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本帖最后由 aiai0321 于 2016-12-2 19:27 编辑
一个蛮有意思的MOD 增加了背刺效果 现在你可以从背后直接干掉敌人 也可以徒手抱起敌人直接撂倒。。终于不用再看NPC各种专业摔跤姿势了 现在你也会了
如果你使用的远程武器 请按ALT(默认)
你也可以在敌人没发现你的前提下~从正面或侧面攻击 根据你攻击的角度不同 会有不同的动画效果 比如直接抱起来撂倒或者枪托直接砸脸
刚看了下 压缩包里只有一个ESP呀? 下完直接NMM 然后把汉化的覆盖 卡带在化学台直接自己造 ,如果要开V还要MOD干嘛?就是潜行过去背后直接干 貌似也可以藏在一个角落等人过来 根据你下手的角度不同会触发不同的动画 我在试着汉化CROSS 所以没怎么玩这个 有啥问题就试着调整下排序,游戏会优先考虑排在下面的MOD
Version 0.5
Works on humans and non-feral ghouls.
Settings Holotape
- Must be crafted at the chemistry station (recipe available in the "Utility" category).
- Allows enabling/disabling stealth kills with Ripper, Suplex killmove, Pommel Strike for one handed and two handed separatedly, and allowing/preventing the player to instakill companions.
Melee weapon killmoves (bladed or blunt)
- Use normal attack to perform these killmoves
Unarmed killmoves when rifle or pistol is equipped and holstered.
- Activate via power attack key (L ALT on PC by default) while your weapon is holstered.
- Uses the neck break (from behind), suplex (from behind + 3rd person only + allowed in settings), judo throw neck break (front attack + 3rd person only), front choke (front attack + 3rd person only), or 3 punches to the face (front attack only).
Killmoves with Pistol grip / Rifle butt / Rifle with bayonette.
- Activate via power attack key (L ALT on PC by default) with the weapon unholstered.
- Uses the pistol bash to face (front attack), pistol bash to back of the head (from behind), rifle butt hit to the face (front attack), rifle butt hit to back of the head (from behind), rifle bayonette stab (front attack, 3rd person only).
Ideas and thoughts to consider for the next version of this mod.
1.) Alternative plugins
Each providing different ways of activating the killmoves (normal attack, Mr. Sandman-like secondary activation key, ...others?), and maybe even slightly changed functionality.
2.) Make it dependant on some perk (optional)
Currently proposed to make it dependant on the Sandman perk.
Maybe bladed killmoves on perk level 1, and additional pistol grip / rifle butt kill moves on perk level 2, to make it unneccessarilly complicated? ;-)
Anyway, this should be alternative plugin version that people can choose during installation.
3.) Consider allowing killmoves with some non-human targets
Personally, i dont like this idea too much, because i do not think the player should be able to sneak up on a deathclaw, or a willd dog, etc., but i dont mind this to be an optional setting.
Also, feral ghouls make total sense - they are basically humans, only they smell a bit worse than your average raider, and their senses should be a bit duller too (plus, being basically human, same methods should kill them too - that is, if the paired killmoves actually can work with ghouls).
4.) Consider ways to allow the killmoves during normal combat (not sneaking).
This has to be an optional feature, because it will be probably too OP (depends on how its done though).
There should be some logical natural restrictions applied to this, but i am not yet even sure where to start.
Ideally, it should work similar to my old Kill With Skill mod for Skyrim, but i doubt the same approach will work in Fallout 4.
This is rather low on my list, due to high uncertainty of possible proper implementation.