- 贡献度
- 73
- 金元
- 54404
- 积分
- 5732
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2013-8-28
本帖最后由 kirkbaldwin 于 2019-4-29 22:35 编辑
Tomb Raider is clearly inspired by Uncharted, and that’s a good thing. Both feature over-the-top set pieces, both see their heroes make gigantic leaps of faith, literally, just barely clinging onto the ledge that leads to certain death below, or glory and fame if they can pull themselves up. When looking at a franchise to emulate, Tomb Raider could do a lot worse, and not much better. Uncharted 4 sold very well, as did its predecessors, some of them even named game of the year for their respective years. It’s not as if the genre has worn out its welcome – Naughty Dog is only ending the adventures of Nathan Drake so they can tell other stories. This leaves the perfect opportunity for Crystal Dynamics to own this space, and there isn’t a better candidate for that than the iconic 1990s heroine, who is poised to usher in a new era of diversity and equal representation.