory stick (ms).
01BD DrawSkeleton das Enables skeleton drawing
01BE ToggleEOFImageSpace teofis Toggles end of frame imagespace effects
01BF ForceFileCache ffc Enumerates Miles samples and streams
01C0 DumpNiUpdates dnu Dumps the next frame's calls to NiNode/NiAVObject::UpdateDownwardPass to NiDump*.xls (only Debug/PIX 360 builds)
01C1 TestDegrade degrades the specified number of MB of textures. negative values degrade all possible. (only 360 builds)
01C2 ToggleDepthBias tdb toggles depth bias for decals on or off
01C3 ToggleSPURenderBatch tSPURB toggles the SPU render batch on or off
01C4 ToggleSPUTransformUpdate tSPUTU toggles the SPU transform update on or off
01C5 ModifyFaceGen mfg Modify FaceGen Functionality
01C6 ForceRSXCrash fRSX Forces an RSX crash
01C7 SetEmitterParticleMax Sets the maximum number of particles emitted by a non-master particle system emitter
01C8 SetMPSParticleMax Sets the maximum number of particles emitted by master particle system emitter set
01C9 SetTaskThreadSleep Sets the task thread sleep value (-1 to disable).
01CA SetTaskThreadUpdateSleep Sets the task thread update sleep value (-1 to disable).
01CB EvalActorTextures EAT
1000 UnusedFunction0
1001 GetDistance
1002 AddItem
1003 SetEssential
1004 Rotate
1005 GetLocked
1006 GetPos
1007 SetPos
1008 GetAngle
1009 SetAngle
100A GetStartingPos
100B GetStartingAngle
100C GetSecondsPassed
100D Activate
100E GetActorValue GetAV Get an actor value. [player.getav luck]
100F SetActorValue SetAV Set an actor value. [player.setav luck, 75]
1010 ModActorValue ModAV Modify an actor value. [player.modav luck, -10]
1011 SetAtStart
1012 GetCurrentTime
1013 PlayGroup IE: PlayGroup SEQNAME 1
1014 LoopGroup
1015 SkipAnim
1016 StartCombat
1017 StopCombat
1018 GetScale
1019 IsMoving Is the actor moving?
101A IsTurning Is the actor turning?
101B GetLineOfSight GetLOS
101C AddSpell
101D RemoveSpell
101E Cast
101F GetButtonPressed
1020 GetInSameCell
1021 Enable
1022 Disable
1023 GetDisabled
1024 MenuMode
1025 PlaceAtMe
1026 PlaySound Play a 2D sound. (Optional: 1 to indicate a system sound, 0 otherwise.
1027 GetDisease
1028 GetVampire
1029 GetClothingValue
102A SameFaction
102B SameRace
102C SameSex
102D GetDetected
102E GetDead
102F GetItemCount
1030 GetGold
1031 GetSleeping
1032 GetTalkedToPC
1033 Say
1034 SayTo
1035 GetScriptVariable
1036 StartQuest
1037 StopQuest
1038 GetQuestRunning GetQR
1039 SetStage
103A GetStage
103B GetStageDone
103C GetFactionRankDifference
103D GetAlarmed
103E IsRaining
103F GetAttacked
1040 GetIsCreature
1041 GetLockLevel
1042 GetShouldAttack
1043 GetInCell
1044 GetIsClass
1045 GetIsRace
1046 GetIsSex
1047 GetInFaction
1048 GetIsID
1049 GetFactionRank
104A GetGlobalValue
104B IsSnowing
104C GetDisposition
104D GetRandomPercent
104E StreamMusic
104F GetQuestVariable
1050 GetLevel
1051 GetArmorRating
1052 RemoveItem
1053 ModDisposition
1054 GetDeadCount
1055 ShowMap
1056 StartConversation Start a conversation [Bob.StartConversation Joe, SecretTopic]
1057 Drop
1058 AddTopic
1059 ShowMessage
105A SetAlert
105B GetIsAlerted
105C Look
105D StopLook
105E EvaluatePackage evp
105F SendAssaultAlarm
1060 EnablePlayerControls 7 optional (0/1) values. movementpipboyfightingpovlookingrolloversneaking ex: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
