- 贡献度
- 9
- 金元
- 2282
- 积分
- 264
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2016-5-14
纯转载 就懒得翻译了 比如可以自定义敌人各种属性倍数 自己再加难度 特技也可以像奥义一样按住不动按顺序出 修改人物模型 P1控制所有人等等
The Party Members & Stats(v2) script uses a different injection point so that it works at any time, as long as the game isn't "PAUSED". The original one is in "Generally unused codes" section if this one doesn't work for you. The Arte Usage script has been placed under the Artes section. The Enemy Book script has been renamed Enemies Defeated and placed into the Enemy Book Data section.
All Hidden/Seraphic Artes Equippable -A script that makes all normal hidden/seraphic artes equippable by all characters. YOU HAVE TO USE THE Artes -> All Artes Available(v2) code FIRST!
Artes -> All Artes Available(v2) -A code that makes all artes available to a party member(permanent if you save your game). NOTE: You DON'T toggle the box; select the dropdown option in the "Value" section of this code.
-The Artes dropdown list had 3 or 4 incorrect values for the artes, so those were corrected. Added Zaveid's Heaven or Hell, Alisha's Blasts and Soulstoke Celebration. Added some notable enemy artes/spells/MAs as well.
Battle Action -> Support/Defense/Tech/Arm/etc -A script that allows you to activate a specific Battle Action(even if you don't have it or its not available yet). This even works in the middle of battle(hit RT in the main battle menu screen to access). There's also a code that enables the NG+ only Battle Action options(Double Damage, Triple EXP, etc). Just select the only dropdown option in the "Value" part of the "All Grade Shop BAs Available" code.
Arte parameters(basic) -A script that lets you view some in-depth information about a specific arte. Just go to the Artes menu and place the cursor on an arte when this code is on. Although there is more information for some entries if you toggle the box, NEVER leave it toggled when returning to the game, as it will mess up the offset when changing the entry.
Enemy Book Data -A script that lets you view/alter information in the enemy book(which, of course, are the parameters use when they enter battle). You can change things such as HP/Atk/A.Atk values, enemy size, run speed, and their skill(like the party's equipment skills).
Enemy Stat Multiplier(v2) -An enemy stat multiplier script, based on difficulty. Also can alter the enemy's casting speed and their attack-wait time. v2 no longer requires you to fight a battle; just being in the field should show this information.
Echinda; Jade/Sophie Enc Info -Two scripts that allow you to alter the battle to enemies of your choosing.
Fill NULL Description - Prevents freezing from enemy artes in the menu due to no description(offset for most enemy descriptions points to zero) . Fills description with the arte name(only artes with no description).
Wind Hunter's Haircut -> Zaveid, no hat - Wind Hunter's Haircut takes Dezel's hat off of Zaveid.
Auto-model Change - preps Sorey/Rose to the correct models when using the "Sorey/Rose -> <char>" scripts. Just (1) enter the menu and (2)access the Fashion menu. Yes you need to do both.
Sorey/Rose Armatus Voice - will voice armatus artes when used outside of armatization. Other characters will also voice artes outside their normal access(with their own arte voices though, e.g. saying "Rock Lance" or "Things are getting heavy." when using Twin Flow with Edna)
Sorey/Rose -> <char> - option 1. changes the character's model. option 2. changes neutral battle animation. No voices though =0(.
Every Martial Arte Charges to Next Arte - holding the "seraphic artes" button after a martial arte will automatically use the next arte in the chain, unless it already has a subsequent arte assigned to it.
Every Martial Arte Charges to Prev Arte- same as the above code, only going backwards. Hidden Artes still charge to next arte like normal. Edna and Dez/Zav have 1 "NULL" entry in-between the normal and armatus artes. Be careful when using this one.
Every Martial/Hidden Arte Charges to Prev Arte(v2)- both Martial and Hidden Artes will charge to its previous arte in the chain. v2 prevents charging beyond the scope of a character's NORMAL artes(i.e. armatization artes still reverse into other char's artes) and will stop when reaching the char's first arte.
Every Martial/Hidden Arte loops to itself when Charged- charging an arte will do the same arte again(still counts as an action). Looping an arte into itself greatly increase the prorate on stagger time for the arte.
Sorey/Rose Stance - just gives them armatus base animations(neutral/stagger/guard stance, free run, quickstep, casting/cast animations only)
No Arte Pause- game does not stutter/freeze during hits when the playable character uses an arte.
Quickstep Distance- Alter the distance you quickstep. Must have the "Longer Step" Battle Action on. The game's default is 1.3(but the script initializes it at 1.6).
Minimum Damage - All hits are 1 damage for friend and foe alike.
Increase Stagger Time - Sets the stagger time of every arte to 24(frames). Changed from 40 to match the 3 stagger-time-added bonus skills Sordzmin, Knyte, and Paladeen. Does not 'auto-knockdown' like the bonus skills. Note that stagger time is added as an overall amount of time per arte, which eventually scales down. The 24 frames is based on 60fps tzfix version. Use the Unprorated Stagger Time script for to add unscaled stagger time to the enemy.
Slot 1 Control All Chars at Once(in Battle)- when playable char is in slot 1, control all 4 characters simultaneously. Discovered "by accident", so I can't say why if it doesn't work for you.
Party Check(BETA)- prevents some of the game's many "checks". It's in BETA status because the game may crash under certain conditions(usually forced armatization entrances at battle start). You can un-toggle any of the boxes and leave only the ones you need toggled, if they're giving you trouble.
Arena- WAS something I was working on. Might be useful for later. I won't go in-depth unless someone asks, but it allows you to mess around with the Arena data(enemies, their placement, etc.). You must toggle the box, THEN fight in any arena(game only loads this data when arena is accessed). The data under this code should auto-populate. The Master Arena auto-Configuration, when toggled(after the data auto-populates) makes Sorey's arena into difficult team arena battles. This may not work. Need people to test to see if it does. Un-toggling that box returns the entries to normal.
Still looking as to how to get enemy voices to work. I do have some inkling about this data and how it may work. Any help is appreciated.