Internal Quest Name | English |
Tito_Duel | Dance with Tito |
Stahlbart_FollowINQCave1 | Through The Rat Cave |
Eusebio_HisDebts | Eusebio's Debts |
Elia_BringRoots | 10 Bloody Roots |
Venturo_GuideVillageToTemple | Follow Venturo to the Temple |
Player_FindStahlbartsArtefact | Steelbeard's Artefact |
Location_MAB_SmallCamp | Corrientes' temporary storage place found |
Asad_BringFood | A Hungry Slave |
Player_FindTreasure_MAB_Jungle | The Treasure on the Hunting Grounds |
Largo_Shirt | Largo's Shirt |
Angus_IsDead | Angus is Dead |
Player_FindStahlbart | Find Steelbeard |
Location_CRY_Isle | Caldera found |
Player_HasWavedancer_Hilt | Unknown |
Hanu_CannotFish | The Beast in the Lake |
Stahlbart_KillFireBirds | Firebirds Blocking the Bridge |
Nahele_FreeFromCurse | The Artist's Curse |
Patty_FollowToCay | Follow Patty |
Datu_Question1 | Datu's First Question |
Stahlbart_FollowToEGB | The Natives |
Eldric_CollectGargoyleEggs_STI | Gargoyle Eggs |
Patty_TalkToSebastiano | Talk to the Commandant |
Roquefort_MessageToPirates | Pirate Post |
Booze_MessageToInq | The Sugar Trade |
Jim_GetHisHair | Ouch! |
Patty_NesirsGrave | The Pirate Grave |
PH_VenturoPuertoIsabella | Venturo Is in Puerto Isabella |
Eldric_TempleOfAir | The Air Temple |
Jamila_BringChili | Nice and Spicy |
Slayne_SuppliesForHisShip | Ship's Equipment |
Zeki_TheStolenThief | The Thief Has Been Robbed |
Patty_DLC3StartReport | A Bad Feeling |
Slayne_FollowToShip1 | Follow Slayne Outside |
Venturo_PlunderBasil | Basil's Chest |
Player_SmithWavedancer | Wave Dancer |
Sebastiano_4GunsAgainstCrow | 4 Muskets Against Crow |
Milad_Container | Container |
Location_TOW_Isle | Water Temple found |
Jaffar_ToBuildARaft | Build a Raft |
Player_GetLITabak | The Snuffbox |
Player_GetLIPeg | The Peg Leg |
Player_FindTreasure_SWC_Graveyard | The Treasure in the Natives' Graveyard |
Location_SWC_PuertoIsabella | Puerto Isabella found |
Player_GetChili | Fire Peppers |
Player_UsePasswort | Open Sesame |
Stahlbart_FollowEGB3 | Over the Pass |
Venturo_ScoutVillage | Among Savages |
Player_Got4Jade | 4 Pieces of Jade |
Tahana_FollowToIdol | The Search for the Idol |
Location_TRI_Isle | Treasure Isle found |
Garcia_DiscoverMasquerade | Garcia's Masquerade Uncovered |
OBrian_GetHisMap | O'Brian's Treasure Map |
Tito_KillHisPigs | The Pigs from Puerto Isabella |
Player_FindTreasure_IOD_Grave | The Treasure in the Tomb |
Player_GetBarrels | Storage Barrels Found |
Akando_FreeFromCurse | The Thief's Curse |
Slayne_FollowToTreasure | Treasure Cave |
Eldric_KillFirstGargoyle_IOT | First Gargoyle on the Isle of Thieves |
Player_GetVoodooDollBakir | A Doll for Bakir |
Player_GetMeat | Stolen Loot |
Patty_HerPage | Patty's Diary Page |
Stahlbart_FollowToInq | Crow's Ship |
Player_GotoTakarigua | To Tacarigua |
Player_CollectBlackLotus | Black Lotus |
Player_BuildSilverIron | The Silver Iron |
Player_GetLIMask | The Silver Mask |
Martinez_EnterCave | In the Cave |
Wilson_HisPawn | The Pawned Pistol |
Player_PunishHarlok | Harlok's Betrayal |
Player_FindTreasure_IOT_Cave | The Treasure in the Cave |
Garcia_FindHisTreasure | Garcia's Treasure |