1061 DisablePlayerControls 7 optional (0/1) values. movementpipboyfightingpovlookingrolloversneaking ex: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
1062 GetPlayerControlsDisabled 7 optional (0/1) values. movementpipboyfightingpovlookingrolloversneaking ex: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
1063 GetHeadingAngle
1064 PickIdle
1065 IsWeaponOut
1066 IsTorchOut
1067 IsShieldOut
1068 CreateDetectionEvent
1069 IsActionRef
106A IsFacingUp
106B GetKnockedState
106C GetWeaponAnimType
106D IsWeaponSkillType
106E GetCurrentAIPackage
106F IsWaiting
1070 IsIdlePlaying
1071 CompleteQuest
1072 Lock
1073 UnLock
1074 GetMinorCrimeCount
1075 GetMajorCrimeCount
1076 GetActorAggroRadiusViolated
1077 GetCrimeKnown
1078 SetEnemy
1079 SetAlly
107A GetCrime
107B IsGreetingPlayer
107C StartMisterSandMan
107D IsGuard
107E StartCannibal
107F HasBeenEaten
1080 GetFatiguePercentage GetFatigue
1081 GetPCIsClass
1082 GetPCIsRace
1083 GetPCIsSex
1084 GetPCInFaction
1085 SameFactionAsPC
1086 SameRaceAsPC
1087 SameSexAsPC
1088 GetIsReference
1089 SetFactionRank
108A ModFactionRank
108B KillActor kill
108C ResurrectActor resurrect
108D IsTalking
108E GetWalkSpeed GetWalk
108F GetCurrentAIProcedure
1090 GetTrespassWarningLevel
1091 IsTrespassing
1092 IsInMyOwnedCell
1093 GetWindSpeed
1094 GetCurrentWeatherPercent getweatherpct
1095 GetIsCurrentWeather getweather
1096 IsContinuingPackagePCNear
1097 AddScriptPackage
1098 RemoveScriptPackage
1099 CanHaveFlames
109A HasFlames
109B AddFlames
109C RemoveFlames
109D GetOpenState
109E MoveToMarker MoveTo
109F GetSitting
10A0 GetFurnitureMarkerID
10A1 GetIsCurrentPackage
10A2 IsCurrentFurnitureRef
10A3 IsCurrentFurnitureObj
10A4 SetSize CSize Shrink/Grow an actor. [player.shrink 0.0 or radius]
10A5 RemoveMe
10A6 DropMe
10A7 GetFactionReaction
10A8 SetFactionReaction
10A9 ModFactionReaction
10AA GetDayOfWeek
10AB IgnoreCrime
10AC GetTalkedToPCParam
10AD RemoveAllItems
10AE WakeUpPC
10AF IsPCSleeping
10B0 IsPCAMurderer
10B1 SetCombatStyle setcs
10B2 PlaySound3D
10B3 SelectPlayerSpell spspell
10B4 GetDetectionLevel
10B5 IsActorDetected
10B6 GetEquipped
10B7 Wait
10B8 StopWaiting
10B9 IsSwimming
10BA ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds
10BB SetCellPublicFlag setpublic Set public flag on cell. [setpublic MyCell 1]
10BC GetPCSleepHours
10BD SetPCSleepHours
10BE GetAmountSoldStolen
10BF ModAmountSoldStolen
10C0 GetIgnoreCrime
10C1 GetPCExpelled
10C2 SetPCExpelled
10C3 GetPCFactionMurder
10C4 SetPCFactionMurder
10C5 GetPCEnemyofFaction
10C6 SetPCEnemyofFaction
10C7 GetPCFactionAttack
10C8 SetPCFactionAttack
10C9 UnusedFunction21
10CA UnusedFunction22
10CB GetDestroyed
10CC SetDestroyed
10CD GetActionRef getAR
10CE GetSelf this
10CF GetContainer
10D0 GetForceRun
10D1 SetForceRun
10D2 GetForceSneak
10D3 SetForceSneak
10D4 AdvancePCSkill AdvSkill
10D5 AdvancePCLevel AdvLevel
10D6 HasMagicEffect
10D7 GetDefaultOpen Returns 1 if this object is open by default.
10D8 SetDefaultOpen A value of 1 will make the object open by default.
10D9 ShowClassMenu
10DA ShowRaceMenu
10DB GetAnimAction Return the actors current anim action.
10DC ShowNameMenu
10DD SetOpenState A value of 1 will make the object open.
10DE UnusedFunction26
10DF IsSpellTarget
10E0 GetVATSMode
10E1 GetPersuasionNumber
10E2 GetSandman
10E3 GetCannibal
10E4 GetIsClassDefault
10E5 GetClassDefaultMatch
10E6 GetInCellParam
10E7 SetInChargen A value of 1 will be in chargen.
