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本帖最后由 Swatering 于 2018-9-6 15:47 编辑
我翻下那些debug 的语句吧,纯手打。有错误勿喷
ModifyBalance", "Changes bank balance by some amount", "ModifyBalance Amount, e.g. ChangeBalance -100 直接改显示余额
EarnMoney", "Change bank balance by some amount, and counts as earned", "EarnMoney Amount, e.g. EarnMoney -100" 余额增加收入金钱
SetSpeedMax", "Sets the speed to max", "SetSpeedMax 游戏速度设到最快。不知道最大是多少。
SetSpeedMin", "Sets the speed to min", "SetSpeedMax 设到最慢游戏速度
SetSpeedDefault", "Sets the speed to default (1x)", "SetSpeedMax" 设置普通游戏速度
SpawnPatient", "Spawns a patient next frame", "SpawnPatient 下一帧位置生成病人
SpawnSomePatients", "Spawns some (default 16) patients", "SpawnSomePatients [number] 生成默认数量16个病人
SpawnOnePatientWithEachIllness", "Spawns one patient with each illness", "SpawnOnePatientWithEachIllness 生成带已知的每种病症的病人各一个
SpawnGhost", "Spawns a ghost", "SpawnGhost 随机生成鬼混
SpawnGhostAtCursor", "Spawns a ghost at the cursor", "SpawnGhostAtCursor 鼠标位置生成鬼混
Die", "Make all characters dead", "Die 所有角色死亡
Poop", "Make all characters have an accident", "Poop 所有角色遭遇意外(比如摔倒等)
Sick", "Make all characters throw up", "Sick 所有角色呕吐
Thirsty", "Make all characters suddenly super thirsty", "Hungry 所有角色特别渴
Hungry", "Make all characters suddenly super hungry", "Hungry 所有角色特别渴
PixelateCharacter", "Makes the selected character pixelated", "PixelateCharacter 把选中的人物 像素化(8位症)
ApplyCharacterMask", "Apply Character Mask", "Apply Character Mask 没懂
SpawnMonoBeast", "Spawns a MonoBeast at the cursor location", "SpawnMonoBeast 生成藏霉怪
RadioSkipToEnd", "Skips to the last 10 seconds of a song.", "RadioSkipToEnd 当前BGD跳到播放最后10秒
ModifyReputation", "Changes special reputation by some amount", "ModifyReputation Amount, e.g. ModifyReputation -100 修改声誉
CreateStaffChallenge", "Instantly creates a new staff challenge", "CreateStaffChallenge" 生成员工挑战
DumpStaffWorkScehdule", "Dumps out a log of all jobs in the work scheduler", "DumpStaffWorkScehdule 放弃所有的员工职责设置,即你改过的员工全部置空还是恢复全部我也不清楚
SetDayOfMonth", "Sets the day of the month", "SetDayOfMonth [Day] 设定几号。。1号发工资哦
SetMonthOfYear", "Sets the month of the year", "SetMonthOfYear [Month] 设定月份
SetYear", "Sets the year number", "SetYear [Year]" 设定年份
[collapse=DEBUG相关修改] [/collapse]
SetDebugFlyCameraEnabled", "Sets whether debug fly camera is active", "SetDebugFlyCameraEnabled [true|false] 设置debug空中摄像头启用,估计角度会比游戏摄像头更高
LoadLevel", "Loads a level with a given ID", "LoadLevel LevelID 开启 第X关
GenerateAssetIDCSV", "Generates the asset ID CSV file", "GenerateAssetIDCSV 生成资产物品ID的EXCEL表格到本地
Language", "Set the current language", "Language [code] 改游戏语言
CreateChallenge", "Instantly creates a new challenge with the index into the ChallengeManager playlist", "CreateChallenge <name>, e.g. CreateChallenge Earthquake 生成地震、火山等随机事件
LogCurrentChallengeScore", "Logs the current challenge score breakdown", "LogCurrentChallengeScore 记录已经挺过的 事件
StopAllChallenges", "Stop any further challenges from starting", "StopAllChallenges 关掉所有随机事件发生
TogglePatientSpawning", "Toggles patient spawning on/off", "TogglePatientSpawning 切换病人生成功能开关
Unhappy", "Make all characters suddenly unhappy", "Unhappy 所有人物不高兴
SetAttributeOnAllCharacters", "Sets an attribute on all characters to some amount", "SetAttributeOnAllCharacters [attribute name] [value] e.g. SetAttributeOnAllCharacters Hunger -100 修改人物的 饥饿、渴、高兴、健康、卫生等数值
OpenHospital", "Open hospital", "OpenHospital 医院开门
CloseHospital", "Close hospital", "CloseHospital 医院关门
UnlockLevelIllnesses", "Unlocks all illnesses that are defined for this level", "UnlockLevelIllnesses 开启当前关卡所有疾病