Player_KillAlligatorBeast | The Beast Is Dead |
Slayne_HisTreasure | Slayne's Treasure |
Location_IOD_Arena | Arena found |
Location_TRI_Boat | Port on Treasure Isle found |
Motega_FollowHim | Follow Motega |
Miguel_CollectCrates | Cargo Crates for Miguel |
Location_SWC_ToE | Earth Temple found |
PH_CS_Old_New_Enemies | Unknown |
Location_ANT_City | Harbour town found |
Harlok_BringPages | The Deal with Harlok |
Player_FindTraderClothes | Sturdy Clothes |
Valdez_HiddenValley | The Hidden Valley |
Player_FindTreasure_SWC_FirstTemple | The Treasure at the First Temple Ruin |
Booze_RumSupplies | Take the Rum to Antigua |
Hawkins_HireHim | The Fourth Crew Member |
Slayne_Follow2 | The Way Up |
Player_FindTreasure_TRI_Sokbart | The Map to Sokbart's Grave |
Player_CollectAllArtefcts | The 4 Artefacts |
Eldric_KillAllGargoyles_STI | Gargoyles on Storm Island |
Location_CRY_Fortress | Crystal Fortress found |
Location_ANT_MacsTower | Mac's tower found |
Butch_VoodooControl | The Butch Puppet |
Player_Lianes | Vines |
Morgan_TheCoxswain | The Helmsman |
Martinez_AgainstCrow | Martinez Is In |
Patty_DLC2StartReport | The Rumour Mill |
Eldric_TheLastSpring | The Last Geyser |
TreasureIsland_Quests | Treasure Isle |
CrystalFortress_Quests | Caldera |
Player_AttacksTempleOfEarth | Assault on the Temple |
Player_GetLIBottle | The Bottle of Memories |
Location_MAB_MaracaiCity | Maracai village found |
MaracaiBay_Quests | Maracai |
Player_FindTreasure_MAB_Valley | The Treasure in the Hidden Valley |
Stahlbart_KillBlueClawMonkeys | Monkey Business |
Player_NakedBodies | The Naked Corpses |
Largo_Boots | Largo's Shoes |
Player_KillHarloksCrew | Harlok's Entourage |
Milad_Child3 | Child3 |
Player_ReturnToCarlos | Talk to Carlos |
Samir_Duel | Are You Worthy? |
Location_IOT_Isle | Isle of Thieves found |
Hakeke_Follow3 | Follow Hakeke to the Cave |
Player_OpenRightTreasure | The Correct Chest |
Hikoko_FollowToCave | Accompany Hikoko |
Crouse_Marooned | The Marooned Sailor |
Stahlbart_FollowINQ5 | Farther Toward the Coast |
Ranapiri_KillBeast | A Dangerous Beast |
Player_HasSoulCaller_Hilt | The Sword's Hilt |
Eldric_BringGargoyleEggs_ANT | The Brood |
Player_KnowsBestHideout | The World's Best Hiding Place |
Ulvi_TheLostGnome | The Lost Gnome |
Location_ANT_WaterSpring | Spring found |
Daiki_HalmakDuel | Get Rid of Daiki |
Tahana_FreeHim | Free Tahana |
Player_FindTreasure_SWC_Fall | Jim's Treasure |
Player_GetVoodooDollSebastiano | A Doll for Sebastiano |
Sebastiano_Sends2Venturo | The Lookout's Report |
BountySlaves_Killed | The Rebels Are Dead |
Location_IOT_Boat | Port on the Isle of Thieves found |
Venturo_GuideToIsabella | Follow Venturo to Puerto Isabella |
Player_CollectGargoyleEggs_ANT | Strange Eggs |
Chani_Puppet | The Puppet |
Slayne_FindHim | Find Captain Slayne |
Datu_Question3 | Datu's Third Question |
Player_KillEntranceWarrior | The Warriors in Front of the Temple! |
Patty_GetRidOfGuards | Liberate the Ship |
Sophia_BringWine | Red Wine |
Player_KillCaveScouts | Hidden Lookouts |
Player_GetStahlbartsDiary | Steelbeard's Diary |
Location_SWC_GameStart | Port on the Sword Coast found |