10E8 GetCombatTarget
10E9 GetPackageTarget
10EA ShowSpellMaking
10EB GetVatsTargetHeight
10EC SetGhost A value of 1 will make the NPC act as a 'ghost'.
10ED GetIsGhost Returns 1 if the actor is acting as a 'ghost'.
10EE EquipItem EquipObject
10EF UnequipItem UnEquipObject
10F0 SetClass
10F1 SetUnconscious A value of 1 will be unconscious.
10F2 GetUnconscious Returns 1 if is unconscious.
10F3 SetRestrained A value of 1 will be restrained.
10F4 GetRestrained Returns 1 if is restrained.
10F5 ForceFlee Flee Forces a actor to flee if destination or cell is passed in uses them
10F6 GetIsUsedItem
10F7 GetIsUsedItemType
10F8 UnusedFunction9
10F9 UnusedFunction10
10FA UnusedFunction11
10FB UnusedFunction12
10FC UnusedFunction13
10FD UnusedFunction14
10FE GetIsPlayableRace
10FF GetOffersServicesNow
1100 GetGameSetting GetGS
1101 StopCombatAlarmOnActor SCAOnActor
1102 GetUsedItemLevel
1103 GetUsedItemActivate
1104 SetWeather sw Sets the active weather to the specified type
1105 ForceTakeCover TakeCover Forces a actor to move away from the target actor for a period of time
1106 ModBarterGold
1107 SetBarterGold
1108 GetBarterGold
1109 IsTimePassing
110A IsPleasant
110B IsCloudy
110C TrapUpdate
110D SetQuestObject
110E ForceActorValue ForceAV Does modav XXX (value - getav XXX). [player.forceav luck 25]
110F ModPCSkill ModPCS Modify the Players Skill. [modpcs Blunt, 10]
1110 ModPCAttribute ModPCA Modify an actor value. [modpca luck, 10]
1111 EnableFastTravel EnableFast
1112 GetArmorRatingUpperBody
1113 GetParentRef
1114 PlayBink
1115 GetBaseActorValue GetBaseAV Get a base actor value. [player.getbaseav luck]
1116 IsOwner get the ownership of the ref
1117 SetOwnership
1118 IsCellOwner get the ownership of the ref
1119 SetCellOwnership
111A IsHorseStolen
111B SetCellFullName
111C SetActorFullName
111D IsLeftUp
111E IsSneaking
111F IsRunning
1120 GetFriendHit
1121 IsInCombat
1122 SetPackDuration SPDur
1123 PlayMagicShaderVisuals PMS
1124 PlayMagicEffectVisuals PME
1125 StopMagicShaderVisuals SMS
1126 StopMagicEffectVisuals SME
1127 ResetInterior
1128 IsAnimPlaying
1129 SetActorAlpha SAA
112A EnableLinkedPathPoints
112B DisableLinkedPathPoints
112C IsInInterior
112D ForceWeather fw Forces the active weather to the specified type, without transition.
112E ToggleActorsAI
112F IsActorsAIOff
1130 IsWaterObject Water condition used for drinking animation.
1131 UnusedFunction15
1132 IsActorUsingATorch
1133 SetLevel
1134 ResetFallDamageTimer
1135 IsXBox
1136 GetInWorldspace
1137 ModPCMiscStat ModPCMS
1138 GetPCMiscStat GetPCMS
1139 IsActorEvil
113A IsActorAVictim
113B GetTotalPersuasionNumber
113C SetScale Set the scale of an object
113D ModScale Modify the scale of an object
113E GetIdleDoneOnce
113F KillAllActors killall
1140 GetNoRumors
1141 SetNoRumors
1142 Dispel
1143 WhichServiceMenu
1144 TriggerHitShader ths
1145 FunctionUnused16
1146 Reset3DState
1147 IsRidingHorse
1148 DispelAllSpells
1149 UnusedFunction17
114A AddAchievement
114B DuplicateAllItems
114C IsInDangerousWater
114D EssentialDeathReload
114E SetShowQuestItems
114F DuplicateNPCStats
1150 ResetHealth
1151 SetIgnoreFriendlyHits sifh Set whether an actor should ignore friendly hits (0-no, 1-yes)
1152 GetIgnoreFriendlyHits gifh See if an actor is ignoring friendly hits
