本帖最后由 小小柒柒 于 2018-12-8 13:56 编辑
from here
In this save all territories have been liberated and all story missions have been completed. ALL WEAPONS ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE REBEL DROP, as well as almost all the vehicles from the game (there are about two vehicles missing from each category, these can be unlocked by completing the remaining stunts, of which about 1/3 are done). Hope you enjoy the save, will continue to update as I unlock more and more. Feel free to ask questions.
找到 Steam/userdata/你的用户名文件夹(一串数字)/517630 先备份好之前的存档,再将文件解压至此
CODEX版: 找到 我的文档\Square Enix\Just Cause 4\LocalData
把解压出来的remote文件夹里的文件放进去就行 (感谢9528117提供路径) 先备份好之前的存档,再将文件解压至此