player_EnterArea_NavZone | Go to the Corner to the Right of the Stairs |
PH_VenturoScouts | Unknown |
Slayne_FollowToShip3 | Follow Slayne to his Ship |
Location_STI_Barrier | Storm Island barrier found |
Chani_Sends2Temple | Access to the Temple |
Player_KillGorillasTRI | Hidden Enemies |
Player_GetAllANTSupplies | Ship Fully Equipped |
Player_HasKingSword_Hilt | Unknown |
Eldric_CloseMagicSprings | Magical Geysers |
Stahlbart_FollowEGB5 | Just a Little Farther |
Player_EntersTreasureIsland | The Journey to Treasure Isle |
Datu_AskAboutProof | Talk to Chaka Datu |
Badriya_GatherVillageGoods | Four Offerings for Kanadiktu |
Patty_FindSWCPage | The Temple Ruins |
Garcia_FindSecretAccess | The Secret Entrance |
Player_SilverIron_Grip | Unknown |
Storekeeper_Flotsam | Flotsam |
Player_HasWavedancer_Blade | Unknown |
qh_Duel | Defeat qh |
Player_KenansBlackFeather | The Black Feather |
PH_Donovan_DuelWithPistols | Unknown |
Location_MAB_YagulGrave | Ancestral Grave found |
Curtis_NewGuard | The Water Carriers |
Eldric_KillAllGargoyles_MAB | Gargoyles at Maracai Bay |
Patty_LoadShip | A Few Barrels of Water... |
Player_FindTraderMisc | Provisions |
Eldric_BringGargoyleEggs_MAB | The Brood at Maracai Bay |
Zaalu_Follow2 | Follow Zaalu Through the Jungle |
Player_FatOlga_Grip | Unknown |
Garcia_KillAngus | The Deserter |
Antigua_Quests | Antigua |
Patty_BrowseGarciasStuff | Search Garcia's Possessions |
qh_Report_qh | Give the Word! |
Player_GetVoodooDollJim | A Doll for Jim |
Player_EnterTreasures | The Mangrove Jungle |
Player_Shaganumbi | The Shaganumbi Tribe |
Patty_JouneyToStormIsland | The Journey to Storm Island |
Venturo_AttackTemple | Forward March! |
Location_ANT_Fisher | Fishermen's hut found |
Patty_TalkToStahlbartsGhost | Talk to Steelbeard's Ghost |
Player_CollectGargoyleEggs_MAB | The Gargoyle Eggs at Maracai Bay |
Thompkins_KillWarthog | A Fat Roast |
Ranapiri_FollowToTahana | Follow Ranapiri Farther Inland |
Location_CRY_PattyBeach | Beach found |
Hikoko_FindJade | Hikoko's Jade Cave |
Player_FindTreasure_MAB_Beach | The Treasure on the Pirate Coast |
Player_KillCrow | The Fight Against Crow |
Martinez_KillJaguar | The Jaguar Cave |
Player_Marooned | Marooned |
Player_EnterIsleOfTHieves | The Journey to the Isle of Thieves |
Eldric_BringGargoyleEggs_SWC | The Brood on the Sword Coast |
Location_SWC_Isle | Sword Coast found |
Cordobar_GarciasShip | Garcia's Ship |
Location_IOD_Altar | Altar of Transition found |
Location_SWC_GraveYard | Graveyard found |
Teleport_Quests | Locations |
Eddie_ShipsKobold | The Hobgoblin |
Mac_GotPaket | A Package for Mac |
Datu_WhoIsNextChaka | Chaka Datu's Legacy |
Largo_BlackPearl | Largo's Black Pearl |
Osorio_BringPatty | Kitchen Help |
McLaine_PlunderChest | A Difficult Chest |
Jim_CollectFloydsStuff | Master Thief |
Player_FindTreasure_TRI_Stubbings | The Map to Stubbings' Grave |
Player_GotShaganumbiIdol | Shaganumbi Idol Found |
Player_CollectGargoyleEggs_SWC | The Gargoyle Eggs on the Sword Coast |
Largo_ReturnClothes | Largo's Clothes |
Hank_Duel | Settling the Score with Hank |
Zaalu_ThreeQuestions | The Three Questions |
Player_FindTreasure_SWC_Beach | The Treasure on Puerto Isabella Beach |