1153 IsPlayersLastRiddenHorse
1154 SetActorRefraction sar
1155 SetItemValue
1156 SetRigidBodyMass
1157 ShowViewerStrings svs
1158 ReleaseWeatherOverride rwo
1159 SetAllReachable
115A SetAllVisible
115B SetNoAvoidance
115C SendTrespassAlarm
115D SetSceneIsComplex
115E Autosave
115F StartMasterFileSeekData
1160 DumpMasterFileSeekData
1161 IsActor
1162 IsEssential
1163 PreloadMagicEffect
1164 ShowDialogSubtitles
1165 UnusedFunction27
1166 IsPlayerMovingIntoNewSpace
1167 UnusedFunction28
1168 UnusedFunction29
1169 GetTimeDead
116A GetPlayerHasLastRiddenHorse
116B GetLinkedRef
116C DamageObject do
116D IsChild
116E UnusedFunction1
116F GetLastPlayerAction
1170 IsPlayerActionActive
1171 SetTalkingActivatorActor
1172 IsTalkingActivatorActor
1173 ShowBarterMenu sbm
1174 IsInList
1175 UnusedFunction18
1176 AddPerk
1177 RewardXP
1178 ShowHackingMiniGame shmg
1179 ShowSurgeryMenu ssmg
117A ShowRepairMenu srm
117B FunctionUnused19 unused
117C AddNote AN
117D RemoveNote RN
117E GetHasNote GetN
117F AddToFaction Addfac
1180 RemoveFromFaction Removefac
1181 DamageActorValue DamageAV Damage an actor value.
1182 RestoreActorValue RestoreAV Restore an actor value.
1183 TriggerHUDShudder hudsh Trigger shudder effect on HUD. Params=Intensity/Duration.
1184 SetDisposition SetDisp Sets the dispostion with modifiers
1185 ShowComputersInterface sci
1186 SetGlobalTimeMultiplier sgtm
1187 GetHitLocation What BGSBodyPart: IMB_ENUM was hit. -1 = none, 0 = torso, ...
1188 IsPC1stPerson pc1st Is the player playing in 1st person mode?
1189 PurgeCellBuffers pcb Forcibly unloads all unattached cells in cell buffers.
118A PushActorAway
118B SetActorsAI
118C ClearOwnership
118D GetCauseofDeath What killed the actor
118E IsLimbGone Is BGSBodyPart: IMB_ENUM been dismembered
118F IsWeaponInList Is the current weapon in the form list
1190 PlayIdle Play this idle on the current actor.
1191 ApplyImageSpaceModifier imod Adds an imagespace modifier to the active list
1192 RemoveImageSpaceModifier rimod Removes an imagespace modifier from the active list
1193 HasFriendDisposition
1194 FunctionUnused20
1195 FriendDispositionBoost
1196 SetCellImageSpace
1197 ShowChargenMenu scgm
1198 GetVATSValue
1199 IsKiller
119A IsKillerObject
119B GetFactionCombatReaction
119C UseWeapon
119D EvaluateSpellConditions esc
119E ToggleMotionBlur tmb Toggle Motion Blur for the selected reference
119F Exists
11A0 GetGroupMemberCount
11A1 GetGroupTargetCount
11A2 SetObjectiveCompleted Set objective completion status: 0-Off, 1-On
11A3 SetObjectiveDisplayed Set objective displayed status: 0-Off, 1-On
11A4 GetObjectiveCompleted Get objective completion status: 0-Off, 1-On
11A5 GetObjectiveDisplayed Get objective displayed status: 0-Off, 1-On
11A6 SetImageSpace
11A7 PipboyRadio prad Control the Pipboy radio. Enable, Disable, Tune
11A8 RemovePerk
11A9 DisableAllActors DisAA
11AA GetIsFormType
11AB GetIsVoiceType
11AC GetPlantedExplosive
11AD CompleteAllObjectives Complete all of a quest's objectives
11AE IsActorTalkingThroughActivator
11AF GetHealthPercentage
11B0 SetAudioMultithreading SAM
11B1 GetIsObjectType
11B2 ShowChargenMenuParams scgmp
11B3 GetDialogueEmotion
11B4 GetDialogueEmotionValue
11B5 ExitGame exit
11B6 GetIsCreatureType
11B7 SetMerchantContainer
11B8 RemoveMerchantContainer