UnlockAllIllnesses", "Unlocks all illnesses", "UnlockAllIllnesses 解锁所有疾病
RunPatientSpawnSimulation", "Runs a spawn simulation X times to help balance weights", "RunPatientSpawnSimulation [simulations] [patients] 执行病人生成程序 可控制疾病种类及病人数量
DeleteCollaborativeProjectFiles", "Deletes the remote storage for your collaborative projects", "DeleteCollaborativeProjectFiles 不懂
AbandonCollaborativeObjective", "Abandons current collaborative objective if there is one", "AbandonCollaborativeObjective 不懂
DebugKillCharacter", "Kill the character currently selected", "DebugKillCharacter 杀人
DebugDestroyCharacter", "Destroy the character currently selected", "DebugDestroyCharacter 删掉人物
SetCharacterToiletFull", "Set the selected character's toilet attribute to full", "SetCharacterToiletFull 设定人物非常想上厕所
SetCharacterBoredomFull", "Set the selected character's boredom attribute to full", "SetCharacterBoredomFull 设定人物十分无聊
SetCharacterEnergyEmpty", "Set the selected character's energy attribute to empty", "SetCharacterEnergyEmpty 设定人物能力条空
SetCharacterHungerFull", "Set the selected character's hunger attribute to full", "SetCharacterHungerFull 设定人物饥饿满
SetCharacterLitterFull", "Set the selected character's litter attribute to full", "SetCharacterLitterFull 设定人物满身垃圾
SetCharacterThirstFull", "Set the selected character's thirst attribute to full", "SetCharacterThirstFull 十分饥渴
SetCharacterHappinessEmpty", "Set the selected character's happiness attribute to empty", "SetCharacterHappinessEmpty 幸福值空
SetCharacterHappinessFull", "Set the selected character's happiness attribute to full", "SetCharacterHappinessFull 幸福值满
RemoveCharacterSkinOverride", "Remove Character Skin Override", "Remove Character Skin Override 去掉病人的病症表现。即你无法从外观判断某些疾病,因为大家都一样
AddStaffXP", "Increase the selected staff member's XP", "AddStaffXP 增加员工经验
SetStaffRank", "Set staff member's rank level", "SetStaffRank 设定员工职称“见习”“初级”“高级”什么的
SetStaffRequiresTraining", "Set staff member requires training", "SetStaffRequiresTraining 设定员工需要培训,新加一个技能槽
StaffResign", "Make the selected staff member resign", "StaffResign 员工辞职
StaffThreatenToLeave", "Make the selected staff member threaten to leave", "StaffResign 员工威胁辞职
ApplyDamage", "Applies damage to the room item", "ApplyDamage 房间内物品损坏
SetMaintenanceLevelFull", "Set the selected room item's maintenance attribute to full", "SetMaintenanceLevelFull 维修值满 即毋须维护
UpgradeItem", "Upgrades the selected room item", "UpgradeItem 升级物品
CompleteDiagnosis", "Completes diagnosis and sends patient to treatment room", "CompleteDiagnosis 对病人完成诊断并送去治疗
AssignQualification", "Assign qualification to staff member", "AssignQualification 对员工赋予技能
ClearQualifications", "Removes all qualifications on the staff member", "ClearQualifications 清空员工技能
MarkForPromotion", "Sets the selected character as ready for promotion", "MarkForPromotion 员工可以晋升
AssignTrait", "Assign trait to character", "AssignTrait 给任务赋予特质,比如那些治疗加幸福感5什么的,暴躁,饿怒症什么的
ClearTraits", "Removes all traits on a character", "ClearQualifications 清空任务特质
SetHiresFlavourTrait", "Assigns the specified flavour trait key to the first doctor in the hire menu", "SetHiresFlavourTrait <TraitNumber> <Gender> 对招聘列表里的第一位医生赋予某个特定的特质以及性别,估计有些特质有性别限制
AssignGuiltTrip", "Assigns the specified guilt trip key to a character", "AssignGuiltTrip <TraitNumber> <Gender> 同上,罪恶感相关
EditHospital", "Edit hospital layout", "EditHospital 编辑医院地界
BuyPlot", "Buy a specific hospital plot", "BuyPlot 购买一块空地
SellPlot", "Sell a specific hospital plot", "SellPlot 卖出一块空地
