本帖最后由 cailei110 于 2019-3-10 11:35 编辑
Increases the number of total slots you can have per weapon type to 100, (94 for bows because the arrows have a reserved slot each.)
Hestu has been updated to increase the number of slots he upgrades per upgrade tier(number of seeds per upgrade is unchanged.)
Important Notes:
This will not add the slots of upgrades you have done before installing this mod.
The quick-select menu will only display the original game's maximum amount of slots, so if you want to switch to a weapon in one of the new slots, you will have to use the inventory menu.
When upgrading with Hestu, the animation that plays of the slot appearing in the inventory screen will be wrong, however, the upgrade will still function.
From the second page of slots up to the last, it will always display all slots as available, even if you haven't unlocked them(you won't be able to store weapons on them, though).
Arrows will not be displayed on the inventory screen after you unlock page 2(you can still check how many you have by using the quick-select menu.)
More slot pages will only show up when you have your first page full.
From what I've tested, there aren't any glitches, but remember to ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR SAVE FILE in case something happens.
If someone wants to port this for Switch, feel free to do so, as long as credit is given.
Hestu info:
Melee Weapons:
1st upgrade: 1 slot;
2nd upgrade: 2 slots;
3rd upgrade: 3 slots;
4th upgrade: 5 slots;
5th upgrade: 7 slots;
6th through 8th upgrade: 10 slots;
9th upgrade: 15 slots;
10th upgrade: 18 slots;
11th upgrade: Last 10 slots;
Total upgradable slots: 91 + starting 8 + Master Sword = 100
1st & 2nd upgrades: 5 slots each;
3rd & 4th upgrades: 10 slots each;
5th, 6th & 7th upgrade: 15 slots each;
8th upgrade: Last 14 slots;
Total upgradable slots: 89 + starting 5 + 6 arrow-reserved slots = 100
1st through 5th upgrades: 2 slots each;
6th through 11th upgrades: 6 slots each;
12th through 16th upgrades: 10 slots each;
Total upgradable slots: 96 + starting 4 = 100
Last but not least, enjoy!
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