11B9 ShowWarning
11BA EnterTrigger
11BB MarkForDelete
11BC AddItemHealthPercent
11BD PlaceAtMeHealthPercent
11BE GetInZone
11BF DisableNavMesh Disable navmesh by FormID
11C0 EnableNavMesh Enable navmesh by FormID
11C1 HasPerk
11C2 GetFactionRelation
11C3 IsLastIdlePlayed
11C4 SetNPCRadio snr Enable/Disable NPC radio playback: 0-Off, 1-On
11C5 SetPlayerTeammate
11C6 GetPlayerTeammate
11C7 GetPlayerTeammateCount
11C8 OpenTeammateContainer
11C9 ClearFactionPlayerEnemyFlag
11CA ClearActorsFactionsPlayerEnemyFlag
11CB GetActorCrimePlayerEnemy
11CC GetActorFactionPlayerEnemy
11CD SetPlayerTagSkill
11CE IsPlayerTagSkill
11CF GetPlayerGrabbedRef
11D0 IsPlayerGrabbedRef
11D1 PlaceLeveledActorAtMe
11D2 UnusedFunction
11D3 ShowLockpickMenu slpm
11D4 GetBroadcastState
11D5 SetBroadcastState
11D6 StartRadioConversation
11D7 GetDestructionStage
11D8 ClearDestruction
11D9 CastImmediateOnSelf cios
11DA GetIsAlignment
11DB ResetQuest
11DC SetQuestDelay
11DD ForceActiveQuest
11DE GetThreatRatio
11DF MatchFaceGeometry
11E0 GetIsUsedItemEquipType
11E1 GetPlayerName
11E2 FireWeapon
11E3 ShowTutorialMenu
11E4 AgeRace
11E5 MatchRace
11E6 SetPCYoung
11E7 SexChange
11E8 ShowSPECIALBookMenu ssbm
11E9 GetConcussed
11EA SetZoneRespawns
11EB SetVATSTarget
11EC GetMapMarkerVisible
11ED ResetInventory
11EE ShowSPECIALBookMenuParams ssbmp
11EF GetPermanentActorValue GetPermAV Get an actor value ignoring temporary modifiers. [player.getav luck]
11F0 GetKillingBlowLimb Which BGSBodyPart: IMB_ENUM received the killing blow
11F1 ShowBarberMenu
11F2 ShowPlasticSurgeonMenu
11F3 TriggerLODApocalypse
11F4 GetWeaponHealthPerc
11F5 SetWeaponHealthPerc
11F6 ModWeaponHealthPerc
11F7 GetRadiationLevel
11F8 ShowAllMapMarkers tmm Shows/hides map markers (1 shows, 0 hides)(1 travel(default), 0 no travel)(1 all, 0 all but hidden(default)).
11F9 ShowChargenMenuModValues scgmod
11FA ResetAI
11FB SetRumble Creates rumble in the controller (left motor) (right motor) (duration)
11FC SetNoActivationSound Set the sound to play when activation fails (Sound)
11FD ClearNoActivationSound Clear the activation failure sound
11FE GetLastHitCritical
11FF PlayMusic
1200 SetLocationSpecificLoadScreensOnly
1201 ResetPipboyManager
1202 SetPCToddler
1203 IsCombatTarget
1204 RewardKarma
1205 TriggerScreenBlood tsb Trigger screen blood
1206 GetVATSRightAreaFree
1207 GetVATSLeftAreaFree
1208 GetVATSBackAreaFree
1209 GetVATSFrontAreaFree
120A GetIsLockBroken
120B IsPS3
120C IsWin32
120D GetVATSRightTargetVisible
120E GetVATSLeftTargetVisible
120F GetVATSBackTargetVisible
1210 GetVATSFrontTargetVisible
1211 AttachAshPile
1212 SetCriticalStage
1213 IsInCriticalStage
1214 RemoveFromAllFactions
1215 GetXPForNextLevel
1216 ShowLockpickMenuDebug slpmd
1217 ForceSave
1218 SetSPECIALPoints
1219 AddSPECIALPoints
121A SetTagSkills
121B AddTagSkills
121C Sin
121D Cos
121E Tan
121F Sqrt
1220 Log
1221 Abs
1222 GetQuestCompleted GetQC
1223 ForceTerminalBack
1224 PipBoyRadioOff
1225 AutoDisplayObjectives
1226 IsGoreDisabled
1227 FadeSFX FSFX
1228 SetMinimalUse
1229 SetPCCanUsePowerArmor
122A ShowQuestStages SQS
122B GetSpellUsageNum
122C ForceRadioStationUpdate FRSU
122D GetActorsInHigh
122E HasLoaded3D
122F DisableAllMines
1230 SetLastExtDoorActivated
1231 KillQuestUpdates KQU
1232 IsImageSpaceActive
以上出处为 |