OffsetLandscapeItems", "Offset all landscape items", "OffsetLandscapeItems X Y 关闭地面景观物体,即正常游戏无法控制那些停车场之类的东西
NukeLandscapeItems", "Deletes all landscape items containing tag", "NukeLandscapeItems <tag> 摧毁所有地面景观物体
DestroyItems", "Destroys all room items containing tag", "DestroyItems <tag> 摧毁房间里的物品
NumItemsWithTag", "Prints number of items matching debug tag", "DestroyItems <tag> 对各种道具标记上标签
DestroyAllRooms", "Destroys all rooms", "DestroyAllRooms 删除所有放假
LoadRoomLayout", "Load room layout config file", "LoadRoomLayout 加载保存过的房间
SaveRoomLayout", "Save room layout config file", "SaveRoomLayout 保存当前房间模型
SpawnRequiredStaff", "Spawn required staff", "SpawnRequiredStaff 补满当前所需要的职业空缺,没抓鬼的清洁工就给你补个抓鬼的,以此类推
ReloadRoomLights", "Reload Room Lights", "Reload Room Lights 重新调节房间亮度
AutoReloadRoomLights", "Auto Reload Room Lights", "Auto Reload Room Lights 自动重新调节亮度
PlaySoundEventEndlessly", "Play and loop a Sound Event Endlessly", "Play and loop a Sound Event Endlessly 循环一个特效音。不是BGM。
SetWorkLifeBalance", "Sets the staff work life balance slider", "SetWorkLifeBalance <type> <rank> <slider> 设定员工休息条,游戏里按4,看员工信息里的那个休息条
LogStaffRecord", "Logs the current staff record for the current year", "LogStaffRecord 记录当前年份的员工信息
RetroEveryone", "Make all characters have retro effect", "RetroEveryone 所有人物变成初代主题医院风格
DisableAllCharacterVisualModes", "Disable all visual modes on all characters", "DisableAllCharacterVisualModes 无法点击人物镜头跟随
SaveScenario", "Saves current level scenario", "SaveScenario 保存当前剧情
ShowHospitalEventLog", "ShowHospitalEventLog", "ShowHospitalEventLog 展示医院事件记录
PushCursorVaccinate", "Activate Vaccinate Cursor", "Activate Vaccinate Cursor 鼠标变成打疫苗的状态
ToggleLevelCamera", "Toggles level camera on/off, to be used when other cameras are available", "ToggleLevelCamera debug镜头开了之后,调整镜头切换
ToggleDebugLevelCamera", "Allows greater pitch angles on the level camera", "ToggleDebugLevelCamera 允许镜头到达更高角度
DisableAA", "Disable Antialiasing", "DisableAA
EnableSMAA", "Enable Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing", "EnableSMAA
EnableFXAA", "Enable Fast Approximate Antialiasing", "EnableFXAA
EnableTAA", "Enable Temporal Antialiasing", "EnableTAA
DisableLargeRT", "Disables Large RT for capturing", "DisableLargeRT
EnableLargeRT", "Enable Large RT for capturing", "EnableLargeRT <scale>
ToggleShadowCulling", "Toggle the shadow culling optimisation", "ToggleShadowCulling[/collapse]
AssignQualification {definition.NameLocalised}", "Assign qualification <staffName> to staff member", "AssignQualification 赋予技能
AssignTrait {definition.GetShortName(Character.Sex.Male)}", "Assign trait " + ((UnityEngine.Object)SharedInstanceUtils.GetSharedInstance(definition)).name + "to staff member", "AssignTrait 赋予特质
"AwardStar", "Awards star to current level", "AwardStar 奖励星星
AwardSilver", "Awards silver to the player", "AwardSilver 没懂
UnlockEverything", "Unlocks everyting in the game i.e. levels, rooms, items", "UnlockEverything 解锁所有物品
UnlockAllLevels", "Unlocks all levels in the game", "UnlockAllLevels 解锁所有关卡
LockAllSilverItems", "Locks all silver items in the game", "LockAllSilverItems 锁定所有银色物品
UnlockAllSilverItems", "Unlocks all silver items in the game", "UnlockAllSilverItems 解锁所有银色物品
LogFoundationValue", "Prints information about the foundation value", "LogFoundationValue 保存投资的记录
ToggleAddWallBackFace", "Toggles adding a wall back face programmatically", "ToggleAddWallBackFace 开启小窗增加墙体纹理
ToggleUseDefaultWallPrefabs", "Toggles using default wall prefabs for performance testing", "ToggleUseDefaultWallPrefabs" 开启墙体使用默认的纹理