- 贡献度
- 465
- 金元
- 34073
- 积分
- 5267
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2009-7-8
I recently managed to unlock all the rewards of the blood season league. Skins and equipment.
But I will not add them all to the database of the program version v1.2, since this is a reward for fighting ONLINE. Not everyone wants to lose interest from playing online. But to grind the towers and re-open the krypt 100 times almost no one likes.
New equipment will be added to the database after the end of the league. Therefore, in one way or another, all these items can be obtained by everyone.
Separately, later, I will release a new version of the unlocker with a separate opportunity to get equipment from the league. How quickly this will happen - I do not know. I don't have much free time now.
Although if everyone showered me with donations - I will throw everything and I will make a new version League赛结束后,大概会有新工具。作者没有太多时间,鼓励大家多多捐款。 |