Stahlbart_FollowINQ2 | Firebird Hunt |
Player_BecomesPirat | Become a Pirate |
Bartolo_FindRifle | The Shotgun |
Player_HasSoulCaller_Blade | The Blade |
Milad_Parent | Parent |
Grace_FunForWilson | Pure Luxury |
Player_GetKeyTRI | The Chest Key |
Largo_GuideToPirates | Follow Largo |
Kapua_Jade | Jade |
Location_STI_SmallCamp | Crouse's storehouse found |
Player_TalkToTowerPirates | Talk to the Pirates at the Tower |
Ranapiri_FollowToJungle | Follow Ranapiri into the Jungle |
Player_FindPasswort | The Password |
Largo_Clothes | The Clothes of a Pirate |
Palomo_BlackDog | Black Dog |
Player_KenansYellowFeather | The Yellow Feather |
Location_TRI_MonkeyTrap | Gorge found |
Player_EnterJadeCave | The Jade Cave |
Tahana_FollowToJungle | Through the Jungle |
Player_KillAlligators_TRI | Kill All the Alligators on Treasure Isle |
Player_BuildFatOlga | Fat Olga |
Osorio_DeliverGrog | Grog for the Guards |
Location_IOT_GnomeCity | Gnomes' village found |
Kaan_KillGnomeEater | The Gnome Eater |
Donovan_DuelWithPistols | Shooting Match with Henri |
Patty_FindLostPages | The Lost Diary Pages |
Patty_FindHarlok | The Sleazy Cook |
Stahlbart_WhereIsCrowsShip | Where Is Crow's Ship? |
Gilles_ReportThompkins | Let Thompkins Know! |
Stahlbart_FollowEGB2 | Farther Inland |
Player_FindTreasure_TRI_Ramsay | The Map to Ramsay's Grave |
Zak_Duel | Beat 'Em Up |
Player_GotMap_MAB | Map of Maracai |
Player_CollectSugar | 7 Sacks of Sugar |
Location_CRY_Council | Council building found |
Chani_HiddenIdol | The Hidden Idol |
Stahlbart_FollowINQCaveBackTo4 | Back to the Beginning |
Bones_StopPreaching | Unwanted Sermon |
Cassandra_Calculation | Scrolls, Books and Shelves |
Location_IOD_Entrance | Entrance found |
Eldric_TheSwarm | The Swarm |
Bones_TheSecondEgo | The Split Soul |
IsleOfDeath_Quests | The Isle of the Dead |
Valdez_Expedition | The Expedition |
PLayer_FindGarciasLog | Garcia's Logbook |
Player_Driftwood | Driftwood |
Potaka_LastProofDuel | Duel with Zaalu's Halmak |
Chani_TriggerHerInterest | Chani, Daughter of the Chieftain |
Stahlbart_BringRum | The Rum's Got to Come |
Eddie_WitchingHour | The Witching Hour |
Player_GetLIBook | The Pirate's Almanac |
Location_STI_ToA | Air Temple found |
Player_CollectVillageGoods | The Shaganumbi Offerings |
Nuri_Communicationproblems | Lost in Translation |
Hakeke_BackToVillage | Back to the Village with Hakeke |
Location_SWC_JadeCave | Jade Cave found |
Rick_GotTreasureHint | A Treasure on Antigua |
Largo_FreeLargo | Freeing Largo |
Player_CaptureGarciasShip | Seize Garcia's Ship |
Crouse_PlunderChest | A Chest Full of Eggs |
Hakeke_FourFeathers | The Four Feathers |
Dara_FindKoraka | Where Is Koraka? |
Motega_KillSilverback | The Silverback Is Dead |
Daiki_LastProofDuel | Duel with Hakeke's Halmak |
Player_OwnsShip | A New Ship |
Yagul_HealGraves | The Graves of the Ancestors |
Koraka_KillPirates | Plunderers at the Ancestral Grave |
Zaalu_BackToVillage | Back to the Village with Zaalu |
Fence_PlunderGrave | Old Grave Plundered |
Eldric_BringGargoyleEggs_TAK | The Brood on Tacarigua |
Player_GetLIFlask | The Flask |
