- 贡献度
- 6
- 金元
- 10633
- 积分
- 1087
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2017-4-3
Cheat Code
give [character] xp [amount] – Give yourself more experience. (It says XP. It means skill points. Works with standard character codes OR the ‘party’ pseudo-character to gift everyone SP.)
give party [schematic] [amount] – Armor Schematics (Valid schematic items are the same as for the Imbue command. That is: AmourOil, ArmorWebbing, HardenedLeather, ArmourPadding, or ArmourOintment)
weather [type] – Change Weather (Valid options are Clear, Sunny, Rainy, Snowy, Overcast, Thunderstorm, Blizzard. )
giveallskills [character] – Unlock All Skills (Uses the normal character codes.)
pimp – Instant Homestead Upgrades
upgrade – Instant Homestead Upgrades
upgradeall – Maxed Homestead
setpower # – Gives Power (Just give it a number, it should set to exactly that amount.)
setprosperity # – Gives Prosperity
advancetime (amount) – Control Time (This will change the current time by the number of hours you specify. NEGATIVE NUMBERS ARE LEGAL. That is, advancetime -24 will set the clock BACK by 1 day. Be slightly cautious with this, as you can get your hird starving real easily if you make massive adjustments.)
spawn character – Spawn Character
spawn party – Spawn Party |