本帖最后由 ufoktv 于 2019-4-24 20:35 编辑
Inf.Movement Lord
Inf.Movement Hero
Inf.Population Surplus
Inf.Public Order
Fast Research
Fast Recruiting
Fast Construction
Instant Skill Cooldown
God Mode
Add 1000 Exp
Set Money
Set Influence
Set Skill Points
Inf.Wind Of Magic
Recover Troops Size
First activate trainer then click on any character you want to add exp or skill points to , then use the editor by clicking on Game Editor Button
The Trainer should be Activated (aside from Money/Exp) in the main menu
F1>启动修改器 F2>领主无限移动 F3>英雄无限移动 F4>无限人口 F5>重置军队大小 F6>无限军队人口 F7>快速研究 F8>快速招募 F9>快速建造 F10>技能立刻冷却 F11>无限弹药 F12>无线风之魔法 数字键0>无敌模式
按下"show game editor"开启属性修改 设置金钱 设置影响力 设置技能点 设置经验