Sancho_NeedsFood | Got Anything to Eat? |
Player_GetLIMirror | The Hand Mirror |
Venturo_GoToOutpost | Follow Venturo into the Valley |
Rick_BringHimHome | There's No Place Like Home |
Player_GetLIPowder | The Powder Bag |
Player_KillSunkenOne | The Traitor and the Beast |
Slayne_Follow1 | Along the Beach |
Eldric_TheBarrier | The Barrier |
Location_TRI_Mangraves | Mangroves found |
Player_FindTreasure_ANT_Cave | The Treasure on a Rocky Plateau on Antigua |
Location_IOD_Isle | Isle of the Dead found |
Player_CollectGargoyleEggs_TAK | The Gargoyle Eggs on Tacarigua |
Eldric_BringGargoyleEggs_IOT | The Brood on the Isle of Thieves |
Nakutu_Paranoid | The Suspicious Tonka |
SwordCoast_Quests | The Sword Coast |
Player_GotWilsonsPistol | Wilson's Pistol |
Cooper_Swords | Blades for Cooper |
Player_EscapeFromIOTCave | A Way Out of the Cave |
Player_FindTreasure_TRI_Wallace | The Map to Wallace's Grave |
Milad_Child2 | Child2 |
Patty_ThirdCrewMember | The Third Crew Member |
Eldric_KillGeneral | The General |
Akando_OpenChest | Akando's Chest |
Slick_GatherFood | The Shipment for Crow |
Player_SmithTempest | Stormwind |
Egas_TombRaider | Grave Robbers |
Hakeke_Follow2 | Follow Hakeke Through the Jungle |
Player_EntersMonkeyTrap | The Monkey Trap |
Player_EntersRightWay | The Path of the Righteous |
Player_CollectGargoyleEggs_IOT | The Gargoyle Eggs on the Isle of Thieves |
Stahlbart_FollowINQ4 | Farther South |
Stahlbart_FollowINQCave2 | A Terrible Feeling |
Player_MaracaiBay | Maracai Bay |
Daiki_DuelFollow | Follow Daiki to the Ritual Site |
Player_GetLIComb | The Comb with One Tooth |
Rick_FindHim | Where Is Rick? |
Location_TAK_VascosTower | Vasco's tower found |
Duncan_RescueHim | The Missing Fisherman |
Floyd_PayHim | Redistributing the Loot |
Player_PointOfNoReturn | Help Against Crow |
Largo_Bandana | Largo's Bandana |
Location_ANT_Isle | Antigua found |
PH_Morgan_Triathlon | Pirate Triathlon with Morgan |
Skinner_PickPocket | Distract Skinner |
Player_FindTreasure_STI_Hill | The Treasure on Storm Island Plateau |
Slayne_ShowDown | Showdown with Slayne |
Datu_Question2 | Datu's Second Question |
StormIsland_Quests | Storm Island |
Player_KenansBlueFeather | The Blue Feather |
Booze_BringSugar | The Sugar Shipment |
Player_FindGarcia | Following Garcia's Trail |
Martinez_HelpHimHunt | Jaguar Hunt |
Location_IOT_SlayneCave | Treasure Cave found |
Player_GetLIGallow | The Hangman's Noose |
Location_ANT_Grotto | Large grotto found |
Slayne_FollowToShip2 | Follow Slayne |
Player_GetShipBack | Where Is My Ship? |
Martinez_Hunting | Unknown |
Player_GetLIDagger | The Voodoo Needle |
Butch_Defeat | Give Butch a Thrashing |
Stahlbart_FollowEGB4 | Down into the Valley |
Garcia_TheGreedy | The Greedy Captain |
Sophia_GoodImpression | A Good First Impression! |
Osorio_BringMeat | Meat for the Cook |
Bones_ReportBonesGhost | A Message from the World of the Living |
Player_HasTempest_Hilt | Unknown |
Zaalu_TheClaw | Paws for Zaalu |
Isabella_Trophies | Trophies |
Tao_DrinkOfFalseDeath | The Potion of False Death |
Spencer_RumSupplies | Procure Fresh Supplies from Tacarigua |
Bartolo_AgainstCrow | Bartolo Is In |
