[size=13.3333px]------ Patcher section -------
[size=13.3333px]This section controls some patches that the patcher need to do. Some of these patches may not be related with auras but are associated to the same identifier, "cus aura".
[size=13.3333px]My advice is that when you think of your trasnformation, you mentally separate the "Aura" part from the "Patcher" section: [size=13.3333px][size=13.3333px]In the aura section, you want to use the "Copy" button with the transformation (or character) wh[size=13.3333px]ose aura is [size=13.3333px]visually closer to your skill. In the patcher section, you want to use the Copy button with the transformation which is[size=13.3333px] functionally closer to your skill (if possible, the base).
[size=13.3333px]Behaviour 11:[size=13.3333px] This value tells the patcher to mimic the "behaviour 11" from one of the vanilla values (which go from 0 to 21, you cannot use a number outside that range).
[size=13.3333px]As to what it actually does... well, it seems that if this value gets the value from super saiyan skills (0,1,2), it will instruct the game to use dyt.emb color that SSJ use. Otherwise, the game won't load color or will load other, depending of the value.
[size=13.3333px]If you are updating a mod from 0.6 (which didn't have aura section), my advice is that you put the value you had in the aura field of cus tab here.
[size=13.3333px]Integer 2:[size=13.3333px] this is err... transformation index? Well, whatever it is, you should make this the index of your transformation. So, if you have a 3-stage trasnformation, put 0 in the first entry, 1 in the second entry, and 2 in the third. [size=13.3333px][size=13.3333px]Failing to put the proper value here may have undesirable effects on the "cancel" transformation text.
[size=13.3333px]Behaviour 10:[size=13.3333px] This value tells the patcher to mimic the "behaviour 10" from one of the vanilla values (which go from 0 to 21, you cannot use a number outside that range).
[size=13.3333px]This value... well, this value... just make it the same as behaviour 11. If the value is not the correct one, the transformation may have a bug in which the character will start transformed if the bcs partset the cus points to is empty.
[size=13.3333px]Integer 3:[size=13.3333px] this value somehow controls the change of portrait. Use the value "1" (not zero) on the first transformation, 2 on your second transformation (if any), and 3 on a third transformation (if any).
[size=13.3333px]Force teleport:[size=13.3333px] Some transformation skills (I think only super saiyan?) allow some charged attacks to make the character teleport to the enemy. By checking this box, you can instruct the patcher to make sure your transformation does it. (Notice that if you use the copy button, this value always become unchecked, even when copying super saiyan, that's because in those case the patcher don't need to do the patch, as in original ssj it happens naturally)
[size=13.3333px]Behaviour 13:[size=13.3333px] like other behaviours, it is a value between 0 and 21. This field controls the portrait change in character that have emb (non-auto battle portrait) and the transformation changes defined in hci. If you use a value of 0, and your character had an hci entry defined for SSJ state, the skill will make the game to use the emb index associated to the SSJ. A value of 1 for SSJ2 image, avalue of 2 for SSJ3 image.
[size=13.3333px][size=13.3333px]If you don't want the image of the character to be changed, use the value of some skill that doesn't change image, like 4 of Kaioken.
[size=13.3333px]Behaviour 66:[size=13.3333px] this can only be used if force teleport is set to false. It allows the skill to be identified as one of the original game skills in the bcm field "CUS_AURA" (old U_66). In most cases you want this to be -1, its usage is for very specific cases.
[size=13.3333px]Bcs hair color:[size=13.3333px] this allows to use a custom hair color available in the bcs. (in vanilla skills, only the SSJ blue skill makes use of this feature, since regular ssj use .dyt.emb instead)
[size=13.3333px]Set to -1 to disable, or choose a color from the "Get from" button. Please note, that even if the program allows you to choose the color from HUM.bcs and HUF.bcs, the palette of both should be identical (except if someone modded those), so if you are creating a transformation for CAC of both sex, you can expect the hair color to be the same.
[size=13.3333px]Note also that roster characters have a very different (and more limited) palette in the bcs, and that some of them don't even have colors palette for hair. You can always use genser to add colors to the palette if you are doing a transformation skill for a x2m character.
[size=13.3333px]In the future, more things may added to the patcher section, since the game seem to do a big amount of things with this value (although I didn't find any difference in most of them, which is why they haven't been added).
[size=13.3333px]And so, the skill part of the tutorial is done. You can download here the sample x2m: [size=13.3333px]Link[size=13.3333px].
Read more: [size=13.3333px]http://animegamemods.net/thread/1745/creating-skill-xv2-creator#ixzz5YsLqKwFN