Kurt_NaviTest | Unknown |
Player_MakeVoodooDoll_Butch | Create Butch's Voodoo Doll |
Takarigua_Quests | Tacarigua |
Patty_SabotateCannon | Sabotage |
Lopez_Recruit | Three New Recruits |
Zaalu_Follow1 | Follow Zaalu |
Blake_KillGiantScorpions | Crab Slapping with Blake |
Player_HasIdolsMalaika | Grave Idols |
Booze_FollowMeeks | Night-time Pursuit |
BrokenItems_Quests | Weapons |
Hikoko_FollowBackToVillage | Back to the Village with Hikoko |
Player_HasKingSword_Blade | Unknown |
Location_SWC_ToA | Temple of the Ancestors found |
Player_GetLIWing | The Parrot's Wing |
Natsumi_GatherHerbs | Natsumi's Bag of Herbs |
Player_PuertoIsabella | Puerto Isabella |
Eldric_KillFirstGargoyle_ANT | A Winged Fiend |
PH_Stahlbart_DrinksAtTower | Unknown |
Motega_HelpHimHunt | The Hunt |
Mercutio_BringBarrels | Storage Barrels from the Wreck |
Jaffar_GetAuriCulci | Jaffar's Auri Culci |
Player_GotMasks | Golden Masks Collected |
Location_TAK_PuertoSacarico | Puerto Sacarico found |
Torres_TradeStatue | Bartering |
Jack_KillAnts | The Termite Plague |
Venturo_KillBasil | Basil Is Dead! |
Slayne_TheSmart | The Cunning Captain |
Player_BecomeHalmak | Become Halmak of the Maracai |
Player_SilverIron_Barrel | Unknown |
Slayne_Follow3 | The Cave Is Not Far Off |
IsleOfThiefs_Quests | The Isle of Thieves |
Eldric_KillAllGargoyles_SWC | Gargoyles on the Sword Coast |
Location_IOD_Temple | Thief's Temple found |
Player_FindTempleOfWater | The Water Temple |
Player_GetLICoin | The Old Coin |
Player_CollectGraveAsh | Grave Dust |
Player_GetLIRattle | The Broken Rattle |
Eldric_BringGargoyleEggs_STI | The Serum |
Player_FindTreasure_ANT_Beach | The Treasure on Antigua's Western Beach |
Player_KillEarthTitan | The Earth Titan |
Player_SmithSoulCaller | Soul Caller |
Location_TAK_JacksTower | Jack's lighthouse found |
Patty_FindTAKPage | Steelbeard's Notes |
Player_KillGiantCrabs | Kill the Threatening Giant Crabs |
Potaka_DuelFollow | Follow Potaka to the Ritual Site |
player_EnterArea_AreaZone | Go to the Sunken Ground! |
Player_KenansWhiteFeather | The White Feather |
Location_TAK_PiratesDen | Pirates' Den found |
Player_FindTreasure_SWC_Jaguar | The Treasure in the Valley of the Jaguar |
Datu_KillBlackHunter | The Black Hunter |
Rick_PowderKegs | Powder Kegs |
Stahlbart_FollowINQ1 | To Puerto Isabella |
Sebastiano_InterrogateHawkins | Interrogate Hawkins |
Datu_TheLastProof | The Final Test |
Player_EnterRealmOfDeath | The Journey to the Underworld |
Player_CollectCrates | Cargo Crates |
Player_FindTreasure_ANT_Grotto | The Treasure in the Grotto on Antigua |
Stahlbart_FollowINQ6 | The City Gate Is Not Far Off |
Player_HasTempest_Blade | Unknown |
Player_TalkToStahlbartsGhost | Steelbeard's Ghost |
Slayne_FollowToShowDown | Meet Slayne at Blood Oath Square |
Player_FindPiratesDen | Find the Pirates' Den |
Morris_Duel | Fight for the Hat |
Natsumi_KillAlligator | The Evil Spirit of the River |
Player_FindTreasure_IOT_Beach | The Treasure in the Sea |
Slayne_LeftAntigua | Slayne Leaves Antigua |
Kusko_FreeFromCurse | The Warrior's Curse |
Sophia_BringMasks | Golden Masks |
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